Looking for chick lit recs

Mar 13, 2011 12:40

I am on the mend but still sick and I realized a long time ago I don't really feel like watching dramas when sick - I find it hard to read both subs and watch things at the same time when my mind is turned to slush, plus all the overwrought emo gets on my nerves (much as I love it when am otherwise healthy).

My favorite drug of choice when ill is chicklit. Normally, my favorite genre is historical and other non-fiction and my Kindle is loaded with books on far-away empires like the Tang or the Aztecs, biographies of long-dead American politicians or essays on North Korea. But when sick, my brain power diminishes considerably and I cannot possibly follow discussions of roles of geographical plateaus in kinds of kinship groups practiced by pre-Incan societies.

No, what I crave when sick are chick lit books. Not romance (though light-hearted romance is fine too) but chick lit - something preferably modern, light and funny, with not too much (or any) melodrama or villains. Maybe something set in England or some other place I really like that is both somewhat familiar and endearingly remote. With the working girl heroine who finds her rich fun Prince Charming, goes shopping, and has a bunch of cooky friends. I am OK with some romance, too but nothing set further back than mid 18th-century, and modern day much preferred. Also, no major angst and few sex scenes - reading about people voluntarily engaging in bodily acrobatics of the sort that would lend me in the hospital under my present condition is sort of off-putting.

I have loaded my Kindle with Jill Mansell, Katie Fforde, Donna Kauffman and Connie Brockway (yes, period romance, not strictly chick lit, but the one book of hers I read was light fluffy fun. The one I got this time is called As You Desire) but any more recs?

What I would ideally like, though this is not chick-lit, is something like Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody series. The thing is, I am too ill to ransack the house looking for them and buying them on Kindle when I have them in hard copy is extravagant and wasteful. I don't own her latest Peabodys but that is because I don't care for them. Maybe something like that, though?

Sick one needs to know.

flist love, book recs, books

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