After ep 1 I am addicted to Bad Love. Is it quality? Heck no. Is it entertaining? Wildly so.
Meet our Heroine, arriving at some fancy hotel for an event - she is a cellist. Enjoy her smiles, something tells me they will become scarce soon.
Meet Hero and his Girlfriend. They are about to engage in the sexiest make-out scene I've ever seen in a kdrama. I couldn't believe my eyes the censors let this one go. Did I mention that said make-out happens in a glass elevator where everyone can see them? My kind of couple!
Heroine, who seems mildly retarded, yells for them to hold the elevator and is shocked - I tell you shocked - that they do not. I mean - how surprised can you get that a pair of blatant exhibitionists who are about to get groiny don't let you in the elevator with them? And why would you want to be with them? Are you planning to join in? Yes please. Another elevator will be down in two seconds, crazy woman. I am left with a distinct impression that I would prefer the Sexy Girlfriend as the heroine of this piece. But I suppose I will have to put up with Hero finding undoubtedly and sadly pure love with dim Heroine.
And we are off, in every sense of the word. Somebody is getting quite busy while riding *ahem* the glass elevator in a huge very crowded hotel. (Side note - mmmmm, Kwon Sang Woo. I know he is quite polarizing but he does it for me in a BIG way. He always looks like he knows his way around a woman. Heh. I find him ridiculously sexy. Ridiculously. He totally falls in the category of "I would totally have a one-night stand with him in a nanosecond. But will then check myself for every STD under the sun.")
Toto, we are not in Kansas any more! Or a kdrama, either!
Is it hot here or is it just me?
Downstairs, Heroine gets into another elevator with a gentleman I will now refer to as Eeyebrows. No make-outs occur.
Sadly, we have Parentus Interruptus! That is why you should have gone to your room, dummies. Or to a hotel not owned by his family! Clearly someone is not thinking with the head which is on top.
I love Dad's horror. Shouldn't he be happy his scapegrace son is at least making out with (a) a woman (b) of age of consent (c) who is his steady girlfriend? Oh, Daddy, it could be so much worse for you...
He smacks his kid around and insults his gf. Stay classy, old guy!
A-ha! It turns out Eyebrows is some sort of family member of Hero and reads him a lecture. Hey, Eyebrows, he ain't the one about to commit adultery. Granted, he is not married to a violent shoplifting harpy from hell, but still...
Hero and Heroine meet again - he accidentally hits her with a soda can. You know, I keep being SO BORED with the heroine. But then I don't care for Lee Yo Won at all - she always fades into woodwork in any drama I've seen her in - her costars always outshine her. She is gorgeous, though.
She runs into Eyebrows again, and it's lust love at first sight.
Hint - if a gorgeous rich guy sweeps you off your feet, just verify he isn't married first. Just sayin'.
Eyebrows is a smooth operator because by the end of the day he gets Heroine into bed. Recap - they met this morning, she knows nothing about him but his name and the fact that he owns a yacht. Oh, and Korea is a very conservative society. A one-night stand is not that unusual in the US but it strikes me here as either (a) Eyebrows has impressive skills of persuasion or (b) Heroine is as naive as an infant because she does not strike me as someone sexually liberated who thinks it's a pure one-night stand with no follow-up or relationship of any sort. No, it must be luuuuuuuurve with a total stranger.
Anyway, they do it on his yacht and she doesn't get sea-sick. I am impressed.
Afterwards, Eyebrows and Heroine enjoy their post-sexual bliss.
Well, until he eventually tells Heroine he can't see her any more because he's married. Ooops.
Hero sees Heroine weeping and goes to console her. He tells her the best revenge on someone who dumped her is to forget him utterly and live happily. Good advice. Even if gotten from a total stranger under a bridge. If I were Heroine, I'd worry he'd start panhandling next.
However, when Heroine gets home, she discovers sexy though adulterous Eyebrows outside her home drenched in rain. He tells her he will get a divorce. Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
Especially since Eyebrows forgot to mention that he is married to Hair - an insane rich woman whose hive-like hairdo reflects her inner insanity. She is a violent shoplifter who hits the staff who catch her shoplifting over their heads. FEAR HER!!!!
So you can imagine what Hair does when she finds out her husband strayed. Yup, she tracks Heroine down in performance hall, breaks her violin, and beats Heroine up with a stick. Heroine is ridiculously meek during this whole event - I'd have been pulling Hair's hair out and kicking her in the shins, myself.
She also gets Eyebrows and Heroine thrown into prison for adultery. Oh, Korea!
But sadly, despite Heroine's trust and Eyebrow's promises, once they are released (quickly), he completely ignores her and walks off with his wife. He probably knows he is too pretty to last long in prison. He just watches as Hair harrasses poor Heroine, from his swanky car. Awwww, what a manly man you are! DIE!
As they drive off, our Heroine feels a first bout of nausea. Could she be this disgusted by Eyebrows? This terrified of Hair? Or...don't tell me! Could is be that she is PREGNANT!!! Clearly, asking Eyebrows to use a condom would have been too much and ruined their special spell...
Verdict: this drama is officially bugfuck INSANE and I totally LOVE it!