Twilight and request for book recs

Nov 14, 2008 13:18

I cannot wait to watch Twilight. It evokes the same repulsed fascination that a trainwreck does.

It will be so deliciously bad.

I fully plan to find a like-minded person and watch it with her (Mr. Mousie, alas, flatly refused to watch it with me, sensibly, if joy-bustingly pointing out that to pay money for a movie you fully expect to be atrocious is a bizarre form of entertainment).

In less crazy news, I woke up with a craving for some historical fiction. I've been reading mainly nonfiction lately (latest being Voices of protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin and the Great Depression. Excellent and highly recommended) but all of a sudden fiction is what I crave.

I need recs badly. I don't care about time period or geographic location (though swords are a bonus). And I would prefer for the novel to be romantic but I don't want a romance novel because 99% of the time those end up boring me to tears and I just end up reading the ahem parts, and this is so not what I am looking for with this :)

movies, twilight, books

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