Snow White: Now with 100% more kissing

Jan 03, 2008 10:03

Episode 2 owns me.

ETA: Heh. She now thinks he is gay. LOL. LOLOLOLOL And is relieved.

Here she is 'testing'

While he is all 'WTF?'

And I am WTFing at his jacket:

ETA: And he uses this to scam money :) I shouldn't love him but I do.

ETA: Now, because they have no money and it's cold and he is (she thinks) gay, this drama gives me sleeping in the same bed. By ep 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes.

ETA: She finds out he scammed her and throws him out LOL. He is such a kid and so is she.

ETA: And then she drags him back because she is worried his brother will be mad. LOL.

Check out the outfit:

And his leather pants:




ETA: She just saw her crush kiss that glam reporter and she is wearing that stupid costume because she misunderstood the party instructions, and she is just standing on the roof and Sun-Woo is totally worried though he doesn't want to let on and she is so sad and talking about knowing what it feels like to kiss someone you love, and how he wouldn't know because he is young, but then 'I wouldn't know either' and it's the first time we've seen her defeated...

ETA: ...

ETA: ........

ETA: And he leans forward and kisses her.

ETA: *is dead*

ETA: *dead*

ETA: And she is frozen and walks off silently...

ETA: return and to stomp on his foot. LOL. Because it was her first kiss (AWWWWW)

ETA: So?

ETA: SO?????


ETA: Because he kisses her again.

ETA: And says, 'now it's your second so it should be OK' or something like that. Dead.

Here she is in her sad little outfit:

He sees her on the roof:

He can't believe her outfit:

She starts talking about never having been kissed:

EEEEE! He turns her around to face him:


She walks away:

And comes back and stomps on him:

And is all 'Jerk, it was my first kiss!'


And he is all 'now it's your second, so it shouldn't matter.' *dead*

snow white, doramas, lee wan

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