Snow White ep 2: Lee Wan could probably be declared an illegal substance in several countries

Jan 02, 2008 23:05

Snow White ep 2 rocks incredibly hard.

And not just because of this:

This drama is so good that I am liveblogging and picspamming.

ETA: she is still wearing Lee Wan's underwear. Now, there is a fangirl fantasy right there :)

ETA: I like her best friend, so funny.

ETA: She is fired for being super-strong, LOL. But the boss is being mean to her, telling her she isn't pretty enough to model. But I love how she is so undaunted. LOL. You rock, girl!

ETA: Her friend wants to make out with bf, so heroine is all grumpy on the roof and is all 'why did they pick my house, don't do it if you don't have money for a hotel.'

ETA: Heeeee, she is reading condom instructions.

ETA: YES! Friend brings over Sun-Woo (Korean Haru) to stay. LOL. LOL. And is all, 'it's OK, he is five years younger than us, and doesn't like girls.' Uh-huh. And she needs the money so...

ETA: I think I will expire from the hotness:

ETA: check out the chains:

ETA: Could Sun-Woo get any more my fictional thing. He apparently is an adrenaline junkie who likes to jump between buildings for fun.

ETA: And I like his friends, who run the ramen shop.

ETA: Young-hee (heroine)'s friend is LOL-worthy. She totally thinks Sun-Woo is hot and is also amused by him.

ETA: Excuse me.

ETA: ....

ETA: ...

ETA: I think I swallowed my tongue. Sun-Woo is all asleep and half-naked and OMG those shoulders! And arms! And chest! And six-pack. Screencap time.


Except you can see it better on big screen and with DVDs :)

ETA: He is woken up by her loud morning exercises. Which she does in her Mickey Mouse jammies. Thus allowing us another glimpse at the abs. Thank you, kdrama TPTB. You never lose sight of what is important.

ETA: And now she is squinching her eyes tightly shut at the sight of all the male nekkidness. But is peeking. And he notices and is all 'should I strip?' LOL

ETA: She cannot cook. At all. She basically lays out all these prepackaged microwave meals. I love her.

ETA: He goes: "Ma'am. You can't cook? How old are you?" Marry me, drama.

ETA: He finds a stuffed bear in her freezer and asks her if that is what she eats. After our marriage, drama, we are going to have babies.

ETA: They fight for candy and she fall on top of him and 'You are kinda heavy.' Oh, so much love for this.

ETA: You know, joking and hormonalness of Lee Wan's hotness aside, I love that she can be herself with him, no pretending or trying to be someone else like with his brother: she is her own dorky, unfeminine, uncooking, hyper self. And he can be himself and also doesn't have to put shileds up because she, unlike all the other girls we've seen interact with him, doesn't view him as this sexything, personality irrelevant. She just sees him as this amusing/irritating person (it's very Kyohei from Wallflower, actually). If he does have a thing about women being untrustworthy and shallow, than this is probably pretty neat for him. Plus, let's face it, she is totally immature, she needs someone younger.

ETA: She demands money and uses it to get a lame ring from a coin machine. And they are bickering. LOVE.

ETA: I swear, they are five years old. Combined.

Battery is about to go, so no more liveblogging for today, but never fear, am still watching like mad :)

snow white, doramas, lee wan, liveblogging

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