I shamelessly stole this meme-type format from
meganbmoore and modified it a bit.
What I post on:
Currently, and for the past year+, this LJ has largely been a drama-zone, a.k.a. everything you never wanted to know (but soon will, bwahahahahaha!) about those nifty Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Taiwanese TV-shows with unitary storylines, weeping hotties, and outfits of doom.
I do post fairly regularly on Bollywood (Indian movie industry), current Hollywood movies that catch my fancy, and any anime/manga I happen to get into at the moment.
I also go through spurts of loving on English-language entertainment too, whether it's my old fandoms (Farscape, Firefly, Roswell) or new shows that happen to catch my fancy (Doctor Who, Moonlight etc).
You chances of convincing me to get into the Asian music scene, with the shiny sequins, and the creepy back-up dancers, and the boyband RPF? Nil.
Type of posts:
Usually, I like to meta. A LOT. Give me a fictional work of nonsensical genius, and all my desire to analyze comes out. I also love to post screencaps and other pictures of attractive things, sentient or non.
I love to get others hooked on my current obsessions thus a lot of posts are rather evangelizing in nature.
I fic, sometimes, though not often. But being artistically challenged, no icons or banners for me.
I tend to read a lot, as well, and do a lot of travel. I sometimes post pictures and impressions from the latter, but only rarely talk about the former, because Mr. Mousie and other RL friends take good care of my opportunity to blab about books.
As I am sure you have discovered by now, I post a lot. It's either that, or inflict all that babble on nearest and dearest. Usually it's because I am either so hyper about something that I must share it right now, or because I am bored. Or an excuse to find pics of cute guys.
Oh baby. I make a lot. Those pesky fast fingers. I try to go back and get them, but who knows. Yes, I do know how to spell and apologies in advance.
I find them fun to read sometimes, but the chances of me ever doing a proper meme, even if tagged, are about as large as those of Doctor Who showing R-rated material or of a Korean drama getting through its run without at least one eye-gougingly bad outfits. A.k.a. don't hold your breath :)
Ah yes, the irony, since the above response IS in a meme.
Occasionally I like making polls. They have shiny red colors! And ticky buttons. But usually the urge passes with few harmful results.
I am in a lot of comms, but don't really participate in most of them, using them merely as bookmarks. Probably because I am not into any fandom, per se. I used to be active in the Veronica Mars comm way back when. Now, about the only comm I am really active in is
dorama_chat, general drama babble group. (I get to be a mod, wheeeeeeeeeeee!)
Friends Only Posts:
I make very few friends only posts, as this is really a fannish LJ. Usually they are related to my squee over Mr. Mousie. I don't know most people on my LJ in person, and thus if you do know me in person, any 'personal' details probably shouldn't be discussed in open posts. A.k.a. no annoucing 'Dangermousie's real name is Edna Grobowsek and she is 49 and lives at the North Pole' in a reply to '10 ways in which Joo Ji-Hoon rocks dark suits.'
I am a canon nazi. The end. The closest I ever came to uncanon shipping was Twdrama 'Bull-Fighting' where I preferred the alternative ship (the other guy who liked the heroine but whom she only saw as a friend). And even there, i didn't expect it to happen or go looking for fic or whatever. If I don't like the canon, I will just not be interested in the show/movie/book, I won't make my own canon.
Seeing that I have been this way for more years than I can think of, I am not going to change my mind. I don't care if it's the best Padme/Obi-Wan fic ever, I am not going to like it as it's an OC pairing. I don't care if you have persuasive arguments as to why Veronica and Mac are the best OTP ever. They are not canon, so I won't switch. I don't care (obviously) if people prefer an UC pairing or story turn, but I won't change my mind about it.
Fanon slash holds no interest for me. See above point re: canon nazi. Plus, if I am in the 'fandom' at all, i.e. I like the canon, any fanon slash would be definition be against the canon set-up I liked in the first place, which either has the people paired with others, or with no one. (Do NOT get me started on anime fic slash which usually eviscerates the canon fic pairing. If I see another Toya/Yuhi fic, I am liable to kill someone).
And if I don't like the canon, why would I be interested enough to seek out fanon?
Canon slash? Not generally my bag (especially in manga, where they often feminize one of the men) but I might be convinced. One of my favorite novels is 'The Charioteer,' which is the discovery of love by two gay British military officers during WW2.
I am not really 'in' a fandom per se. I like hanging out in my little corner.
The only thing better than good fic is bad fic. That way you get to mock.
I am open to new fandoms. I just need some angst and some OTP and some hotness.