
Dec 02, 2007 00:27

Mr. Mousie and I watched the first episode of Blackpool together.


I have the BBC America edition, so how long is an ep? Because the ep was 45 or so minutes long and I want to know if they cut stuff out. It's it's cut out, I'll get uncut elsewhere.

Thoughts: I am in love with David Morrisey. Seriously. Ripley Holden is a total bastard: cheating on his wife, crooked and bribe-full, un-pc and loutish. But oh my God, he is so fun to watch. Totally electrifying (though I still recoil a bit because I associate him so much with the totally creepy Bradley Headstone in Our Mutual Friend). Charisma to burn. And he is a good Daddy to his daughter. I can't help but love how he got rid of her twice as old as she is bf.

David Tennant just showed up near the end and it's lovely to hear his normal accent. The eccentric, eager detective (who litters, bad bad bad) is totally fun to watch. And is it me or does he and Ripley's wife have scary chemistry? Whoa.

I have to say, I don't think I care for the song thing. They come out of nowhere, interrupt the flow, don't add to the story, and the fact that it's the actors lipsynching to original pop singers is very distracting. But maybe I'll get used to it. It is rather awesomely FUBAR.

british tv, blackpool

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