Sapuri...still wonderful

Dec 02, 2007 12:12

I am on the tenth episode of Sapuri and it continues to be Best. Thing. Evah.


Though I want to smack Watanabe-san. When she asks Minami to give Yuya to her because she (Minami) has more than Watanabe? WTF!!!!!! He is not a thing, he can't be 'given.' Doesn't he have volition? UGH. And she is meanwhile prentending she is his friend and wishing him luck. Shutupshutupshutup.

I completely understand Minami's waffling, even as I want to hug Yuya and make it all better: this is a huge change, a bf, especially one who is so 'unorthodox.' But ohhhh, when she thought he told Ogiwara and he idn't and you can tell he thinks she is hiding him because he is a dirty secret. Poor darling, But I love that at the end of 9, she tells him she is proud of him and stretched out her hand (I had no idea which way she was going to go, and you can tell Yuya was expecting her to tell him she is breaking up).

Ohhhh, but that scene where he waited outside her apartment in the rain and she said she wasn't coming home (because of annoying Watanabe-san) and he looked like such a bedraggled puppy :( And he got sick from the rain later (and ohhhh, when he came over he brought a lightbulb because she mentioned one blew in her place. It's the little thing like this that kills me). And ohhh, she took care of him when he was sick, eeeee (though I love both her care and her initial desire to bolt).


But I've gotten to the irrational stage where whenever he is a little upset, I freak out. I am invested a bit too much in a fictional character.

Was the above even coherent?

sapuri, kame, doramas12

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