Dec 17, 2002 17:09
Hmmm, might have been a little remiss at keeping this chappie up and running. As such, here is a thumbnail potted-picture of my life in a nutshell:
1. Work (technology PR company) love me, but refuse to give me any more money. I am looking for another job, especially one which does not involve me pretending I know anything about computers. In the last few months two of my best friends here have left so I'm not enjoying it so much anymore, though I am now training new staff which is weird- I have a minion :)
2. I am going out with Fee, which most of you know already, but I thought it was well worth noting. This is very odd cos we have been friends for like five years, but I guess things like that happen every day. Odd yet cool. It's also odd cos I was single for three years before this, but that seems like a very very long time ago now.
3. Griff and I have retired from running the Vampire live roleplaying game so that the very capable Andrew and Colin (Netaltaego) can do all the hard work for a change. This is cool, but every so often I miss it.
4. Griff and I have started running other events loosely under the banner of our imminent new events management company. The first of these is a 1920's gangster game and seems to be gaining popularity which is very cool and the next one looks set to be a good'un (all readers welcome if they can get to Bristol- you included Nat ;)
5. My novel is wallowing in a mire of suddenly having a girlfriend/ social life/ free time, but I'm happy regardless so I don't mind. The ideas are still coming to me at the most inopportune moments, so that's a good sign. Mind you I spent £800 on a laptop with the express intention to finish the damn novel by February so I guess that's my bad.
6. I no longer live in a damp basement, having moved into a nice, well lit large top floor flat which I can't really afford. My flatmate still doesn't leave the house very much, but he's a good bloke so we'll let him off. My attempts to get him to leave the house/ x-box/ computer have so far failed. As have the laughable thoughts of getting him laid :)
7. I still wana go travelling next year, but I appear to have a larger debt than several parts of Africa, so that's looking fairly grim right now
8. I still haven't got a tatoo despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I know what design I want (anyone that's seen my ring- fnar- will know what I'm talking about)
9. I have been reading LJ pretty much every day for the last six months without ever posting once