prompt: Mortar

Jan 03, 2014 23:44

Stopping, she noticed the loose bricks, the mortar between them crumbling. The bricks were easily wiggled at her touch, so she one pulled out. Crumbly mortar became dust and three more fell out with it. She peered through the hole made in this wall along the street. This wall that was attached to nothing, which was some small remnant of a building gone. About 20 feet long and 10 feet tall. All she should see on the other side was the lot upon which this wall abutted. Instead, she saw blue sky, a bright meadow full of grasses and wild flowers and a tall, thick, very old tree. She blinked, stepped back and puzzled, moved back to the beginning of the wall. Looking around it she saw the empty, dirty, garbage strewn lot she had expected to see through the gap. She moved back to the hole she had made and closing her eyes she leaned in and took a deep breath. It smelled of wild growing things. Opening her eyes she saw again the meadow. She looked around her; the street was empty, quiet, dark with the night she stood in. She began wiggling more bricks loose, slowly pulling them from the wall and tossing them to the side. Having made a hole large enough to crawl through and dusty and covered in crumbled mortar she stepped back to inspect her work. The meadow beckoned. She looked around herself once more, then, stepping over her own corpse she crawled through and dusting herself off on the other side began walking across the grass to the tree on the far side. Behind her, the wall became dust, and blew away in the breeze.
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