Wax on, wax off:
At the wise old age of 12 I decided after much research in the matter I would not shave my legs, but wax them. And, being the intelligent and trusting girl I was, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to get my 10 year old sister to wax them for me.
I secretly bought the leg wax strips and Kathryn and I locked ourselves in the bathroom. Kath put the large strip of wax across my leg, it covered from my knee to my ankle and wrapped half the way around. And then? WE COULDN'T GET IT OFF. I mean we tried pulling it off and rubbing it off and scratching it off with our fingernails and even scrubbing it off with a scrubbing brush but it was glued onto that leg. I was crying and crying, thinking of how, seeings as I could NEVER tell Mum, I'd have to wear long pants for the rest of my life, living with the secret shame of a wax leg, the little infantile hairs preserved for all time!
I got my own back, thanks to the mystery of fate. Last year, Mum offered to wax Kathryn's eyebrows and as she was about to apply the strip to between Kath's eyes, it accidentally dropped in on her face and it stuck on her actual eye, pulling her eyelid upward all the way to over her eyebrow. She had one giant eye and one squinty one! She looked like something out of a horror movie!
(Kathryn, "normal".)