(no subject)

May 05, 2002 13:10

Backstreet's Back and Sides:
The online quiz epidemic is out of control. Not only am I a Twinkie ("Spongy, yellow, and an utter mystery, you're the X-file of snack foods!"), and "Lauging My Fat Arse Off" if I were an internet slang phrase (which, understandably, I do not feel very proud of - I mean what right does anyone have to call my arse fat after only five questions?), but today I did the quiz:


I mean, seriously, NSYNC hairstlye?! This is has gone too far. We need to set up an immigration policing system for the borders of Internet Land immediately, and have all future quizzes exiled to isle of the 3 1/4" floppy disk.

Save me! I am JC's Caesar Cut, and I CARE!
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