Title: Each touch belongs to each new sound (4/4)
Authors: EL and Toby
Fandoms: AAR, FOB, Panic
Pairings: Nick/Tyson, Pete/Ryan, Mike/Ryan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~32,000 total (god help us)
Summary: Ryan's good at fucking: it's the rest of it that sometimes confuses him. (mult. POVs)
Disclaimer: Never happened.
A/N: This is posted here, but Toby and I wrote this over IM TOGETHER for MONTHS AND MONTHS. It ate our brains and made us squealing, giggly girls. More than half the credit for this fic should go to Toby-- those of you that know her? Drop her an email and say nice job.
Thanks to all who who have read along, and we are so happy to have so many converts to the Church of Kennerty! I hope the end makes you as happy as it did us. *grin*
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4