Night 50: M61-M70 Hallway

Jul 09, 2010 16:37


Kirk went rummaging through his desk the moment Landel mentioned the "reward" in the drawer, but unless "Portal Ring" was some obtuse term for the metal circle which held the two keys which locked his drawer and the door to their room, there wasn't anything worth noting. (Although he had forgotten about the power packs in there, and quickly ( Read more... )

grell, von karma, kirk, ratchet, zex, guy, okita, ritsu, the doctor, hk-47

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Comments 74

M62 perfectrecord July 10 2010, 23:58:27 UTC
As the Head Lunatic's message over the intercom heralded the start of the night shift, von Karma unlocked his desk drawer, preparing to gather the items he might need to carry along for tonight's meeting. But before he opened it, Landel started babbling about some item awarded to certain members of each travelling party from the previous night. What was this about a "Portal Ring" bearing special properties of teleportation? From Landel's explanation of who would receive one, von Karma wasn't surprised that no such bauble was awaiting him inside his desk. However... he knew that at least Police Chief Gant or Chief Prosecutor Skye might have one in their possession... and possibly also his daughter or Mr. Gavin. Most likely, Mr. Ratchet did as well, but for now, von Karma had no time to tarry around in this room to inquire of dubious trinkets; he had more important matters to attend to tonight ( ... )


war_wounds July 11 2010, 02:42:26 UTC
Ratchet had to wonder what the point of swapping out one set of cloth coverings for another one was, but he'd learned not to voice those kinds of questions. Maybe Von Karma felt more like himself that way. Must be nice. Ratchet certainly couldn't feel more like himself by draping a different fabric over the bonebag he was trapped in.

With the slightest of nods and a grave countenance, Von Karma was gone for the evening. To do what, Ratchet didn't know or care. It was about time he got moving, too. Not that he knew where he was going or what, in particular, he should be looking out for, but the night only lasted so long. No point wasting it.

It didn't take as long for Ratchet to get ready. Armed only with his portable light, he stepped out into the hall.

Now then, where would a human hide something the size of an ambulance? Just because Von Karma hadn't seen his chassis didn't mean it wasn't in here somewhere.


arc_wrench July 11 2010, 08:35:04 UTC
HK was almost depressed enough by the start of the night that he might resort to a sigh (useless meatbag attempt at nuance through respiration) to express it. He hadn't gotten any confirmation from Lugnut about their plans, not to the point that suggested that there were any. Maybe the Decepticon had gotten into another fight over... something he found important (which, following that train of thought, was probably Megatron), and had gotten drugged or put in solitary confinement. Or maybe he'd been drawn for the brainwashing ( ... )


war_wounds July 11 2010, 16:05:33 UTC
Ratchet had gotten used to the idea that any humans roaming the halls carried a portable light with them, so when a voice suddenly addressed him from the darkness it was an unpleasant shock. Luckily, he caught sight of who it was before he actually bludgeoned HK.

"First of all," he snapped, annoyed at being spooked, "it's rude to creep up on a bot like that. And don't call me a meatbag again, or I'll find a way to make you regret it." He didn't need any more reminders of his current affliction than he already had, thank you very much.

"If I could access it, I'd tell you how my nav systems are doing." He tapped the side of his head as illustration. "I think you'll agree I'm in no shape to transmit a diagnostic query right now. Obviously." Not that he didn't try to access one system or another twenty times a solar cycle out of simple habit. It was disorienting every time it failed.


M63 notachick July 12 2010, 04:03:00 UTC
A ring? Okita had taken time to search his desk once the Head Doctor's message finished, but he hadn't found anything. That meant the ring was with Himura and, as much as Okita hated to think about it, that meant he'd have to play nice to ensure that the History Club received either Himura's or someone else's ring. Right now, sadly, he wasn't doing so well at playing nice.

Homura's order prevented Okita from leaving the room and the swordsman felt the weight of that invisible collar chafing his skin. Sai was out there somewhere and the Head Doctor, too, and Okita couldn't do anything but sit in his room. He had made a promise to Guy that he would procure him a sword and now that the weapon was coming, he wouldn't risk losing it.

Okita didn't even move to get dressed tonight. Instead, he remained at his desk, hands in his lap, trying to keep them from curling into fists as he stared impassively at his desk. Homura had better come soon, or Okita was afraid he might do something extremely unwise.


Re: M63 razing_phoenix July 12 2010, 08:30:15 UTC
It had been a long time since the head doctor had gotten quite so chatty at the beginning of a night, but Guy had been sure to listen to every word and take note of the information. Even though a search of his desk proved that he didn't have the ring, that meant that either Anise or Luke did. Hopefully they'd both made sure to check for it, then, but he probably wouldn't know for sure until tomorrow.

Okita apparently hadn't gotten lucky, either, but it seemed as if he was staying in for the night anyway. Guy was worried about him, and almost wanted to stay with him and keep him company, but he got the feeling that Okita was waiting for someone, and if that was the case then his presence wouldn't exactly be wanted ( ... )


Re: M63 razing_phoenix July 12 2010, 08:39:39 UTC
[To here.]


Re: M63 screwthegods July 19 2010, 19:28:54 UTC
[ From here]The trip back to the block that contained both his and Okita's rooms was short enough, but after tonight Homura knew he would need to make different arrangements. Even with only a few halls separating them, Homura had missed the swordsman the night before, with disastrous end only prevented by Himura's presence. He couldn't rely on luck, however; somehow, tonight, he would have to find a way to reign in Okita's irrational need for revenge. The man was too important to Homura, both personally and to his work, to be lost in such a futile struggle ( ... )


M61 mukuchi July 12 2010, 07:04:40 UTC
"Good luck," Mori said to Bridget as he left the room. Mori would have preferred to stay with the boy, especially since he didn't seem to be feeling very well, but for once he was on a tight schedule tonight. First, he had to ensure that everyone got to the kitchens alright. Then he had an appointment to keep for his newest training style. Whatever it took, Mori would grow stronger. He'd learn to protect Mitsukuni and his new friends - Tsubaki, Sai, Bridget, Natalia, Remy, Amaterasu (although as a goddess, did she need protecting?), Willy Wonka ( ... )


Re: M61 mukuchi July 12 2010, 07:10:47 UTC
[to here]


M70 gomenkudasai July 12 2010, 20:21:40 UTC
Ritsu jumped as the intercom crackled on, eyes growing wider and wider as the familiar and yet alien voice echoed through his room. He fidgeted as he listened, not understanding half of what was being announced, but feeling a sinking feeling in his stomach all the same. He held fast to his flashlight and watched the door, lip quivering softly as he waited for that ominous click.

Kagura had told him to come meet her today, rather than wait in his room until he could be collected - and though the young man would never dream of complaining about this decision, as he was sure his cousin had much more important things to do than to ensure he made it to their meeting place, he couldn’t help but be terrified at the prospect. His first night on his own had resulted in more than a little trauma, as he had been swiftly abducted and interrogated after exploring only one hallway. The knowledge that he had as much to fear from his fellow patients as from the monsters that supposedly lurked in the darkness was enough to set him trembling ( ... )


Re: M70 gomenkudasai July 12 2010, 20:49:54 UTC
[[to here]]


M68 timedork July 14 2010, 02:29:40 UTC
By the time he'd been taken back to his room for dinner, the Doctor still hadn't gotten a reply from Donna about her room number and he hadn't seen her, either. It was less convenient to wait for her outside of the female block than to go straight to her room-not to mention he wouldn't know if he'd missed her before arriving-but he had little choice. He needed to talk to her... so he would go there, wait a few minutes for Donna, and then move on to meet with Brainiac 5 if she didn't show up ( ... )


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