Night 50: M61-M70 Hallway

Jul 09, 2010 16:37


Kirk went rummaging through his desk the moment Landel mentioned the "reward" in the drawer, but unless "Portal Ring" was some obtuse term for the metal circle which held the two keys which locked his drawer and the door to their room, there wasn't anything worth noting. (Although he had forgotten about the power packs in there, and quickly ( Read more... )

grell, von karma, kirk, ratchet, zex, guy, okita, ritsu, the doctor, hk-47

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Re: M63 screwthegods July 19 2010, 19:28:54 UTC
[ From here]

The trip back to the block that contained both his and Okita's rooms was short enough, but after tonight Homura knew he would need to make different arrangements. Even with only a few halls separating them, Homura had missed the swordsman the night before, with disastrous end only prevented by Himura's presence. He couldn't rely on luck, however; somehow, tonight, he would have to find a way to reign in Okita's irrational need for revenge. The man was too important to Homura, both personally and to his work, to be lost in such a futile struggle.

Homura knocked on the door once, then opened it without waiting for Okita's prompting. The courtesy he showed hadn't convinced his friend to change his objective, so now Homura would have to bring forth a different side. They were friends, but Homura was also Okita's leader in this prison. He would use that authority to his advantage, if it served his goals.

"You aren't dressed." Homura took note of Okita's status with a slight frown as he closed the door behind him. In a move that likely wouldn't surprise, he leaned against it, an obstacle to the other man's escape, and kept Guy's sword in hand. "Is that so your approach will be less obvious to the boy, or for some other reason?"


Re: M63 notachick July 19 2010, 23:54:56 UTC
When Guy left, Okita had remained unmoving at the desk. It was the first time he'd been alone since her death and he took advantage of it, closing his eyes and letting his mind go completely blank. It wasn't often that Okita felt grief or had to deal with a loss so heavy as this one and if it wasn't for Homura's impending appearance, the swordsman would have moved to a corner of the room and locked out the rest of the world. Instead, he stayed at his desk, slumping slightly when he was certain Guy wouldn't be coming back for anything.

It wasn't until he heard the knock at the door that he snapped back to reality and sat up at his desk. The last thing he wanted was to be seen in such a state, and it was a good thing, too. Homura walked in a moment later and leaned against the door, noting Okita's lack of uniform. The escape was blocked, but until Okita had the sword in hand, he wasn't thinking of escaping.

"My orders were to wait," he said simply, pushing away from the desk as he stood and turned to face his leader. His eyes darted toward Homura's hands, searching for the promised weapon and then back to his face. "And so I waited."


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