Night 49: F-A Block Hallway

May 15, 2010 13:18

[From here]

Where it was time to go, Yuffie wasn't exactly sure.

The weather warned against another attempt on the outside. Disappointing, but there'd always be another chance in the future; a chance that didn't involve hypothermia, pneumonia, and-or drowning in flood water. Yuffie was no coward, no way, but she could appreciate prudence.

[To Read more... )

leela, rika, minako, meche, anthy, asuka, senna, bella, anise, depth charge, rita, yuffie, gren, erika, edgar, elaine, utena, rei, niikura, taura, claire bennet, morgan, battler, cissnei, ruby, hime, natalia

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Comments 103

fangirlfatale May 16 2010, 00:12:34 UTC
[from here]

Just a few steps and she was in the connecting hallway. Morgan took baby steps around the corner and paused as soon as she got around it, with her back pressed to the wall and the closet rod gripped firmly in her right hand. Nothing moving here either.

Now her problem--no, Morgan corrected herself, Mighty Pirate Hunter™ Morgan LeFlay didn't have problems so much as occasional extremely minor and temporary irritations--was that she had no idea where her stuff was being kept. She'd passed some pretty central-looking doors on the way to the room before dinner, and she could probably retrace her steps there, but she didn't want to leave without the Blade of Dragotta ( ... )


selfrescuer May 17 2010, 04:58:39 UTC
[From here]Flicking her light on, she could see that other patients were already making good time in moving out for the night. Several of the women she saw were clearly veterans, either heading purposefully for the patient block door or meeting with other patients to discuss plans. She would have to ask somebody sometime how long most patients had been around for. Not now, though, Elaine thought as she moved into the main block hallway. Right now, she was much more curious to actually start exploring. She had had enough poking around and gathering little clues carefully for at least a little while ( ... )


fangirlfatale May 17 2010, 15:37:54 UTC
Morgan's eyebrow shot up as other women started to come down the hallway behind her, strolling right down the center, some of them chatting and joking around like they were at a spitting contest. But there had to be guards. Were these people all just too air-headed to get how vital the element of surprise was in getting to your position of attack, or did they know something she didn't? She did see other makeshift weapons that had to mean people who'd been around here for more than just today. Not a good sign ( ... )


selfrescuer May 18 2010, 06:59:02 UTC
As if to punctuate Morgan's comment, a clap of thunder rumbled through the walls then. Nice touch, Elaine thought, possibly to the fine people at LucasArts (out of subconscious habit ( ... )


ai_no_minako May 16 2010, 00:49:17 UTC
[from here]

Right, then. She was out in the main part of the dorm room area, which meant that the door was...that way. Minako glanced around briefly, noting that it all looked like it had earlier only darker, and headed off in the direction she could remember going earlier that day. Nothing exciting so far.


ai_no_minako May 16 2010, 00:50:49 UTC
[to here]


no_dont_go May 16 2010, 01:56:02 UTC
[From here]

Aigis knew this hallway well. This was where she had met Junpei last night, and also Evangeline. It was a meeting she would rather forget, but also she was thankful for it. At least now she knew to watch out for Junpei, as well as to keep an eye on Evangeline. And afterward, Junpei had assured her he was fine. Then he had given her the baseball bat.

Stopping for a moment, Aigis hefted the thing in one hand, her other hand clutching her flashlight. The weight distribution was so odd. She tried to swing the thing with one hand and nearly fell over trying to keep up with the weight, dropping her flashlight in the process.

For a moment, the light blinked out and Aigis felt a frisson of panic. Reaching down, she retrieve the flashlight and was relieved when it beamed back at her again. She was going to have to be more careful, but it didn't help that this model's hands liked to dampen when she was trying to observe this place at night.



remedying May 16 2010, 04:26:46 UTC
[from here.]

Yukari, too, knew this hallway well; very well. She probably didn't even need her flashlight anymore to go down the route, but it didn't keep her from not using it. Relatively safe hall or not, she preferred to know where she was walking.

She began strolling by when she noticed another girl with a bat, dropping her flashlight. Yukari's own beamed in her direction briefly, but when recognition flashed as it did, she stopped in her tracks.

"... Wait a minute," Yukari murmured, and slowly, she began to approach the girl. "Aigis?"


no_dont_go May 16 2010, 05:11:32 UTC
Hearing her name, Aigis looked up from her awkward grip on her bat and flashlight in time to see a familiar face approach her. And not just a familiar face, but in a familiar uniform ( ... )


remedying May 16 2010, 05:23:14 UTC
It was a little strange finally seeing Aigis; she heard about her arrival from Junpei-- as well as her more human developments-- but it didn't keep her from looking surprised.

Shifting the bow by some over her shoulder, Yukari blinked at her normally far more robotic friend, eying her up and down. "Wow," she said aloud-- completely unintentionally, and when Yukari realized she had slipped with her thoughts, held up a hand apologetically. "I mean-- um, sorry. You just look... different."

A pause. "You've been feeling okay with that, right?" Junpei had mentioned earlier Aigis had been a little weirded out by the ordeal; hopefully her fellow female would be able to aid a little in making it less uncomfortable. "Anyway, I don't mind at all. If anything, neither of us should be walking around on our own. Good to see you've got something to fend for yourself with, though."


sheisthecause May 16 2010, 02:19:12 UTC
[from here]

Visitors were another thing she wasn't eager to think about, but walking by herself through the nearly-empty hallway with just her thoughts for company, Meche found she couldn't help it. What if "Victor" turned up again, or even Manny, brainwashed and trying to convince her to stop kidding herself and come back to work? She hadn't even considered the possibility that they could have gotten to him. It seemed impossible. Put Manny in a room with a group of professional brainwashers and he could talk them into thinking they were dog-walkers, if he could keep his foot out of his mouth long enough. And then he'd sell them leashes.

She could handle anyone as long as it wasn't the children. If Landel had done anything to hurt them, there was really gonna be trouble.


sheisthecause May 17 2010, 22:22:53 UTC
Just as she was about to go through the door that led out of the block, she thought better of her plan and turned toward the hallway of women's rooms one down from hers. If she was going to check on the girls, she should do it now, while she was already close and before they had a chance to head out for the night.

[to here]


fourstonewalls May 16 2010, 05:19:42 UTC
[from here]

Lana strode quickly around the end of the block, and back up the hall she'd shared with Ema. Hopefully not all of the assignments had been rewritten.

If they had, that would significantly alter her expectations on the feasibility of even an approximate census. A handful of new assignments resulting from new "arrivals" was one thing; wholesale movements were another. The absence of the majority of the population might indicate the movements were weekly; but again, that would answer the question on inaccurate zombie death tolls.

Inaccurate zombie death tolls. Had she really just thought that in complete seriousness? Yes. Yes she had. She shook her head, squared her shoulders, and entered the next hall.

[to here]


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