Night 49: F-A Block Hallway

May 15, 2010 13:18

[From here]

Where it was time to go, Yuffie wasn't exactly sure.

The weather warned against another attempt on the outside. Disappointing, but there'd always be another chance in the future; a chance that didn't involve hypothermia, pneumonia, and-or drowning in flood water. Yuffie was no coward, no way, but she could appreciate prudence.

[To Read more... )

leela, rika, minako, meche, anthy, asuka, senna, bella, anise, depth charge, rita, yuffie, gren, erika, edgar, elaine, utena, rei, niikura, taura, claire bennet, morgan, battler, cissnei, ruby, hime, natalia

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fangirlfatale May 16 2010, 00:12:34 UTC
[from here]

Just a few steps and she was in the connecting hallway. Morgan took baby steps around the corner and paused as soon as she got around it, with her back pressed to the wall and the closet rod gripped firmly in her right hand. Nothing moving here either.

Now her problem--no, Morgan corrected herself, Mighty Pirate Hunter™ Morgan LeFlay didn't have problems so much as occasional extremely minor and temporary irritations--was that she had no idea where her stuff was being kept. She'd passed some pretty central-looking doors on the way to the room before dinner, and she could probably retrace her steps there, but she didn't want to leave without the Blade of Dragotta ( ... )


selfrescuer May 17 2010, 04:58:39 UTC
[From here]Flicking her light on, she could see that other patients were already making good time in moving out for the night. Several of the women she saw were clearly veterans, either heading purposefully for the patient block door or meeting with other patients to discuss plans. She would have to ask somebody sometime how long most patients had been around for. Not now, though, Elaine thought as she moved into the main block hallway. Right now, she was much more curious to actually start exploring. She had had enough poking around and gathering little clues carefully for at least a little while ( ... )


fangirlfatale May 17 2010, 15:37:54 UTC
Morgan's eyebrow shot up as other women started to come down the hallway behind her, strolling right down the center, some of them chatting and joking around like they were at a spitting contest. But there had to be guards. Were these people all just too air-headed to get how vital the element of surprise was in getting to your position of attack, or did they know something she didn't? She did see other makeshift weapons that had to mean people who'd been around here for more than just today. Not a good sign ( ... )


selfrescuer May 18 2010, 06:59:02 UTC
As if to punctuate Morgan's comment, a clap of thunder rumbled through the walls then. Nice touch, Elaine thought, possibly to the fine people at LucasArts (out of subconscious habit ( ... )


fangirlfatale May 18 2010, 18:56:26 UTC
Elaine's plan was about the same as her own (with a little less detail), but then, there wasn't really much else they could do except go exploring. "Good thinking," Morgan got out in the tone of voice she might have used to convince a shipwreck-addled, grub-husking explorer that she was honeymooning inside a giant manatee with a guy she'd been sent to capture. Oh, wait.

She wanted to defend Guybrush from his abusive crazyscarf she-beast here, but in the end she kept her mouth shut. Hey, it'd been his call to marry her; he could handle what was coming to him. And Morgan knew she really didn't have a lot of room to talk as far as not injuring Guybrush went. So all she said was, "Um, actually, I think I have seen him punch himself in the face." During the brief period of their acquaintance when he'd actually had a left hand, that was. "He's given it up since then, though," Morgan added quickly.

But Guybrush was not a subject she wanted to make small talk about with Elaine; too much potential for tension on either side. "This place just ( ... )


I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE o_o selfrescuer May 24 2010, 05:21:47 UTC
Somehow, Elaine wasn't surprised that Guybrush would go on to punch himself in the face at some point in the upcoming seven years. She had to wonder if he had taken it up just to save himself the trouble of waiting for her to do it for him. A slight roll of her eyes and a wry smile crossed her face at that point ( ... )


Re: I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE o_o fangirlfatale May 25 2010, 05:33:18 UTC
"The future?" Morgan repeated incredulously. Not possible. "Now that you mention it, I guess this building does look a little sturdier than usual. And those speakers are really clear. But--" She wanted to say that was just crazy. But even if the people talking about all this had barracudas in their belfries, that still didn't explain why Elaine was seven years younger than she was supposed to be.

Going outside was definitely where Elaine's plan took a turn for the questionable--Morgan would be willing to bet they'd have guards out there (she would, if she were running this place), and the two of them were disoriented and armed only with embarrassingly wussy-looking wooden rods. (Not that that would stop her from kicking major butt, but it just wouldn't have the same heartwarming homicidal thrill without her sword.) But getting outside would tell them where they were, and knowing where the exit was might have other benefits too. If there was security set up where her stuff was, it'd be nice to have an escape route worked out ahead of ( ... )


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