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Comments 76

should_be_dead October 7 2009, 17:16:19 UTC
After a relatively silent dinner, the intercom signaled the beginning of the night. Tenzen raised an eyebrow at the announcement. Did the head doctor truly think anyone would believe such claims? He must be mad. Though the ninja briefly wondered what that man had meant with 'training'. Quite possibly the same thing I.R.I.S. did. But soon he decided to drop the subject; pondering would obviously be of no help.

But for now it hardly mattered, he supposed. After taking his flashlight, his maps and his axe, the ninja slipped out into the hallway.

Tenzen was determined to get something done tonight.


should_be_dead October 7 2009, 17:23:28 UTC
[To here]


Outside M96 rocksthecourt October 7 2009, 23:06:06 UTC
[from here]

M98... M97... M96.

He'd finally gotten here, but it was just as eerily empty and quiet as everywhere else. There weren't even any obvious signs of people talking inside. For a second, he feared that maybe something had happened, but he quickly pushed aside that thought. He was going to end up as bad as Herr Forehead if he kept jumping to conclusions out of nowhere like that.

Klavier shifted the flashlight and pipe to one hand and knocked civily against the door with two steady raps.


M96 falseblack October 8 2009, 03:16:51 UTC
Consciousness was a fickle creature tonight. It shifted its grip throughout dinner, leaving Nigredo generally disoriented and unaware. His roommate might have done most anything in the room-- The child wouldn't have known or cared about the details. He simply stayed in bed, eyes turned to the ceiling, never fully able to sleep despite the sheer need.

Because every time he closed his eyes, Rubedo's gift was sure to emerge. And there were no distractions, no second brother to wipe the image clean. (Clean? He wanted it gone.)

The child slipped a hand over his mouth. Vaguely, he heard the intercom crackle to life, the once missing Head Doctor cementing his presence, only his attention remained fixed on elsewhere and other people. Any words became fog; Nigredo was too tired to grasp their meaning.

{Nigredo, I--}Except for one. The boy snapped open his eyes and climbed to his elbows, in time to catch the door shutting. But Nigredo hadn't seen his roommate's departure or heard the tiny click of the locking mechanisms. Just memory and ( ... )


Re: M96 rocksthecourt October 8 2009, 04:12:18 UTC
Klavier jerked his hand back away from the door when it suddenly flung open, startled. Nigredo didn't seem the type to normally do such things, so it caught the older man off guard. Obvious surprise came over his face as he stared down at Nigredo for a moment, then the look melted into confusion. He'd opened the door, thinking it was Albedo and-- Did he seem almost... hopeful when he said that? And what was that expression on his face? All things considered, this was the last thing Klavier had expected.

He blinked down at him, still trying to understand what might have happened that would cause such a shift, before finally putting his hand down to his side. "Ah. No. It's me. I... apologize if I surprised you." It was said neutrally and carefully polite. He still wasn't sure what was going on. "...Is everything okay?"


Re: M96 falseblack October 8 2009, 04:25:20 UTC
No, not his brother. Not his other brother either. Klavier, however, had been invited--more than accepted--but that meant... That meant...

His expression visibly sank, eyes hollowing in realization. Without conscious thought, the child stepped back and slowly, carefully, sank to his knees. The man's question echoed in his head, but Nigredo caught only the basic sentiment. He looked up at Klavier with a vacant expression, yet there was something expectant in the gaze.

"He's not here," was the answer.


number_crunch October 8 2009, 07:29:32 UTC
Dinner devoured, Sho quickly exchanged his shirt for the vandalized one that he wore as a headband and the jacket from the closet. Equipping his boots, he stashed his megaphone and the paper-cutter arm in his clothes before taping a flashlight to his forearm. Clicking it on, he finally picked up his shovel.

Taking a moment to look over the rest of his stash in his closet, Sho considered his inventory. A bag of pipes, a toolbox, a hand truck which he duly liberated from under the pile of clothes that had been on top of it. He definitely needed more if he even wanted to begin crafting real artwork.

One hand holding his entrenchment tool, the other pushing the hand truck, Sho sped out of his room and into the night.

[To here]


M92 pleading_ngri October 10 2009, 21:06:40 UTC
The announcement didn’t merit stopping to listen to, though Phoenix did pay attention as he finished tying his tie and downing what was now going to be the nightly antibiotic. He waited for the intercom to click off, tensing, though the lancing, sharp pain in his arm didn’t return. It started to hurt again more, sure, but it was a steady, distracting ache that Phoenix figured he could live with. Similarly, he would not have described Sho as ‘tempting,’ unlike last night, during points of which he would not have been surprised if he’d begun hallucinating the people around him as giant, talking hamburgers ( ... )


loyal_soldier October 8 2009, 17:21:30 UTC
622 did a few quick warm-ups before getting ready to move out. He took the sword that had so recently been Armand's, stopping for just a moment to look at it.

No. He didn't have time to think about this. He needed to get out and see what he could do to help. He opened the door to the hallway, sword in one hand, glowrod in the other, scanning the hall.


haplesstracker October 8 2009, 17:27:14 UTC
[ From here.]

Sneaksneak--slag. He'd missed one.

Scourge quickly assumed Decepticon Innocence Posture #2, holding one hand behind his back and staring up at the ceiling as if to say 'nice plaster you've got here'.

"Oh, hello!" he called, far too quickly and far too cheerfully. Calling attention to himself was part of the posture, no one really interested in sneaking would want to do that and therefore he obviously hadn't been sneaking.


loyal_soldier October 8 2009, 17:39:29 UTC
622 turned to point the light from his glowrod at the source of the voice. Fierfek. He hadn't heard the man's footsteps coming.

He really had to commend the guy, that was the most stereotypical and nearly hilarious attempt at looking harmless that he'd seen in quite a while. "Are you in need of assistance, sir?" He said, keeping polite for the moment. If the man ended up doing anything out of line, he'd get introduced to 622's foot in an extremely unpleasant manner.


haplesstracker October 8 2009, 19:37:23 UTC
"Hm? Me?" Scourge shook his head. "No, no, just waiting for a friend. I think he's supposed to be up here, anyway." He made a show of scanning the area, thankfully without putting his hand up over his eyes.

Just in case, the grip on his sword tightened almost imperceptibly. The other guy had a sword and he probably knew even better how to use it, but he was burdened with the flashlight and Scourge had the better of him in the dark.

That and a slight head start.


M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 20:29:21 UTC
[[from here]]

Yuuhi looked up when the announcements went off, interrupting dinner and putting the conversation on hold for a few moments. It really only confirmed his suspicions that the bulletin was one of the primary reasons he hadn't been released yet, but he kept that to himself.

But when night fell and the other announcement sounded, it was hard to know what to think. He pushed it from his mind and glanced over at his roommate. He supposed he should get ready too if he was going out tonight, but saw little reason to. Unless Kurogane was going to come drag him off again. Leaving was starting to sound better and better.

With a sigh, he went to the closet, picking up the clothing from his home world.


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 20:53:51 UTC
The announcement on the intercom made Allelujah shiver slightly, the implication of what was being said not reassuring at all. The nights had been getting steadily worse and now Landel was going to start something new? The word 'training' made him uneasy, bringing back memories of the Super Soldier facility and what had happened there. No, that was not good at all.

He began to gather his possessions, laying them out on the bed, and he reached up to rub at his forehead, feeling a tight pressure there. A headache? Maybe he had some painkillers somewhere. He was probably just-

A harsh cry escaped him as the pressure burst inside his head, sending blinding pain through him. He sunk to his knees, clutching at his head, squeezing his eyes shut to try to block it out. It hurt... it was inside his head and it hurt hurt hurt...


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 21:10:55 UTC
It didn't take long to get changed, and he was just doing up the clasps on the front of his shirt when Allie cried out. Yuuhi took a few steps forward, almost tripping over his own feet as he tried to reach the other. Much as he wanted to believe last night hadn't happened, if someone he cared about was hurt again, what could he do? It was times like these he wished even more fervently that he was capable of some kind, any kind, of healing magic.

"Allie?" he asked, crouching near the other boy, "are you alright? What's wrong?" The clinic was something of a walk, but he'd get them there if he had to.


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 22:08:50 UTC
"Hurts," he managed to gasp out when Fai moved over to him, the pain still blazing in his head, through his skull, blinding him, knuckles turning white as they clutched at his head. What was happening? It felt like the first time he'd encountered Soma, when their minds had clashed only worse and it hurt and he couldn't even think...

Hands closed around Fai's outstretched ones tightly, rolling him over until Hallelujah was leaning over him, golden eye wide and angry. "Don't touch me," he growled. The fuck was going on? He could hear that thing in his head and it was pissing him off!


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