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M92 pleading_ngri October 10 2009, 21:06:40 UTC
The announcement didn’t merit stopping to listen to, though Phoenix did pay attention as he finished tying his tie and downing what was now going to be the nightly antibiotic. He waited for the intercom to click off, tensing, though the lancing, sharp pain in his arm didn’t return. It started to hurt again more, sure, but it was a steady, distracting ache that Phoenix figured he could live with. Similarly, he would not have described Sho as ‘tempting,’ unlike last night, during points of which he would not have been surprised if he’d begun hallucinating the people around him as giant, talking hamburgers.

The closet didn't come open again until Phoenix was sure that Sho was gone. The last thing he was revealing to a would-be killer was that he had, among other things, a sword. Sho seemed pretty well-equipped for whatever he was up to (hopefully not actually succeeding in his goals, Phoenix thought with a gulp, recalling the heavy paper-cutter arm he'd stuffed into a pocket), but he wasn't inclined to take chances with the crazy kid who knew where he slept.

The bag was definitely heavier tonight, with an extra flashlight and the bat weighing it down. He was glad he had it, though - even with his arm settled down to a steady, throbbing ache, keeping it still definitely helped. He stepped out into the hallway, making his way toward the door out of the block.

[To here.]


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