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M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 20:29:21 UTC
[[from here]]

Yuuhi looked up when the announcements went off, interrupting dinner and putting the conversation on hold for a few moments. It really only confirmed his suspicions that the bulletin was one of the primary reasons he hadn't been released yet, but he kept that to himself.

But when night fell and the other announcement sounded, it was hard to know what to think. He pushed it from his mind and glanced over at his roommate. He supposed he should get ready too if he was going out tonight, but saw little reason to. Unless Kurogane was going to come drag him off again. Leaving was starting to sound better and better.

With a sigh, he went to the closet, picking up the clothing from his home world.


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 20:53:51 UTC
The announcement on the intercom made Allelujah shiver slightly, the implication of what was being said not reassuring at all. The nights had been getting steadily worse and now Landel was going to start something new? The word 'training' made him uneasy, bringing back memories of the Super Soldier facility and what had happened there. No, that was not good at all.

He began to gather his possessions, laying them out on the bed, and he reached up to rub at his forehead, feeling a tight pressure there. A headache? Maybe he had some painkillers somewhere. He was probably just-

A harsh cry escaped him as the pressure burst inside his head, sending blinding pain through him. He sunk to his knees, clutching at his head, squeezing his eyes shut to try to block it out. It hurt... it was inside his head and it hurt hurt hurt...


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 21:10:55 UTC
It didn't take long to get changed, and he was just doing up the clasps on the front of his shirt when Allie cried out. Yuuhi took a few steps forward, almost tripping over his own feet as he tried to reach the other. Much as he wanted to believe last night hadn't happened, if someone he cared about was hurt again, what could he do? It was times like these he wished even more fervently that he was capable of some kind, any kind, of healing magic.

"Allie?" he asked, crouching near the other boy, "are you alright? What's wrong?" The clinic was something of a walk, but he'd get them there if he had to.


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 22:08:50 UTC
"Hurts," he managed to gasp out when Fai moved over to him, the pain still blazing in his head, through his skull, blinding him, knuckles turning white as they clutched at his head. What was happening? It felt like the first time he'd encountered Soma, when their minds had clashed only worse and it hurt and he couldn't even think...

Hands closed around Fai's outstretched ones tightly, rolling him over until Hallelujah was leaning over him, golden eye wide and angry. "Don't touch me," he growled. The fuck was going on? He could hear that thing in his head and it was pissing him off!


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 22:20:09 UTC
Yuuhi looked at the boy with concern, going over their options. Whatever was going on, was it affecting everyone? Or just Allie? What was it? Could it even be treated?

"We'll go to the clinic," he offered, "they'll have something you can-"

He was cut off when Allie suddenly knocked him to the ground; his face was angry, not like Yuuhi'd ever seen the boy before. He did as told though, and held still, hoping it wouldn't upset Allelujah further.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he promised. "I'm sure if we go to the clinic, someone there can help. Is that alright?"


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 22:49:57 UTC
Hallelujah glared down at the man beneath him, angry and damn that thing was annoying as hell. Allelujah was cradled inside their mind, trapped for now which just made Hallelujah more angry because he didn't want to deal with all of this crap, people getting in his way and why wasn't this guy fighting back? It was pathetic.

He rolled off him in disgust, leaning back against the bed, and moving the last bits of hair out of his eye before fixing Fai with an intent stare. "Who needs a damn clinic?" he growled. Shame the blond bitch was gone. He'd have enjoyed making sure that she needed medical treatment.


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 8 2009, 23:39:50 UTC
If glares and threats were enough to get rid of him, Yuuhi would've stopped traveling with Kurogane a long time ago. Still, it was something of a shock coming from Allie, who was usually so sweet and reserved. When the young man moved, Yuuhi got back up, climbing cautiously to his feet. At least it didn't seem like he was in pain anymore.

"Is... something wrong then Allie?" he asked, starting back toward his side of the room to grab the last of his things. He picked up the long black gloves first, shaking them out a bit before slipping his arm into the first, then the second. He wouldn't doubt that this place could do some pretty terrible things, but how much of it was already in their own minds? He had to wonder if he seemed the same way to anyone else.

"You seemed to be in a lot of pain."


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 8 2009, 23:59:51 UTC
Hallelujah just watched him impassively as Fai dressed in the strange clothes that were obviously not anything provided by the Institute. He was bored now, there was no threat, no battle, so why the hell was he here? It wasn't even fun! But Allelujah wasn't answering him, that weird static crap was making his head sore and that just made him want to hit something, although if he hit Fai Allelujah would probably be upset so that was right out.

Allie. He snorted at the name. "Hallelujah," he replied sharply. Hallelujah who didn't care for dumb nicknames. "Someone's fucking with my head."


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 9 2009, 01:32:33 UTC
"Halle...lujah," he repeated the name quietly.

Hallelujah? There'd been a time Allie had mentioned that before, wasn't there? It was hard to believe that the quiet young man he knew before was the same as the aggressive, angry one in front of him now. But if some outside influence was making him change, what could Yuuhi do to stop it? For all he knew, it was he himself. It wouldn't be the first time madness had spread because of him. He paled slightly at the thought.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 9 2009, 02:42:01 UTC
Hallelujah grinned and nodded at Fair, before pushing himself to his feet, rubbing the side of his head, a sour expression appearing on his face. What the hell was that sound that wouldn't leave him alone?! He'd find it and he'd destroy it!

"We're going to kill whatever's making that damn sound!" he said sharply, reaching for the rough weapons that Allelujah had left out on the bed.


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 9 2009, 02:59:14 UTC
He picked up his coat, finally dressed, impractical as it might seem. Even if Hallelujah was rude and angry, it didn't seem like he was going to hurt either of them, so he'd try to get along.

"We?" he repeated, surprised that he'd been recruited for the quest. It wasn't as if he had anything better to do, but... "What sound? I don't hear anything."


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 9 2009, 03:11:31 UTC
Someone had to be the bait, right? Allelujah would have protested that designation, but he was silent now, blocked perhaps, and Hallelujah wasn't going to mess around pretending otherwise. Fai might be useful anyway. Might as well take him along and ditch him if he proved to be a hindrance.

"In my head. There's singing. It's annoying me. It hurt Allelujah so I'm going to stop it." Was it really so complicated?


Re: M99 not_rly_fai October 9 2009, 04:51:19 UTC
Hallelujah's explanation was lacking, if blunt, but Yuuhi nodded slowly to show he understood. There was still a faint smile on his lips in spite of his worry, though he tried not to let it show. Of course, he'd do what he could to help Allie.

"Alright," he said hesitantly. He didn't have any weapons, so he stood ready to follow Hallelujah from the room.


Re: M99 tender_cruelty October 10 2009, 02:00:46 UTC
Heh, trying to help Allelujah? Interesting. But Allelujah didn't need anyone, didn't need anyone except him. He'd never needed anyone except him. Maybe the girl, but she was an enemy now so he didn't need her either. Not any more.

He grinned wildly at the other man before slipping out into the dark corridor. "C'mon."

[To here]


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