Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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its_the_mileage October 1 2009, 02:56:38 UTC
[One failtastic surrogate dad, comin' right up!]

The only arts and crafts Indy was particularly interested in had been made by other people a minimum of about five centuries ago, so he passed up the opportunity for artistic development and headed to the Sun Room instead.

It turned out to be a good call--sure enough, there was Peter Parker, and sure enough, he looked about as dejected as Indy would've expected. This time, though, he was alone. Indy took this as his cue and headed over, without stopping to give a lot of thought to the fact that he had no idea what, exactly, he was going to say. Did he even have anything to say that wouldn't make the guy feel bad? Indy'd started to notice a trend in their interactions: he showed up, things got worse.

Some desire (however misplaced) to help--and, admittedly, curiosity about what the hell it was that Peter did--got the better of him, and he pulled an armchair over and took a seat. "Hello," he said.

There was a slightly awkward silence, and then, "Some costume."


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its_the_mileage October 1 2009, 03:56:38 UTC

"No, thanks," Indy replied readily, grateful to have something to say that wasn't immediately likely to prompt wailing and gnashing of teeth. "I wouldn't want to cover my face. Makes it harder to spit at Nazis." Though not, apparently, to breathe or deliver one-liners. How did he even see in that thing ( ... )


theroadsofar October 1 2009, 02:46:07 UTC
Dean was probably gonna be glad he wasn't allergic 'cause right now, he was doing his best to step over kittens on his way to the Sun Room and not trip on one ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 1 2009, 05:23:50 UTC
Dean turned at the voice.

And got his first glimpse of Lelouch...although seriously, "Fancy Nancy" would've been way more appropriate.

For some reason, Den had been thinking of an older guy, like one of those stiff college professor types whose idea of a big weekend was which book to pull out their ass this time. There was that split second where he wasn't sure if he was facing a guy or a chick, except the voice that came out was totally a deep guy's voice and another second and he could see that wasn't a chick's body, either. And the face? Now Dean hoped Lelouch was gonna grow some hair on his chest, 'cause it was either that or be stuck as a Calvin Klein model for the rest of his life. That was assuming that puberty finished with his voice and caught up with the rest of him. He almost, almost felt bad for the kid ( ... )


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spandexorgtfo October 1 2009, 03:40:40 UTC
Kratos wandered into the Sun Room, still replaying his conversation with Sora over in his mind. As with Hitsugaya, he'd convinced the boy that he was fine, mentally and physically, and as the day wore on, he was coming to believe more and more that that was true. Unlike this morning, he wasn't doubting his ability to deal; he could overcome dying Anna's death as he had other ordeals - or at least, that was what he was telling himself.

A brief glance at the bulletin board on the way in told him that yet another person was joining the investigative bandwagon. His eyes narrowed. Privacy...apparently a foreign concept in the face of data collection, even if all the posters encouraged anonymity.

The swordsman walked away from the board and sat down on an empty couch, fingers ghosting over the exact spot where he'd been supposedly run through the night before. Gone, it was gone - and maybe in a thousand years or so the memory would be gone too, he thought morbidly.

[closed to Raine]


per_ardua October 1 2009, 03:54:03 UTC
Raine had honestly just been looking for a place to sit and read when she saw Kratos; maybe it had something to do with actually feeling rested, but she was honestly worried about him--she had no doubt he'd experienced Anna's death.

Finding a chair near him--neither of them was much for being too close--she said, "If you're not sick of being asked, how are you doing?" He could guess what she was referring to.


spandexorgtfo October 1 2009, 04:11:10 UTC
Kratos didn't even bother to see who it was; he knew that voice. "Fine," he said in a monotone. "I'm fine." His hand jerked away from his chest and came to rest on the couch.

She was going to nag and poke him for a more suitable answer, he had no doubt about this. Raine would gladly pin him down with her words and watch him squirm as he tried to do everything in his power to avoid telling her what she wanted to hear. And in the end maybe he would tell her, and she still wouldn't be satisfied.

...she had an incredible presence as a teacher, to be able to reduce those nearby to mere students.


per_ardua October 1 2009, 04:18:46 UTC
"You're not much better than Lloyd at fooling people," Raine replied, a hint of dryness in her voice.

More gently, "I'm not here to drag every little detail out of you--I know enough about what happened. But it can't have been easy to even be reminded of, let alone experience that." He wouldn't really want to talk to her, but again, who would he talk to if left alone?

For all she knew, Anna's death wasn't even the only one he'd experienced, but she had no doubt that was what he would have the hardest time putting out of his mind.


never_learns October 1 2009, 04:39:30 UTC
Lunch had passed quietly for Yohji for which he was grateful. He felt like he was walking through the day in a numb haze which suited him just fine. He didn't want to think about last night. He didn't want to think about his own wire tightening around his throat, cutting off his air as he heard her voice screaming, saying that bastard's name over and over again. He ate the minimum to get by, moving mechanically, and then let the nurse lead him into the Sun Room. maybe he should sleep. He still wasn't convinced that the whole thing wasn't a giant hallucination. It had been so vivid, so very real, and it had happened to other people too, which was strange enough.

Ah, this place was going to drag them all down sooner or later. At least he didn't care so much that he'd died. He'd been waiting for it for years.

He curled up on one of the couches, closing his eyes all but a crack to watch the people coming and going.



timeleaper October 1 2009, 04:51:03 UTC
Ronixis had finally caught sight of Dias and much to his relief, the swordsman seemed none the worse for wear... physically at least. He hadn't been able to catch up to him to check on anything else and hadn't had time for more than a cursory glance. He wasn't bleeding profusely from the throat and that was more than a relief. It made him shudder to think about what had happened last night when he'd seen what had happened. he'd died and Ronixis had been powerless to stop it. He hated feeling so helpless again.

But he was alive and that was what mattered.

He entered the Sun Room and found a seat quickly, tilting his head back against the back of the couch and closing his eyes tiredly.

[For Claude]


full_score October 2 2009, 18:41:31 UTC
Fourth shift.

The day would be over soon, and then Claude would have to get ready to face Sync. He wasn't looking forward to it, exactly -- there were a lot of problems this whole issue raised, like the fact he and Guy were still infected with that weird illness, and whether they'd be subjected to another nightmare once the lights went out. On the other hand, though, Claude was eager to get a chance to put Sync back in his place. Maybe even get rid of him entirely, if it came to that. Obviously, he couldn't be allowed to just roam freely around the institute. When left to his own devices, it seemed the replica was capable of not only making their lives more difficult, but of targeting unsuspecting patients, as well.

Sync had said he'd kill someone if he and Guy tried to warn the institute about him. But that didn't mean they couldn't destroy him if he continued making life hell for everyone else ( ... )


timeleaper October 3 2009, 05:05:12 UTC
Ronixis hadn't been expecting company, but he certainly wasn't going to turn it down when he could really use the distraction at the moment. "Good afternoon, Claude," he said, managing to smile for the younger man. It felt more real than he'd thought that it would. It was easy to push things out of his mind now that he knew that Dias was alive and unharmed.

"Oh, don't mind me," he said with a touch of humour. "Just tired I guess. Things got rather strange last night. Stranger than normal at least." He paused, thinking that over before shaking his head, remembering zombies and blood seeping from the walls. "Or maybe not."


full_score October 3 2009, 15:58:40 UTC
"Strange" was kind of an understatement. Then again, maybe Dad had a point, considering all of the horrible things that had gone on the last few nights. Still, having to watch Guy almost bleed out like that was something he never wanted to have to experience again. How many other people had it happened to?

"Were you--" Claude paused, trying to figure out how he wanted to word his question. His voice became a little quiet, as if maybe he was moving into sensitive territory. "I mean...did any of...that happen to you last night?"

From what he understood, a lot of people had been forced to experience the death of a loved one. Claude was pretty sure he'd never gotten the complete story on his dad's first wife, but now that he thought about it, there could have been a chance he was affected somehow. It was sort of ironic, too, since he and Guy had briefly talked about all that last night, before everything had gone to hell.


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