Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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timeleaper October 1 2009, 04:51:03 UTC
Ronixis had finally caught sight of Dias and much to his relief, the swordsman seemed none the worse for wear... physically at least. He hadn't been able to catch up to him to check on anything else and hadn't had time for more than a cursory glance. He wasn't bleeding profusely from the throat and that was more than a relief. It made him shudder to think about what had happened last night when he'd seen what had happened. he'd died and Ronixis had been powerless to stop it. He hated feeling so helpless again.

But he was alive and that was what mattered.

He entered the Sun Room and found a seat quickly, tilting his head back against the back of the couch and closing his eyes tiredly.

[For Claude]


full_score October 2 2009, 18:41:31 UTC
Fourth shift.

The day would be over soon, and then Claude would have to get ready to face Sync. He wasn't looking forward to it, exactly -- there were a lot of problems this whole issue raised, like the fact he and Guy were still infected with that weird illness, and whether they'd be subjected to another nightmare once the lights went out. On the other hand, though, Claude was eager to get a chance to put Sync back in his place. Maybe even get rid of him entirely, if it came to that. Obviously, he couldn't be allowed to just roam freely around the institute. When left to his own devices, it seemed the replica was capable of not only making their lives more difficult, but of targeting unsuspecting patients, as well.

Sync had said he'd kill someone if he and Guy tried to warn the institute about him. But that didn't mean they couldn't destroy him if he continued making life hell for everyone else ( ... )


timeleaper October 3 2009, 05:05:12 UTC
Ronixis hadn't been expecting company, but he certainly wasn't going to turn it down when he could really use the distraction at the moment. "Good afternoon, Claude," he said, managing to smile for the younger man. It felt more real than he'd thought that it would. It was easy to push things out of his mind now that he knew that Dias was alive and unharmed.

"Oh, don't mind me," he said with a touch of humour. "Just tired I guess. Things got rather strange last night. Stranger than normal at least." He paused, thinking that over before shaking his head, remembering zombies and blood seeping from the walls. "Or maybe not."


full_score October 3 2009, 15:58:40 UTC
"Strange" was kind of an understatement. Then again, maybe Dad had a point, considering all of the horrible things that had gone on the last few nights. Still, having to watch Guy almost bleed out like that was something he never wanted to have to experience again. How many other people had it happened to?

"Were you--" Claude paused, trying to figure out how he wanted to word his question. His voice became a little quiet, as if maybe he was moving into sensitive territory. "I mean...did any of...that happen to you last night?"

From what he understood, a lot of people had been forced to experience the death of a loved one. Claude was pretty sure he'd never gotten the complete story on his dad's first wife, but now that he thought about it, there could have been a chance he was affected somehow. It was sort of ironic, too, since he and Guy had briefly talked about all that last night, before everything had gone to hell.


timeleaper October 4 2009, 13:16:21 UTC
Ronixis sighed at the question, shaking his head. "I thought that I might have seen something for a second, and I heard a few things, but nothing more than that. For which I admit, I'm grateful." People seeing the dead, what had happened to Dias, it was horrific. bad enough to see someone else go through it, how much worse to experience it first-hand?

"The person I was with last night though, he was affected pretty badly," he continued, not wanting to name names in case Dias didn't want people to know. it seemed like something which should be private.


full_score October 4 2009, 20:20:01 UTC
Upon hearing that his father hadn't been forced to live through any potentially fatal experiences, Claude let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Of course, that relief gave way to the sick feeling he felt in the pit of his stomach when he learned that the person he'd been with hadn't been spared.

"That's terrible," he said as he eased down onto the couch, settling down next to the other man. It made him wonder what the purpose behind all of that had been. Was it all just for some sick person's entertainment? Or was there some sort of twisted, warped logic that could only be comprehended by someone horrible enough to want to put together a hell hole like the institute.

"I guess a lot of people had it pretty rough last night," he added after a moment. "I hope tonight is a lot quieter." For the patients as a whole, anyway. Claude had a feeling tonight would be anything but quiet if he wound up having to face off against Sync.


timeleaper October 6 2009, 04:18:50 UTC
Ronixis shifted up on the couch a little to give Claude some more space to sit in, his expression becoming grim as he remembered last night. "It was disturbing to say the least. I wasn't able to do anything to help him. Not a single thing." He didn't think, hearing what he was hearing today, that healing heraldry would have worked anyway, but it was still galling to know that he couldn't heal anyone, even if they were dying in front of his eyes, just like he hadn't been able to do a thing to heal her either.

"So do I," he agreed easily. "I don't think many people could take a repeat of last night. Or the night before come to think of it."


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