Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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theroadsofar October 1 2009, 02:46:07 UTC
Dean was probably gonna be glad he wasn't allergic 'cause right now, he was doing his best to step over kittens on his way to the Sun Room and not trip on one ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 1 2009, 05:23:50 UTC
Dean turned at the voice.

And got his first glimpse of Lelouch...although seriously, "Fancy Nancy" would've been way more appropriate.

For some reason, Den had been thinking of an older guy, like one of those stiff college professor types whose idea of a big weekend was which book to pull out their ass this time. There was that split second where he wasn't sure if he was facing a guy or a chick, except the voice that came out was totally a deep guy's voice and another second and he could see that wasn't a chick's body, either. And the face? Now Dean hoped Lelouch was gonna grow some hair on his chest, 'cause it was either that or be stuck as a Calvin Klein model for the rest of his life. That was assuming that puberty finished with his voice and caught up with the rest of him. He almost, almost felt bad for the kid ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 1 2009, 06:08:39 UTC
Dean's grin just got wider, and maybe a bit more shameless. "You think I should be wearing cowboy boots or wrestling gators? Pretty sure I could manage a redneck accent if it'd help with your mental picture, Jules."

He snapped the journal shut, reaching up to scratch at the side of his neck with a bandaged hand as he passed off the journal with his other. It occurred to him that Angel might want it back, but with Howl as Angel 2.0 - or, really, anyone but Sam, who had every reason to be sharing a room with him, unlike his other roomies - Dean didn't think Angel was coming back, especially if no one else had seen him either. Wasn't like he'd need this then, and Dean sure as hell wasn't gonna need two journals to keep up with his notes on possible hunts.


allroadslead October 1 2009, 06:56:35 UTC
Lunch had been quiet enough-quieter than it had in a long time; might've been a reason why he'd decided to leave Dean alone with...whoever it was Dean had been eating with. Sam stepped into the Sun Room, looking for Dean as soon as he did. He wanted to let Dean know about tonight, that he needed to see Skuld first before they met up. Could probably leave a note, but he preferred talking to his brother in person when he could ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 1 2009, 12:48:42 UTC
Dean glanced up as Sam joined them. For having been a dead guy last night, the kid looked like he was taking it well - maybe Sam hadn't really died, and they'd all been tripping balls on the same thing, but still. Even thinking you were dying had to screw around with a guy's head. So far Sam seemed to be taking it in a stride, and Dean wondered if maybe he was taking it better than he was. He couldn't shake the memory of seeing his brother getting torn apart like that, and knowing in his gut there wasn't a damn thing he could do, that that split second it took to scramble across the wet tiles in the morgue just wasn't gonna be good enough ( ... )


allroadslead October 1 2009, 16:55:35 UTC
Lelouch didn't seem to want to linger; in fact, he looked ready to book it out of there as soon as he could, though for what reason, Sam wasn't entirely certain. Either he hadn't wanted to be here in the first place or there was no point in him talking to Dean now that Sam was there. What Lelouch would've wanted with Dean, anyway, was another question altogether. There was no way he wanted to do anything to Dean again; as much as Sam was aware-very aware-that Lelouch and Suzaku had hardly gotten the short end of the stick, he was also aware that the entire incident had been a giant screw up for everyone involved. He doubted Lelouch wanted a replay and Lelouch must've known that for Sam, there was precisely one person he'd look to first if anything ever happened to Dean again.

All of this would've been moot for the time being if Dean had just turned and left-Sam wasn't about to give himself a freaking headache over this unnecessarily when he had about twenty other things on the list that could do the same-but no. Dean chose that ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 2 2009, 02:36:13 UTC
Dean would've stepped on Sam's foot if only he was sitting close enough.

Lucky for him, he was just barely outta reach.

"Sam's his middle name. Hates his first name, beats me why he gets all anal about it," Dean interjected quickly, and it took everything he had not to shoot a glare at his brother. Since when didn't Sam just roll with him on names or at least say something so Dean would know to let him take point and not contradict him like that ( ... )


allroadslead October 2 2009, 06:55:45 UTC
Sam was indeed out of reach, and entirely aware that he was. He shifted, in a possible acknowledgment that yeah, maybe he should've made it clear he'd already met Lelouch when he'd dropped by initially, but honestly, he hadn't thought it'd been necessary. His plan had been to just leave at the time.

But evidently, that plan was out of the question, so now he was here, watching Lelouch grow ever-indignant over Dean's comment. It might've been amusing if things weren't already so damn awkward. Sam considered briefly giving Dean another look the way he might've done if they'd been with a different witness, but he decided that he didn't really feel like defending Lelouch from Dean's lack of tact.

The kid, though? Wasn't a bad actor at all, and as much as Sam was loath to admit it, he did appreciate it somewhat. It meant he wouldn't have to worry about Lelouch accidentally tipping Dean off. Deliberately tipping Dean off was another story entirely, but he doubted, too, whether Lelouch would bother putting in the effort of feigning ( ... )


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theroadsofar October 3 2009, 06:31:54 UTC
At least Sammy rolled with that.

Didn't change the fact he was totally kicking him as soon as Lelouch took off.

"Helps to know what you look like, Boss," Dean drawled sarcastically. Seriously, was this guy for real? Dean had run into his share of uptight pricks, but running into some kid who should be playing hooky or getting people to buy him beer and instead decided, no, he'd rather skip all the fun stuff and just get right to the stick in the ass was a new one for Dean. "You know my bat-signal, so I think we're all good for now. Thanks, man."

He threw it out almost as an afterthought. And Sam acted like he didn't tryDean had no idea where it was that Lelouch could be in such a hurry to get to. The guy made it sound like he had a full schedule of appointments and Dean was starting to wonder if he'd even bullied some unlucky bastard into being - what was it, "PA"? Yeah, PA. What would that even pay in Landels? It wasn't like you had the incentive of free food when apparently the kitchens were serving God's Hamburgers all day, ( ... )


allroadslead October 3 2009, 08:46:21 UTC
Okay. So this wasn't exploding into the fiery ball Sam had been expecting at first. Didn't mean it still couldn't get there within the next sixty seconds, but the odds were getting lower and that was about as much as he could ask for.

He sat through the exchange, waiting-seemingly patient on the surface-for Lelouch to take his leave. At least Lelouch wasn't wasting any time taking the opportunity provided for escape. Dean would notice, of course, that Lelouch was being a bit hasty in leaving, but Sam didn't think it'd be possible for Dean to read all that accurately into it.

He still wanted to know how Lelouch had ended up talking to Dean in the first place, but as he obviously couldn't ask Lelouch, he'd have to bring that up with Dean. Once Lelouch was gone. What this meant after, too, was another question. He hadn't given a huge amount of thought to Lelouch as of late, but this encounter had suddenly shoved to the forefront the problem of what the hell he was supposed to do. Nothing had been their semi-truce so far. It was kind of ( ... )


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