Nightshift 21 - 2nd Floor - Stairway Landing between Decom/Medical Library/Staff Training

Jan 26, 2007 14:22

((from here))At the top of the stairs, things didn’t look any better to Rufus. Straining to hear or see anything, he stopped at the top of the stairs. Before he had never considered the dark worrisome. It was merely an absence of light. Anything that was there in the light was there in the night. Unfortunately, Landel’s had a way of changing ( Read more... )

rufus, otacon, ginji, adelheid, haku, fox, daniella, eric draven, kurama, phoenix

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Comments 38

not_complete January 27 2007, 05:00:45 UTC
Screescreescreescree- clunk.

Click click.

"It's cleaning time now, sir. Perhaps you should return to your room?"


theheirshinra January 27 2007, 07:18:12 UTC
Rufus blinked in the darkness, the shriek of metal making him wince. Cleaning? There was a cleaning crew for Landel's? The voice didn't sound familiar to him, but Rufus had only met a few of the patients here.

"Who are you?" he asked, trying to see and make out a form or a face. "Cleaning?"

His hand crept to the fork he'd taken from his dinner tray, fingers curling tightly around it. This new person could be brainwashed as Reno had been.

"Who are you?"


not_complete January 27 2007, 08:03:22 UTC
Click click click click, went high heals over wet tile. There was a distilled feel in the air, mixed with something metallic smelling. Like copper and chlorine.

"It's cleaning time, sir," the woman repeated. Sclurp. Metal pulling out of something wet. "The Masters wish for your health."

Click click click click.

In the dark, the only thing visible was the glow of hot metal and the glint in Daniella's eyes. The glowing object moved upwards, pointing towards the man. "You should rest now, sir."


theheirshinra January 27 2007, 08:13:41 UTC
Rufus' nose wrinkled, taking a breath through his mouth. The sour smells were unpleasant to say the least, reminding him of how the Interrogation Room under Shin-Ra had smelled after the Turks had finished cleaning them when the body or bodies were carried out.

The heated metal was what drew Rufus' gaze more than the woman herself. Whatever it was she had in hand was not something he wanted to encounter, at least with just a fork in hand. Starting around her in a slow circle, Rufus ran down the hallway leading towards the nurse's station where Reno had been standing last night.

It wasn't fleeing. It was a strategic retreat. Seizing the knob of the door and feeling it twist uselessly in his hand since it was locked, he glanced over his shoulder to see if she was following or not.

What in the name of Gaia does she have in her hand?


foxyroses January 28 2007, 16:19:03 UTC
[From here.]It had been a chore getting past the other patients and whatever it was they were dealing with. If they got held up with each situation that was going on, they'd never get anywhere. And anyway, they were both unarmed and probably useless to them anyway. It was better to just move on past with flashlights off and draw as little attention as possible if they wanted to get upstairs ( ... )


repolarization January 28 2007, 17:22:28 UTC
Ginji didn't like how they rushed through the hospital without even bothering to pause and see if everyone else was okay, but at least now they weren't stuck in one place. He looked around a bit and frowned. It wasn't as if he knew which way to go really. Though he had been up here before the memory of what had happened was already pretty fuzzy.

Despite that, he still felt scared as they looked around. This was closer to where they had... done of those things to him. He frowned. He couldn't let himself get too upset. That would mean that he would come out and that would be dangerous.

"Uhhh..." he said after a while. "I'm not really sure..."


foxyroses January 28 2007, 18:23:51 UTC
Kurama accepted the answer, but he wasn't any more sure than Ginji was.

"There was a noise down this way..." he pointed out, shining his flashlight down the corridor. He thought he might have been able to see a door of some kind, but the light wasn't strong enough to give any real detail.

He was both cautious and curious about this noise. It was something he really couldn't help. He wanted to know what had made it, even if it did prove to be dangerous... After all, they were looking for people. Kuronue, in particular. And it was unlikely that creatures could open and close these doors. So whatever had made that noise had to be a person.


not_complete January 28 2007, 22:20:58 UTC
Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-kathunk. The door shut again, followed by clicking heels and an orange glow.

Kurama should have taken that statement back; monsters were everywhere.

"It's cleaning time now, sirs."


141point12 January 30 2007, 18:57:02 UTC
[ From here.]

"You're going to need bandages soon," Otacon muttered after he and Fox had reached the second floor. He found it simpler to start thinking of all this as a simple mission, like one of many he'd overseen since Philanthropy was founded. Bleeding wounds could leave a trail for enemy soldiers to follow, so stock up on those rations and bandages...

Snake was probably going through much, much worse.

The unknown noises were louder up here, rendered jarring and disturbing by the darkness. Otacon was in totally unfamiliar territory now. "Left or right?" he asked Fox, and wondered if his flashlight still worked. Nothing like the absence of satellite maps and the Soliton Radar to make you really long for technology.


prisonerofdeath January 30 2007, 20:48:26 UTC
"I know... if we don't find something we can just rip up my shirt and use it as bandages." At least they weren't out in the wilderness somewhere, though, where blood would attract predators.

Then again, he had just wrestled a giant cat...

"Lets head this way." With that Fox turned and started sneaking down the hallway to the right.


prisonerofdeath January 30 2007, 20:55:40 UTC
[[Going here]]


faithful_frost January 31 2007, 06:27:07 UTC
((Walking up from here.))

Haku hitched his makeshift bag up a little higher. Pants probably weren't the best thing to use, but it was all he had. He glanced from left to right, and risked another flash of the light he had.

Hallways. Picking a direction at random, Haku started right.


faithful_frost February 10 2007, 16:57:22 UTC
((going here ))


grosse_sklaven February 1 2007, 07:43:03 UTC
((Coming from here. ))

There was a woman and two men up here. There could have been much worse, seeing as how the monsters were quite ferocious at times. He would just have to trust that the two men could handle themselves, and move on from there. ...and trust, also, that Edward Elric could keep the other two from rushing in when there was a far more pressing need. But Ed had his head on straight, most of the times; that was the important thing.

Making a quieting motion with his hand for the benefit of his companions- 'Move softly, danger,'- he followed the wall to his left. If he could just get by undisturbed, he'd be grateful. Even moreso if his companions could manage the same.


dead_draven February 2 2007, 02:40:54 UTC
Eric softened his step as soon as he spotted the people on the other side of the hall. He walked behind Adelheid, eyes pinned to the other group. His step made no more sound than the footfalls of a cat, and he instinctively stuck to whatever shadows he could find, rendering him almost invisible to anyone without his night vision. He glanced behind for Nick, to be sure he was following and doing so quietly.


in_your_defense February 2 2007, 03:54:17 UTC
Phoenix understood Adel's gesture, but...didn't quite know what he was doing.

He did try, though, to follow after them as quietly as he could. The slippers helped a little bit, since the floor was smooth, and he didn't make much noise. The people in this area were facing off with something -- Phoenix couldn't be sure what it was, even while he heard the clicking and thunking, and a chill feminine voice -- and a chill of dread and fear went down Phoenix's spine.

If you make noise, that thing might hear you...

He tried not to focus on it, merely letting his mind concentrate on being as silent as he could.

You'll be okay, if you pay attention to what they're telling you. Phoenix swallowed silently, thankful that his nausea had faded away as an uncontrollable shiver quivered through his body. The air was awfully cold, and it didn't help to calm the thoughts in his head. Managing to follow them silently without a word, his heart pounded in his chest, his skin prickling with goosebumps. He wasn't especially decent at sneaking around, ( ... )


grosse_sklaven February 2 2007, 13:26:21 UTC
At least there wasn't too much noise being made? Adelheid cautiously lead the group onward, down the path that was almost becoming familiar by now. Hopefully they wouldn't have to face anything as terrible as what he'd met the night before.

...and he had to force himself not to think about that voice. Too different, too inhuman, for the boy's face; it made him think of some of the other hideously evil women he'd heard about in the past. And thinking about that was a very painful subject for him.

So he moved on, swearing to himself that he'd be a good leader and accomplish what they'd set out to do. Nor did he find it odd in the least that he, the youngest of the group, was nevertheless in the lead. He'd always been the one to take care of everything for his family in his own world, and of all of them he was the best choice. He only hoped that the best was good enough.

((Going to here. ))


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