Day 36: Sunroom

Oct 21, 2008 08:25

He'd asked about visitors on the bulletin so that he'd be prepared, right ( Read more... )

tony stark, shito, guy, xellos, usopp, xigbar, hinamori momo, dias, johnny c., forte, zelnick, edgeworth, hitsugaya, roland, rubedo, subaru, lia

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Comments 134

hajike_tobiume October 21 2008, 16:19:11 UTC
Momo left the Arts & Crafts room when the nurse ushered her out, the drawing of Hitsugaya in bankai not quite finished on the white board, and ushered her into the Sun Room. Speaking of Hitsugaya, she knew she needed to talk to him, especially after Hokuto having talked to him, but she didn't see the captain anywhere.

With a sigh, the shinigami sat down on a couch and pulled out the red, orange, and yellow markers she'd slipped into her pocket before the nurse dragged her away from the board. Setting her left wrist up on the armrest. Momo began to draw on it with the markers. Soon, a firebird was beginning to grace the white case.

[for Nny]


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 03:09:12 UTC
Nny rushed to the Sun Room the moment the Nurse escorted him out of the waiting room. She didn't understand why he wanted to end the visit so early, but his urgency made her decide that it was probably for the best. Still, she kept a close eye on him as he checked the bulletin board, then began to pace back and forth across the room. He was shaking.

Devi. Devi had come to see him...but it wasn't her, was it? It wasn't really Devi. No, no, couldn't be. Not his Devi. He'd tried to kill his Devi, and now she hated his guts. That person in the waiting room wasn't his Devi...but she could be. No, no! He had to get out of here. Had to. He fumbled with his pocket and brought out a crumpled piece of paper with the descriptions of the A&C captains written on it. That was the plan, right? Figure out what the hell was going on. Find allies, if it suited him. Kill them if it turned out it didn't. Anything to get out ( ... )


hajike_tobiume October 23 2008, 03:29:08 UTC
Momo looked up from her mostly finished firebird drawing to see a lanky man with an obvious anxiety issue with the way he was acting addressing her. Her left eye had slight scarring around it and the eye itself was tinged a bit red.

"Yes, I am Vice Captain Hinamori Momo," she said, tilting her head a little toward her left. "How may I help you?"


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 03:48:23 UTC
Nny nodded a bit, despite it not really fitting as a response to her question. "Of the Arts & Crafts club, right? I was told to talk to you if I had any questions, which I guess includes asking what you all do. So, I suppose that would be the first thing." His hand clenched and unclenched subconsciously. Damn nurses, damn hospital, damn Devi.


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whohitreset October 21 2008, 19:18:24 UTC

While the nurses attempted to get Matt to move on to a different activity, the young man instead just moved from one part of the room to another, having seen Kenshin's rather distinctively small figure and bright red hair enter as the shift changed.

He stretched his arms above his head, originally intending just to feign a yawn but ending up not needing to as he was hit with a real one. Without much preamble, he took a seat on the couch next to Kenshin, avoiding stepping on the small animal by his feet.

"Hello again," he finally said, switching languages to Japanese. While he knew a vast majority of people in the sun room would still be able to understand him, it was a small comfort to know that this didn't include everyone. "Sorry to be asking for your time like this, Himura-san."


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whohitreset October 21 2008, 19:50:11 UTC
Leaning forward, Matt steepled his hands in his lap as he thought of the best way to give his request. If the man said no, he wasn't sure who else he'd be able to go to.

"Well, I have need of even more of your time, I'm afraid," he began slowly. This was starting to remind him of an overused movie plot device or something. "Without the weapons I'm used to I make a fairly vulnerable target. I was hoping you might be able to help me learn to better defend myself."

There. Getting it out right off the bat.


gray_gambit October 21 2008, 18:06:18 UTC
While she knew the sense of safety was but an illusion, Lia found the light of the sun room rejuvenating. And so she settled herself onto one end of one of the couches, knees tucked up in a comfortable position that provided stability for the journal she had open on her knees. She was sketching rather than writing, short strokes of her pen blocking out rough outlines and shading. It helped, she thought, to have a visual aid to recollection, especially given how easy it was to see shadows hovering over everything, even in daylight.

She bit her lip, considering her page, then flipped to a clean one and a new bit of drawing. No one would consider it art, but it suited her own needs well enough for the time being. Aesthetics were a secondary concern, if they even made that.



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whiny_egomaniac October 22 2008, 23:15:10 UTC
Stepping into the room, a sudden realization just hit Starscream...'shades'? What on Cybertron are 'shades'? I've never encountered such a term when describing human clothing. It must have something to do with shielding oneself from the effects of their star...perhaps some sort of large covering atop their heads? But why is it plural? Eh?

The Decepticon's train of thought was derailed as he scanned the different flesh-creatures roaming the large area. A few are alone, waiting, he thought quietly, unfortunate, as that would have aided me immensely. Wait...the one by the food table...of course! Opaque lenses to protect his optics! Though why he would require them in this building...even with the large pane above us, the light is hardly a nuisance. No matter. With the confidence bearing his regal status Starscream strolled up to the table and greeted the odd human ( ... )


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whiny_egomaniac October 24 2008, 01:04:06 UTC
[OOC: sorry for the double-reply; don't have a paid account here so I couldn't edit]

Starscream stood there with his hand extended for a few moments, somewhat baffled by the flesh-creature's reaction. "This is rude?" he asked incorrectly, confused both by the human's terse answer and by his failure to reciprocate the admittedly ludicrous gesture. The Decepticon lowered his hand, turning to the table of food to look for some fruit while Rude looked him over.

"No fruit," he mumbled quietly, picking up a small container sealed with an aluminum lid and inspecting it carefully. "This seems...what is this?" His head snapped upward at Rude's query, prefacing his response with a dismissive laugh.

"Oh Primacron no, no, no," Starscream spat out, gripping the lip of the lid and pulling with a bit too much strength, sending much of its contents onto his fingers. He peered into the container carefully, then dipped one of his fingers inside to scoop out and ingest the contents. Decent. "No, I am not...I am a robotic life form from the ( ... )


enigmaticmedium October 21 2008, 19:34:46 UTC

Xelloss was finding himself a bit impatient for the evening. It was odd... after the strange comments from Zelgadis, he hadn't seen Hellmaster or the ex-chimera, and the situation had never really been resolved. He wasn't sure what had happened to spook Zelgadis so badly, but the princess had also been missing in action for a while...

And the people he made contact with here seemed to vanish as soon as he met them. That was also annoying. Xelloss wouldn't let such setbacks upset him, but it was puzzling and undesirable, and he couldn't help thinking that. Should he explore again tonight, then? Or be more patient in waiting to see if Hellmaster appeared?

Posting on the board to ask seemed crude and public, but he eyed it anyway, for signs. Nothing to his own interest, but an increased interest in scientists and mechanics, and apparently a rearrangement of the alchemists here. Just gossip...


wishescankill October 22 2008, 00:13:55 UTC
Anya fully intended to continue sitting in her corner sulking when a nurse arrived and goaded her into the open, like a sheep dog harassing a particularly annoyed sheep until it moved. She half-expected to hear something like, "This young man named Alexander is here to visit you. He is well-muscled, but strangely loathsome." Of course, nothing of the kind. No, just a generic, "You need to make more friends, Cecily. You shouldn't spend all your time with Miss Meyers and Mr. O'Conner."

So she wandered in to the sun room, carefully folding her new shirt. Well, her old shirt that had been revamped. Her eyes fell on a short man with odd hair, who was in turn eyeing the bulletin board.

"Hello!" she said loudly. "I have been instructed to make social attachments! I am Anya." She stuck a hand out at him.


enigmaticmedium October 22 2008, 01:59:46 UTC
Xelloss blinked once, then turned and smiled widely, taking the offered hand and shaking it once firmly without hesitation. Aside from the volume and the unexpected nature of the greeting, Xelloss was pleased to see this was a person he hadn't met before. If he was lucky, she'd be a useful contact, but if not, at least he was meeting new people in general.

"Hello, Anya! I will be a new social contact for you, in that case! My name is Xelloss, and I am a mysterious priest." The standard greeting was given a faint vocal flourish this time, just because he'd enjoyed the volume she'd employed in her first greetings. Decisiveness was entertaining.


wishescankill October 23 2008, 04:22:31 UTC
A mysterious priest, huh? "That sounds like an interesting occupation!" Anya said. "I'm a retail clerk, but I don't get to be mysterious about it, even though I run a magic shop. Or I did."

This Xelloss fellow seemed like a nice guy. Even with the strange hair. "Why is your hair purple?" she asked. "Are you a punk rock groupie?" She wasn't certain what a punk rock groupie was, but they were apparently the type to have unusual hair colors.


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