Day 36: Sunroom

Oct 21, 2008 08:25

He'd asked about visitors on the bulletin so that he'd be prepared, right ( Read more... )

tony stark, shito, guy, xellos, usopp, xigbar, hinamori momo, dias, johnny c., forte, zelnick, edgeworth, hitsugaya, roland, rubedo, subaru, lia

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hajike_tobiume October 21 2008, 16:19:11 UTC
Momo left the Arts & Crafts room when the nurse ushered her out, the drawing of Hitsugaya in bankai not quite finished on the white board, and ushered her into the Sun Room. Speaking of Hitsugaya, she knew she needed to talk to him, especially after Hokuto having talked to him, but she didn't see the captain anywhere.

With a sigh, the shinigami sat down on a couch and pulled out the red, orange, and yellow markers she'd slipped into her pocket before the nurse dragged her away from the board. Setting her left wrist up on the armrest. Momo began to draw on it with the markers. Soon, a firebird was beginning to grace the white case.

[for Nny]


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 03:09:12 UTC
Nny rushed to the Sun Room the moment the Nurse escorted him out of the waiting room. She didn't understand why he wanted to end the visit so early, but his urgency made her decide that it was probably for the best. Still, she kept a close eye on him as he checked the bulletin board, then began to pace back and forth across the room. He was shaking.

Devi. Devi had come to see him...but it wasn't her, was it? It wasn't really Devi. No, no, couldn't be. Not his Devi. He'd tried to kill his Devi, and now she hated his guts. That person in the waiting room wasn't his Devi...but she could be. No, no! He had to get out of here. Had to. He fumbled with his pocket and brought out a crumpled piece of paper with the descriptions of the A&C captains written on it. That was the plan, right? Figure out what the hell was going on. Find allies, if it suited him. Kill them if it turned out it didn't. Anything to get out ( ... )


hajike_tobiume October 23 2008, 03:29:08 UTC
Momo looked up from her mostly finished firebird drawing to see a lanky man with an obvious anxiety issue with the way he was acting addressing her. Her left eye had slight scarring around it and the eye itself was tinged a bit red.

"Yes, I am Vice Captain Hinamori Momo," she said, tilting her head a little toward her left. "How may I help you?"


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 03:48:23 UTC
Nny nodded a bit, despite it not really fitting as a response to her question. "Of the Arts & Crafts club, right? I was told to talk to you if I had any questions, which I guess includes asking what you all do. So, I suppose that would be the first thing." His hand clenched and unclenched subconsciously. Damn nurses, damn hospital, damn Devi.


hajike_tobiume October 23 2008, 04:11:21 UTC
The vice captain was silent for a moment, watching the man for a moment.

"Sit down," she said, a subtle commanding tone slipping into her soft voice.

"Arts & Crafts is a group run by the shinigami that works to destroy this place and those that run it," she informed. "It's a slow process, but we've been working to arm the patients, provide assistance when needed to others as well as map out the institute. Anyone who wishes to help, we can find a mission for."


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 04:41:36 UTC
He cocked an eyebrow at her tone, but did as she asked, sitting down at the far end of the couch and grabbing the armrest as he did so. Suddenly, he appeared to calm down significantly, except for his hand, which was squeezing the cushion like it was some small animal he was trying to strangle.

"Destroy it, huh? I have to admit, I wouldn't mind sticking sharp, pointy objects into various parts of the good doctor's anatomy...but what about escape? I'd rather not stick around if there's a way to get out. Are there any craft assignments? I can draw a damn funny comic."


hajike_tobiume October 23 2008, 04:48:02 UTC
Good, he was somewhat more settled.

"We do not deny those that find escape the right to do so, but it is the shinigami's duty to make sure it's destroyed so that the people behind this place can't simply pull us all from our respective worlds again, even if we do find escape," Momo continued, turning in her seat to keep the man in her line of vision.

"The closest we have at the moment to something like that is map making. Assignments vary between exploration so we can extend the maps we have, material gathering for the alchemists, acquisition of rudimentary weapons as well as assisting those those that have been captured and experimented on." She paused and raised an eyebrow.

"What is your name?"


ienvyroaches October 23 2008, 05:06:19 UTC
The floor seemed pretty damn interesting at that point in time. He normally wasn't that bad at faking social interaction, but when it came to actually getting something done, he had little experience. Obviously.

"I don't think I'd be very good at maps," he muttered, looking slightly dejected despite his vice-like grip on the arm rest. "I could probably gather stuff, but I'm honestly not sure how helpful I'd be, I just arrived a few days ago."

He glanced back up at her. "My name's Johnny C., but my friends call me Nny. You can call me Nny," he replied absent-mindedly. In a world where Devi had never existed, he probably would have thought this girl was pretty, but he didn't think things like that anymore. Not if he could help it.


hajike_tobiume October 24 2008, 01:23:35 UTC
"Nice to meet you, Nny," Momo replied with a small smile. "Hinamori is fine for me. I will not ask that you use my rank ( ... )


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