Day 36: Sunroom

Oct 21, 2008 08:25

He'd asked about visitors on the bulletin so that he'd be prepared, right ( Read more... )

tony stark, shito, guy, xellos, usopp, xigbar, hinamori momo, dias, johnny c., forte, zelnick, edgeworth, hitsugaya, roland, rubedo, subaru, lia

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enigmaticmedium October 21 2008, 19:34:46 UTC

Xelloss was finding himself a bit impatient for the evening. It was odd... after the strange comments from Zelgadis, he hadn't seen Hellmaster or the ex-chimera, and the situation had never really been resolved. He wasn't sure what had happened to spook Zelgadis so badly, but the princess had also been missing in action for a while...

And the people he made contact with here seemed to vanish as soon as he met them. That was also annoying. Xelloss wouldn't let such setbacks upset him, but it was puzzling and undesirable, and he couldn't help thinking that. Should he explore again tonight, then? Or be more patient in waiting to see if Hellmaster appeared?

Posting on the board to ask seemed crude and public, but he eyed it anyway, for signs. Nothing to his own interest, but an increased interest in scientists and mechanics, and apparently a rearrangement of the alchemists here. Just gossip...


wishescankill October 22 2008, 00:13:55 UTC
Anya fully intended to continue sitting in her corner sulking when a nurse arrived and goaded her into the open, like a sheep dog harassing a particularly annoyed sheep until it moved. She half-expected to hear something like, "This young man named Alexander is here to visit you. He is well-muscled, but strangely loathsome." Of course, nothing of the kind. No, just a generic, "You need to make more friends, Cecily. You shouldn't spend all your time with Miss Meyers and Mr. O'Conner."

So she wandered in to the sun room, carefully folding her new shirt. Well, her old shirt that had been revamped. Her eyes fell on a short man with odd hair, who was in turn eyeing the bulletin board.

"Hello!" she said loudly. "I have been instructed to make social attachments! I am Anya." She stuck a hand out at him.


enigmaticmedium October 22 2008, 01:59:46 UTC
Xelloss blinked once, then turned and smiled widely, taking the offered hand and shaking it once firmly without hesitation. Aside from the volume and the unexpected nature of the greeting, Xelloss was pleased to see this was a person he hadn't met before. If he was lucky, she'd be a useful contact, but if not, at least he was meeting new people in general.

"Hello, Anya! I will be a new social contact for you, in that case! My name is Xelloss, and I am a mysterious priest." The standard greeting was given a faint vocal flourish this time, just because he'd enjoyed the volume she'd employed in her first greetings. Decisiveness was entertaining.


wishescankill October 23 2008, 04:22:31 UTC
A mysterious priest, huh? "That sounds like an interesting occupation!" Anya said. "I'm a retail clerk, but I don't get to be mysterious about it, even though I run a magic shop. Or I did."

This Xelloss fellow seemed like a nice guy. Even with the strange hair. "Why is your hair purple?" she asked. "Are you a punk rock groupie?" She wasn't certain what a punk rock groupie was, but they were apparently the type to have unusual hair colors.


enigmaticmedium October 23 2008, 15:50:58 UTC
"There are benefits and downsides, but overall, I enjoy it!" Xelloss agreed about his job. "It's a pity that, as a retail clerk for a magic shop, you couldn't be mysterious! That seems like an occupation that would call for it. Did you try talking to management about it?" A magic shop? That was promising.

He tilted his head a little at the question of his hair, confused. "I don't know. What is a punk rock groupie?" he asked honestly. "But my hair has always been this way."


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