Day 33: Sun Room (4th shift)

Jul 03, 2008 10:17

Momo was planning on heading to the red field, but her instructions from Hitsugaya about her needing to see to Mustang had her going to the Sun Room. The shinigami stood by the door, leaning back against the wall, as she waited for the colonel to appear.

[poised to Roy-nap for a quickie^^]

jack horner, nami, bella, goku, alexander conklin, mousse, danny phantom, albel, clark kent, claire bennet, shana, mion, max, chopper, usopp, hinamori momo, vlad, roy, wesker, farfarello, schuldig, daemon, edward cullen, falis, yukari, eddie brock, tyki, kratos, shion, rubedo, brad, subaru, lia

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Comments 205

himetsuru July 3 2008, 16:28:57 UTC
That had been... interesting. Falis was aware of various kinds of potions that could be concocted to induce unnatural effects in others, but that was the first time she'd ever had one applied to her. The princess was still somewhat staggering when the vultures finally let her out of her room. As weird as it felt, she had a lazy smile on her face despite the prominent red marks that still stung a bit, clearly showing someone had grabbed her hard about the throat.

She... what was she going to do again? Oh yeah. She needed to... apologize to Hokuto's brother for yesterday.

Falis made it to a chair and flopped down into it. She slouched down, not feeling motivated enough to really sit up, and kept an eye out for Hokuto's brother. Now what was his name...

Stupid needles.


broken_babylon July 5 2008, 00:39:13 UTC
Subaru was feeling only slightly better after lunch--as trying as it had been to make himself eat, the food had had eventually given him a little bit more energy. He was still quite tired enough to be paying little attention to his surroundings, though, and so he spotted Hokuto's... friend... a little too late to gracefully avoid her.

Not that he didn't still try to gracelessly avoid her, turning around and going back in the other direction hurriedly once he spotted her.


himetsuru July 5 2008, 00:47:06 UTC
Falis noticed Subaru when he turned around and tried to escape. Hefting ehrself out of the chair, the princess stumbled on the arm of the chair before she fionally got her feet working again.

"Hey... you! I need to talk to you."

The bounty hunter tried to catch up to him, but her current lack of coordination was making it easier for him to get away than it normally would have. As the princess pathetically chased after him, she noted the vultures paying especially close attention to her thanks to the events with Mozenrath.

She needed to stop Hokuto's brother without catching up to hima dn simply grabbing him. "Look, I'm sorry, okay???"


broken_babylon July 5 2008, 01:41:59 UTC
Crap. Subaru slowed, and then came to a stop, as the woman called out after him. He wasn't rude enough to ignore someone when they were actually speaking to him, even though he was terribly embarrassed and wished she hadn't noticed him.

Turning back to look at her, sort of--he found himself staring at her slippered feet--Subaru mumbled something along the lines of, "It's fine..."


miracle_grow July 3 2008, 16:49:36 UTC
Peter had given her a lot to think about, Claire realized as she rubbed absently at her still-healing shoulder and stepped into the Sunroom. She'd opted out of the recreational field for the moment, preferring someplace quiet to sit and think. Her shoulder didn't hurt so much anymore, and she was fairly certain it was nearly healed. Even if it had taken far longer than normal to do so. Still, she wouldn't be bandaged up and in pain for the next week like a normal human would have been. It comforted her to know that her powers were still working a little.

Finding an empty seat, she curled up on the end of one of the couches, tucking a pillow against her stomach as she got comfortable, a slight frown on her face as she prodded at the memories she knew weren't likely to return. So many things she'd forgotten. What else had been lost, she wondered?

[Unknowingly waiting for Clark, I think?]


son_ofkrypton July 3 2008, 21:38:15 UTC
Clark was still shaking his head over Logan thinking Claire was his girlfriend.

Not that she wasn't nice, but Clark liked her as a friend. He smiled in sheer relief as he entered the Sun Room - he'd been torn between the greenhouse and the Sun Room until he finally decided he could use some sun - and his eyes fell on Claire. She looked alright, although he frowned when he noticed the bandages. The blonde cheerleader was sitting curled on one of the couches, trying to relax. Clark headed right for her and sat down next to her.

"Hey," he said with a warm smile.


miracle_grow July 3 2008, 22:10:33 UTC
Claire looked up when someone sat down beside her, and her expression brightened considerably when she recognized him.

"Clark!" she exclaimed, uncurling from around the pillow. "You're really alright! I mean, aren't you? I was really worried."


son_ofkrypton July 4 2008, 05:46:48 UTC
Clark nodded. "I'm okay," he said. He was still shaken by what he did remember, but he got the feeling that wasn't exactly the sorta thing Claire needed to hear right now. "I don't know what happened, but I'm 100%."

He frowned a little in worry at her. "What about you? I...I didn't exactly see what happened last night..." He remembered her definitely getting clawed by that thing last night, but he also knew something else had happened right before the Chapel. There was also talking about the Haitian and his personal little self-appointed mission, but that'd just have to take a backseat to figuring out if there was anything he could do for her injuries.


his_singer July 3 2008, 17:15:55 UTC
[ taken. ]

Like hell she was going to go and play sports.

Lord knew that Bella was absolutely atrocious at anything that had to do with motion and kicking, so putting them together was pretty much a death wish for anyone within a 20-foot radius. Needless to say, heading into the Sun Room was for the better.

Plopping herself down on the couch, Bella sighed and ran a hand through her long hair once before leaning her head back against a pillow as she thought.

The conversation with Daemon had been interesting. Mimics? The thought terrified Bella to no end. What would she do if she ran into one shaped as a friend and she had to fight it? Would she even be able to? The thought itself was enough to cause the teen to tremble.


her_lion July 3 2008, 20:40:35 UTC
The vampire hadn't moved for the longest time following his last conversation; with the information that Angel had provided, he had a little to muse over. Edward wasn't about to get mixed up the middle of it - he'd tried being the hero once - but found it would be inevitable that the one deliberately hunting people would find him.

Which led to one conclusion: avoid his own cowardice and stick to his fianceé even closer than before.

Opting out of lunch for obvious reasons, he had spent the shift in the library, accompanied by a nurse - much more interesting than staring at inedible food would have been. He only left once another announcement sounded, stating that the women were moving to the recreational field for physical activities.

And if he knew Bella at all...

It was quite easy to find her, simply following the trail of freesia she left behind her. Edward snaked up behind the couch she was sitting on, leaning on the back to look down onto her tilted face.

"Skipping gym?" he asked pleasantly, unwilling to move from his spot.


his_singer July 4 2008, 01:14:24 UTC
The sound of Edward’s voice had Bella’s heart skipping, and she soon found herself smiling. Seconds later she shrugged her shoulders, an apathetic façade replacing her happy one. “It’s for the good of the people. Who knows how many people I’d injure if I was given something to kick around. If I was given a soccer ball? Ugh, could you imagine how many windows I would break?” Faking a shudder, the teenager opened her eyes and looked up at her fiancé from her spot on the couch.

Lifting her uninjured arm up, Bella reached up and gently traced her fingertips down Edward’s jaw, the chill of his skin causing her to let out a content sigh before she lowered her hand to once again rest on her lap.

“What about you? Did you go outside before? Show off to anyone?”


her_lion July 5 2008, 02:47:56 UTC
He'd already seen how bad it could be. Not that it wasn't... endearing.

Edward leaned into the touch, sighing when her hand dropped away. His gaze left her face, momentarily distracted by the voice of the blonde girl from last night... speaking to the boy that had been injured. He'd been too distracted to really notice a change - just the fact that he was bleeding, and covered with it - but he seemed perfectly fine now.

The Chapel?

"Hardly," he scoffed, barely missing a beat. "I'd never hear the end of it. I stayed in the Sun Room. It has more shade than its name implies." The corner of his lips curled up in a half-hearted smile. "I met an Angel while I was staying in there."


navigating July 3 2008, 18:18:44 UTC

Nami didn't much enjoy this time scheduled with the other women. It wasn't that she had a problem with the females here - save for, possibly, that lady who'd insisted on 'hiding' behind the bush that Nami had been pruning at the time. It was more that the connections to be made had been greatly reduced, and she was much better at making suggestions to men than she was to women.

...And it was always better to be in a position where she could keep an eye on her crew. They were always getting into trouble. Always.

So she chose to spend the afternoon in the sun room. While she might normally choose the wind outside over the confines of this Institute, there was work to be done on the bulletin board; Nami chose a spot rather accessible to the paper forum. The room was warm and yellow-colored from the afternoon sun, so in the meantime she'd enjoy it.

She always preferred nightshift to dayshift. There was so much more that could be done at night, even though she did so love the light. Right now it was a waiting game. So - she


prevails July 3 2008, 21:41:46 UTC

[ Anti-free. >:[ ]It felt good to talk to Haseo and Sanzo for more than a few minutes (even if most of the conversation wasn't pleasant), so he left the cafeteria in a better mood than breakfast. They still hadn't spoken as much as they could have, but he felt like he was getting to know Haseo better now. Maybe they really would be friends soon? It'd be nice, and he still wanted Haseo to go out with him and Sanzo during the nightshift. Then again, he wanted to find Kenren to ask him about the same thing. Going to look for Hakkai together made more sense than doing it with Haseo (Haseo wouldn't really have anything to do with that, he just wanted to go with him sometime), so maybe that could hold off for another night ( ... )


navigating July 3 2008, 22:04:34 UTC
[D: -- DDD: SUP]

She'd been checking the board every once in a while, noting the responses that had been made and actually finding time to look through other patients' posts, for once. Not that she actually felt like replying to many of them; on the whole, she kept to herself when it came to the board. She didn't like giving out too much information about herself or her crew to strangers she had not met in person, though she supposed anyone who wanted to know that badly could find out easily enough.

She was halfway through writing a response to something when she noticed a guy about her age approaching her. Well, she was always willing to speak to someone new. It was good when it came time to call in favors. She looked up, smiling. "Afternoon."

She was tempted to ask if she could help him in some way, but there wasn't much that she could help with at this point. Best to stick to simple conversation ( ... )


prevails July 4 2008, 10:50:26 UTC

Goku nodded. If he thought about it, it really did seem like a short day. That was good though, it meant there wouldn't be much longer until dinner night. Of course, if it was so close then that also meant he might not get a chance to talk to Haseo again, or Kenren. He could always find Sanzo, but the other two were a little harder to catch. He wasn't as familiar with their scents ( ... )


gray_gambit July 3 2008, 18:56:11 UTC
Though Lia had just the day previous been anxious for a chance to get outside, she now found herself gravitating towards the Sun Room, pleading a debilitating headache. She knew avoidance was not the best way to deal with troubles, but was certain it would prove a decent stopgap measure. At least until her ears had finished ringing from this newest bit of bewilderment. She thought sourly that the nurses seemed to have cultivated perfect timing in ushering their patients from one spot to the next. It made sense, from a certain point of view, but was definitely inconvenient ( ... )


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 19:14:11 UTC
[Can I pester ya?]

Mousse was honestly a bit sad to see Brook leave as the meal ended. Still, something told him that he would most likely cross the skeleton man's path again-- he had a knack for running into the same people all the time.

He didn't think much of it as he joined an unfamiliar face in scoping out the sun room. In fact, he didn't exactly notice how close he was or that there even was another person beside him...


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 19:39:24 UTC
[Sure thing!]

Lia's hand paused in the process of scribing perfectly productive spirals on the front page of her journal as she looked up. Another unfamiliar face, and she put on a pleasant smile as she studied the man. Not Blood, and she guessed his age at younger than her own by at least a few years.

She wondered at that for a few seconds. So many of the other patients seemed young as well, with those approaching middle age being rarities.

"Good afternoon," she said, dipping her head in a polite nod.


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 20:08:19 UTC
The Amazon jumped in surprise, half adopting a fighting stance. Logic won over, however, and he stopped himself before he looked too foolish. "Good afternoon," he echoed back. "You startled me."

He mentally slapped his head. What was the point of trying to look less foolish if he admitted to it moments later? To save face, he added quickly, "What are you writing?"


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