Day 33: Sun Room (4th shift)

Jul 03, 2008 10:17

Momo was planning on heading to the red field, but her instructions from Hitsugaya about her needing to see to Mustang had her going to the Sun Room. The shinigami stood by the door, leaning back against the wall, as she waited for the colonel to appear.

[poised to Roy-nap for a quickie^^]

jack horner, nami, bella, goku, alexander conklin, mousse, danny phantom, albel, clark kent, claire bennet, shana, mion, max, chopper, usopp, hinamori momo, vlad, roy, wesker, farfarello, schuldig, daemon, edward cullen, falis, yukari, eddie brock, tyki, kratos, shion, rubedo, brad, subaru, lia

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prevails July 3 2008, 21:41:46 UTC

[ Anti-free. >:[ ]

It felt good to talk to Haseo and Sanzo for more than a few minutes (even if most of the conversation wasn't pleasant), so he left the cafeteria in a better mood than breakfast. They still hadn't spoken as much as they could have, but he felt like he was getting to know Haseo better now. Maybe they really would be friends soon? It'd be nice, and he still wanted Haseo to go out with him and Sanzo during the nightshift. Then again, he wanted to find Kenren to ask him about the same thing. Going to look for Hakkai together made more sense than doing it with Haseo (Haseo wouldn't really have anything to do with that, he just wanted to go with him sometime), so maybe that could hold off for another night?

Haseo was probably busy anyway, not that he wouldn't ask when they met again.

That aside, Goku made it to the Sun Room rather 'early' (for him). He still thought it wasn't as bright as Sanzo, but this was his favorite place to relax. Uh, not including the outdoors; their recreation time was fun even if he didn't appreciate being forced into it. He could have just thought that because of his soccer game with Seishirou though.

Oh yeah... Seishirou. He'd have to try to find him later too.

Right now it didn't look like he was in the Sun Room, so Goku headed over to one of the people hanging around. "Hey," the first thing he noticed about the girl was her hair. It was a pretty color, but it sort of reminded him of an orange.


navigating July 3 2008, 22:04:34 UTC
[D: -- DDD: SUP]

She'd been checking the board every once in a while, noting the responses that had been made and actually finding time to look through other patients' posts, for once. Not that she actually felt like replying to many of them; on the whole, she kept to herself when it came to the board. She didn't like giving out too much information about herself or her crew to strangers she had not met in person, though she supposed anyone who wanted to know that badly could find out easily enough.

She was halfway through writing a response to something when she noticed a guy about her age approaching her. Well, she was always willing to speak to someone new. It was good when it came time to call in favors. She looked up, smiling. "Afternoon."

She was tempted to ask if she could help him in some way, but there wasn't much that she could help with at this point. Best to stick to simple conversation.

"It seems as if the day's just beginning, doesn't it," she said conversationally, then dipped her hand back to the paper and wrote out a few more words.


prevails July 4 2008, 10:50:26 UTC

Goku nodded. If he thought about it, it really did seem like a short day. That was good though, it meant there wouldn't be much longer until dinner night. Of course, if it was so close then that also meant he might not get a chance to talk to Haseo again, or Kenren. He could always find Sanzo, but the other two were a little harder to catch. He wasn't as familiar with their scents.

He glanced over at the board Nami was writing on. He could try leaving a note for them to see, although there wasn't a guarantee they'd see it before the shift ended. Wondering over it, Goku scratched the back of his head. For now he should at least say something back; he could worry about Haseo later.

"Yeah, but I really wish that breakfast and lunch were longer." Not that he'd had breakfast, but he could definitely stand for a lunch lengthening. Content with conversation didn't mean content with eating. He still felt pretty starving, and they didn't let you have that much for dinner either. Just the one plate. That Recluse guy might give him his meal though, if he asked nicely. He was always preoccupied with making weapons anyway.

Back to the other topic though. Uh, the one he'd had going on in his mind. Goku pointed at the bulletin. "You can leave messages for people there, right? How long does it usually take for someone to answer you? Seems kind of weird."


navigating July 4 2008, 11:06:57 UTC
Wished that breakfast and lunch were longer? She couldn't help but laugh a little bit. Hah, he was probably like Luffy, then - just a bottomless pit for food. Which reminded her that she'd have to lure Luffy out with a delicious meal tonight. Argilla wouldn't eat hers, of course, so Nami would feed it to Luffy to get him to come to the basement with her. It would be as simple as that.

"Mmm, but three square meals a day isn't so bad," Nami said smoothly. Of course, for her it was generally three meals plus the multitude of snacks Sanji was always serving up, but those days had taken a short hiatus. They'd get out - they would - and Sanji could go back to bending over backwards in the kitchen.

She glanced at the bulletin board, then back at the brunet beside her. "Yes. As for how fast it takes - well, as often as they check it. It's best not to pay too much attention to it, otherwise no one seems to come. And if you're going to use the board, make sure whoever you're posting to also knows about it." The navigator grinned. "I use it every day to get in contact with my crew, because I'd have no idea what they'd be doing without it."

Of course, Nami had no idea what most of them were doing even when she was there to watch over them on the ship. Sure, Usopp would always be making some kind of explosive, or Luffy would be stealing food from the refrigerator, or Sanji and Zoro would be fighting, but there was always some undercurrent of ridiculousness in which she felt no need to take part.


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