Day 33: Sun Room (4th shift)

Jul 03, 2008 10:17

Momo was planning on heading to the red field, but her instructions from Hitsugaya about her needing to see to Mustang had her going to the Sun Room. The shinigami stood by the door, leaning back against the wall, as she waited for the colonel to appear.

[poised to Roy-nap for a quickie^^]

jack horner, nami, bella, goku, alexander conklin, mousse, danny phantom, albel, clark kent, claire bennet, shana, mion, max, chopper, usopp, hinamori momo, vlad, roy, wesker, farfarello, schuldig, daemon, edward cullen, falis, yukari, eddie brock, tyki, kratos, shion, rubedo, brad, subaru, lia

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gray_gambit July 3 2008, 18:56:11 UTC
Though Lia had just the day previous been anxious for a chance to get outside, she now found herself gravitating towards the Sun Room, pleading a debilitating headache. She knew avoidance was not the best way to deal with troubles, but was certain it would prove a decent stopgap measure. At least until her ears had finished ringing from this newest bit of bewilderment. She thought sourly that the nurses seemed to have cultivated perfect timing in ushering their patients from one spot to the next. It made sense, from a certain point of view, but was definitely inconvenient ( ... )


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 19:14:11 UTC
[Can I pester ya?]

Mousse was honestly a bit sad to see Brook leave as the meal ended. Still, something told him that he would most likely cross the skeleton man's path again-- he had a knack for running into the same people all the time.

He didn't think much of it as he joined an unfamiliar face in scoping out the sun room. In fact, he didn't exactly notice how close he was or that there even was another person beside him...


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 19:39:24 UTC
[Sure thing!]

Lia's hand paused in the process of scribing perfectly productive spirals on the front page of her journal as she looked up. Another unfamiliar face, and she put on a pleasant smile as she studied the man. Not Blood, and she guessed his age at younger than her own by at least a few years.

She wondered at that for a few seconds. So many of the other patients seemed young as well, with those approaching middle age being rarities.

"Good afternoon," she said, dipping her head in a polite nod.


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 20:08:19 UTC
The Amazon jumped in surprise, half adopting a fighting stance. Logic won over, however, and he stopped himself before he looked too foolish. "Good afternoon," he echoed back. "You startled me."

He mentally slapped his head. What was the point of trying to look less foolish if he admitted to it moments later? To save face, he added quickly, "What are you writing?"


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 20:20:09 UTC
Lia tensed, though she maintained an even and polite tone as she replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you hadn't seen me." Come to think of it, she supposed it was simple enough to become so lost in thought as to not notice one's surroundings, especially in so peculiar a place.

Her gaze dropped to the journal in her lap, and her pleasant smile colored with chagrin. "Nothing, apparently. I was trying to organize my thoughts into something coherent, but they aren't cooperating."


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 20:34:43 UTC
Mousse pursed his lips. "Thoughts about what?"

Going back to her initial comment, the Amazon sheepishly replied, "I don't always see everything." Especially not if his glasses were off. They were on now, however, which made it all the more awkward that he hadn't noticed her there.


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 20:40:03 UTC
"I don't think anyone does," Lia replied, not without a trace of sympathy. She certainly felt as though she was missing something, if not necessarily something physical.

"About this place." The answer to his question was abrupt, coming after a few seconds thought. "The purpose of it, how it might work. I don't have much, I'm afraid, but I thought it more productive than just brooding."

She was hardly about to admit that in reality, it was just brooding.


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 20:49:42 UTC
"Perhaps I can help you," The Amazon said earnestly. "I've been here for a few days." It had felt like an eternity without Shampoo. Oh, more than anything, he longed to see her again, to hold her in his arms, to whisper in her ear...

Never mind that he'd never actually gotten that far romantically with the object of his affection. Still, he sighed and fantasized about it, zoning out Lia for the moment.


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 20:59:40 UTC
"Possibly. I'd appreciate any outside insights." Lia refrained from scowling at the page open in front of her, but did tap the pen sharply against the center of her spiral. Take that, paper.

"...Are you all right?"


myopic_mousse July 4 2008, 21:19:43 UTC
Mousse blinked. "Uh, yeah. Just thinking about...things."

Like the woman he adored. But Lia wanted information, so Mousse would try his best to give it. "Have you encountered any monsters yet?"


gray_gambit July 4 2008, 21:28:05 UTC
"Insects," Lia replied. "Overly large, and abnormally vicious in comparison to the ones I'm used to, but I'm not entirely certain they qualify as monsters, in the general run of things."

That her own definition of monster only ran to claws and fangs once other people had been removed from the equation was beside the point, though she supposed both types might well be found here. Certainly the latter seemed to serve to describe anyone who would invent such a place.

"I've heard a little of the creatures here, but not in a great deal of detail."


myopic_mousse July 5 2008, 14:29:40 UTC
Mousse lowered his head. "There are others, beside the insects."

He didn't want to admit his failure to realize the presence of such creatures until one had its jaws around his wrist, but he didn't see any reason to lie to Lia either.


gray_gambit July 5 2008, 16:47:15 UTC
Lia smiled, slight and sympathetic but relatively genuine. "As I said, I've heard a little. I've just not encountered anything larger. Which, considering I've not even been here long enough to procure any sort of weaponry, can probably be counted as a blessing... Which do you have experience with?"

While she was not eager to face something more threatening, she knew she would not be content to confine herself to her quarters for the duration of the night. Any information she might gather, then, would be beneficial.


myopic_mousse July 5 2008, 19:46:33 UTC
"Ah, well," Mousse could feel his face turning slightly red with embarrassment and shame. "I didn't exactly get a good look at every thing. I know there are creatures with plenty of teeth to spare, as well as ghosts."

He had seen the ghost-creatures, at least. He wasn't completely useless.


gray_gambit July 5 2008, 19:59:55 UTC
"It is rather dark at night. Did no one have a torch?" Lia asked. Considering she'd no idea herself how to actually operate one of the small lights she'd seen the night before, that was one subject on which she was unfit to judge.

"Ghosts?" Her interest sharpened at that. "The dead truly do walk here?"


myopic_mousse July 6 2008, 19:06:22 UTC
Mousse scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I couldn't say for sure, but it certainly looked that way."

He hadn't stayed around to battle the being, despite his desire to, so he couldn't verify how much of a ghost it had been. Or rather, she had been. "It could burn with a touch," he added almost as an afterthought.


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