Night 20: Intercom, Early Night

Dec 23, 2006 07:07

The intercom came on, though when it did, the Head Doctor's voice wasn't the first thing that could be heard. The faint, crackling sound of an old version of Jingle Bells echoed through the halls, all nostalgic warmth and kitschy tradition within its lyrics twisted into a haunting, eerie anthem.

"Oh, ho, ho!" Finally came the man's voice. His fake take depth and cheer was too good for him to not be enjoying it. "It seems that none of you have come into contact with our nice children, which is too bad! Just remember: Good things come to those who wait. Of course, some certain new presents under the Christmas tree don't need to wait any longer--and by that, I mean Alfred Ashton, Frank Grimes, You Bai, and... Anthony Hopkins."

If anyone in the Institute was familiar with the term "facepalm," they probably heard the sound of the Head Doctor indulging in one at that moment.

"You'll all be sorry someday," he grumbled, clothes rustling as he shifted in his seat. "You'll all be sorry that you weren't good boys and girls."

The intercom screeched and clicked back off, taking the music with it.

naruto, ari, intercom, wesker, chase

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