[ from
here ]
As Albel navigated through the hallways, he decided to go a completely different way then he went last night. However, he had no idea where he was heading. Eventually, he reached the end of the hallway he was currently in and found himself staring at a door. He briefly wondered if it was locked. He turned the door handle...
...and he was greeted with the cold air from outside. Outside? He was slightly suprised.
This didn't mean he could get his hopes up on finding a way out by climbing over some fence or wall. The Ellicoorian doubted it'd be this easy. No, he couldn't let his guard down. Perhaps something was waiting for him out there, and even though Albel didn't like to admit it, he wasn't exactly well equiped for a fight. Especially if he ran into the same monster he ran into last night. Albel was vurnerable, and he knew it. And most of all, he loathed it.
On his right there was a fence, while on his left there was a large field. More he couldn't see because of the darkness, and his flashlight didn't reach that far.
The captain closed the door behind him and moved onward.