Day 28: Germaine Street

Oct 30, 2007 22:09

Rhode didn't want to have to let go of Allen, not ever. It could be forever before she was able to be with him again! But the nurses were persistent in moving her off the big yellow thing, as was Allen for getting away from her. Even outside of the building, people were just determined to keep her from being with him! It wasn't fair ( Read more... )

jack horner, raine, rhode, kenshin, bella, xigbar, malik, danny phantom, heiderich, mason, saetan, reinforce, seishirou, light, clark kent, keman, claire bennet, shana, peter parker, luxord, artemis, max, dean winchester, rena, hughes, byakko, xemnas, aya, l.a., celes, kenren, hanyuu, radical edward, hinamori momo, yohji, katou, roy, naomi, valyn, zoro, fai, cloud, snape, okita, daemon, kadaj, gabranth, beatrix, edward cullen, ururu, haku, eddie brock, shadow, l, renji, sanzo, captain jack

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Comments 408

quickdrawbkiddo October 31 2007, 02:43:48 UTC
The Bride looked at the nurse coldly as she exited the bus. She stared at the coupon book for a moment before taking the damn thing from the woman and stuffing it into the back pocket of her jeans. She didn't care what freebies they were giving the prisoners in this facade of normal ( ... )


per_ardua October 31 2007, 03:13:15 UTC
Raine's eyes got very wide when she recognized the woman's voice--her attacker. There was little chance the woman would do anything now; both the situation and her body language said she didn't intend to finish what she'd started last night. Still... her blood ran cold at getting confirmation that the woman really was another patient, not just a humanoid-shaped monster.

She'd been following Reinforce anyway; she found herself slipping behind her to hide... she had a feeling her face was even paler than usual. She didn't expect today to be fun, but this was the last thing she needed.


1imited_edition October 31 2007, 03:37:37 UTC
Rein's curious post-disembarkation inspection of the town was suddenly interrupted when someone bumped into Raine. She'd turned, and was about to ask if the half-elf was alright (and check herself, since she was in a hypervigilant state of mind right now), when Raine suddenly paled and moved...

Putting Rein between herself and the other woman. It was clearly a defensive action, and one she couldn't help but see as an unspoken request for her intercession against whatever threat the other posed.

She whirled on the other woman, reaching the all-to-obvious conclusion. Her eyes narrowed. "It was you."

For words of accusation, they were spoken unusually slowly, softly... even sadly, with a hoarse quality. As she'd once spoken...


quickdrawbkiddo October 31 2007, 03:51:29 UTC
Had the words been issued in any tone other than the one used, Beatrix would have ignored them and continued on. Except, these words reminded her of...

The Bride paused and half-turned to look back, seeing the other woman that had been with her victim the previous night the moment before they separated. This was the one she would have gone after for information had she chosen the path the one she had assaulted had chosen. Interestingly enough, these two women had enough similarities that they could have been related. Mostly it was the hair; silvered hair on someone that young was a genetic trait, though this taller woman's hair was much more silver than the other one's paler head of hair.

Her expression stayed calm, still not allowing recognition of the previous night to enter her eyes.

"Well, yes," the Bride replied. "I was the one that bumped into her when the kids ran out of the bus." She tilted her head slightly. "I did excuse myself. Is there something else I can help you with?"


notmyfather October 31 2007, 02:50:25 UTC
Being practically shoved off of the 'bus' by a nurse was a less than pleasant experience. And he didn't like the way she had glared at him at all. What had that been for?

He didn't move once he was off the bus. Despite being informed there was a great deal to do - and given some bits of parchment that would apparently allow him to partake of said fun - he didn't want to do anything until he had Shadow right there with him.

And had made sure Keman and Shana were alright.


hamenleai October 31 2007, 03:10:47 UTC
Shana slipped away from her seat-mates in relief. It wasn't that they hadn't been nice, it was just that she'd felt very... out of place. Then again, she'd felt out of place ever since she'd arrived in this strange world. This should be no different.

Still feeling awkward and uncomfortable in the skirt and sweater her nurse had given her, she smoothed her fingers down over the soft fabric, unconsciously straightening it, wishing it were longer - wishing it were breeches or at least something similar - even as she cast a glance around at the disembarking patients for a familiar face.

Long red hair falling about her face in disarray, she was completely unconscious of the sight she made. Not that she'd comprehend that even if she did know.


notmyfather October 31 2007, 03:15:31 UTC
"Shana? Ancestors...."

Valyn couldn't help but be taken aback by Shana's appearance. He didn't think he'd ever seen her in female clothes before. It was...disorienting. And didn't help to soothe the unease that his conversation with Shadow on the 'bus' had brought about.

He couldn't help but tug on the hem of his own dark red tunic to straighten it, feeling uncomfortable already.

"Ah. Are you alright? I only ask because the ride down made Shadow a bit ill, and you aren't looking in fine health yourself. Not to say you look poorly, of course. You just.... How was your ride down?"


hamenleai October 31 2007, 03:26:16 UTC
Shana glanced up at the sound of his voice, a quick smile flitting across her face. "There you are," she spoke, hurrying towards him, trying to coordinate hair and skirt and the chilly breeze that seemed to insist on playing with both. She needed more hands.

"I didn't see any of you on the... thing, and I didn't know how easy it would be finding any of you once we got here. And yes, the ride left quite a bit to be desired. I would have rather rode down on Keman."

She was babbling, but that was more to do with the picture he made in these people's foreign clothes than anything else. She reminded herself not to stare. He got annoyed when she forgot and started staring. And she wanted to try and get through at least one day without annoying him.

As difficult as she found that most days...


hajike_tobiume October 31 2007, 03:00:03 UTC
Momo exited the bus and received her coupon book. As she walked down the street, she idly flipped though it. Some of the things inside she'd never heard of before. What was a Tasty Burger anyways?

Not particularly wanting to be around anyone she knew, the shinigami tucked away her coupons and crossed her arms as she walked down the road. She needed to think and so she's walk and think.


hajike_tobiume October 31 2007, 03:03:15 UTC

bastard_sadi October 31 2007, 03:20:39 UTC
To say Daemon was relieved to be off the over-sized carraige would be an understatement. He'd ridden all manner of creatures and contraptions in his 1700 years - the Blood nobility loved their short-lived and often strange fashions of transportation - but that one hadn't agreed overly much with the sparse breakfast they'd provided.

Taking the book of coupons from the staff member, he put a few feet of distance between himself and the large yellow carraige before pausing to look around, taking in his surroundings, and waiting for his father to rejoin him before they parted ways.

The town didn't look all the different from a Blood village, although there were definite things that Daemon didn't recognize and seemed out of place. And again, there was no familiar psychic sense of any other Blood nearby, other than Saetan's familiar Black.

It was... disconcerting.


highlord_ofhell October 31 2007, 03:30:39 UTC
Even before the nurses handed him his coupons, Saetan stretched his back. He knew there'd be quite a bit of walking and he didn't want anything else throwing his gait off to put strain on his leg.

"There truly aren't any other Blood here, are there?" he asked Daemon. "I thought we might be under some kind of shielding at the Institute." Of course, he could sense it as easily, but he wanted it out in the open to discuss.

The crowd from the buses wasn't dispersing quickly, and it was easier to stay near Daemon and talk of familiar things while he chose where he wanted to go and who he wanted to see.


stray_shinigami October 31 2007, 03:43:33 UTC
Renji got off the bus quickly; as distracted as he felt, he didn't really pay attention to the coupons the nurses were handing out, or anything they might have said. His thoughts felt like they were going in a loop, around and around. Because he could guess at least some of what Byakuya would say to Rukia, and... he agreed with it.

I'm not worthy of her, I've failed her too many times, I should let her go, but I can't, she still loves me in spite of everything, and I'm too weak, and that makes me all the more unworthy...It was maddening. It made his head hurt, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He did his best to shove it all away, to find some plateau of calm, and maybe it was working ( ... )


highlord_ofhell October 31 2007, 03:52:27 UTC
Saetan suppressed his urge to laugh. This wasn't the first time, though it hadn't happened since arriving here. He did smile, his amusement crinkling the skin around his eyes a little.

"You must be looking for my son," he said. He nodded to the figure just a few feet on his other side. "He's over there."


bewarethecute October 31 2007, 03:41:09 UTC
Ururu moved off her bus, and tried her best to get out of the way of others. She wanted to watch the people leave, to try and see Kisuke-san at last, to finally tell him everything she had learned.

But Kisuke-san didn't come out of a bus. Or he did before Ururu was watching. Or she hadn't seen him, even though she was watching very carefully.

But in the end, there was no Kisuke-san. Just a very worried little girl.

Ururu looked down, her mind desperately seeking a solution that didn't involve Kisuke-san being hurt or worse. But he didn't have Benihime or his fan or his hat, and who knew what had happened during the night when Ururu hadn't found him?

She knew well how clever Kisuke-san was. It was just easy to forget when she got worried.

"K-Kisuke-san..." Ururu sniffled, large tears welling in her eyes. "Where'd you go?"


not_rly_fai October 31 2007, 03:55:35 UTC
Yuuhi's conversation with Haku had done plenty to unsettle him. Did the dead really come back to life here? And if that were so... if he could just find out how it was done, then maybe... maybe he had a real chance of bringing Fai back ( ... )


bewarethecute October 31 2007, 04:03:57 UTC
Ururu looked up at the man who approached her. His hair was the right color, but that was the only thing. He was definitely not Kisuke-san.

"Mittens?" Ururu held up her hands, which were a little cold in the fall air. But she wasn't crying over mittens. That's the sort of thing Jinta-kun would pull her pigtails over.

So she shook her head, sniffling a little. "I'm looking for someone. His name is Kisuke-san. You haven't seen him, have you?"


not_rly_fai October 31 2007, 04:10:06 UTC
"Kisuke-san?" he drew out the sound of the name as he rolled it through his memory. There had been a doodle on the board, probably this little one's, of a man with straw colored hair and something of a wild expression that had borne the title. He shook his head sympathetically. "I'm afraid I haven't."

He held out one hand, "But we'll see if we can fix it, ok? Here, I'll keep at least one of those hands warm and we can go look for him in town, alright?" He gave her another smile, "I think it'll be much more fun than waiting and crying. Don't you?"


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