Day 28: Germaine Street

Oct 30, 2007 22:09

Rhode didn't want to have to let go of Allen, not ever. It could be forever before she was able to be with him again! But the nurses were persistent in moving her off the big yellow thing, as was Allen for getting away from her. Even outside of the building, people were just determined to keep her from being with him! It wasn't fair ( Read more... )

jack horner, raine, rhode, kenshin, bella, xigbar, malik, danny phantom, heiderich, mason, saetan, reinforce, seishirou, light, clark kent, keman, claire bennet, shana, peter parker, luxord, artemis, max, dean winchester, rena, hughes, byakko, xemnas, aya, l.a., celes, kenren, hanyuu, radical edward, hinamori momo, yohji, katou, roy, naomi, valyn, zoro, fai, cloud, snape, okita, daemon, kadaj, gabranth, beatrix, edward cullen, ururu, haku, eddie brock, shadow, l, renji, sanzo, captain jack

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quickdrawbkiddo October 31 2007, 02:43:48 UTC
The Bride looked at the nurse coldly as she exited the bus. She stared at the coupon book for a moment before taking the damn thing from the woman and stuffing it into the back pocket of her jeans. She didn't care what freebies they were giving the prisoners in this facade of normal ( ... )


per_ardua October 31 2007, 03:13:15 UTC
Raine's eyes got very wide when she recognized the woman's voice--her attacker. There was little chance the woman would do anything now; both the situation and her body language said she didn't intend to finish what she'd started last night. Still... her blood ran cold at getting confirmation that the woman really was another patient, not just a humanoid-shaped monster.

She'd been following Reinforce anyway; she found herself slipping behind her to hide... she had a feeling her face was even paler than usual. She didn't expect today to be fun, but this was the last thing she needed.


1imited_edition October 31 2007, 03:37:37 UTC
Rein's curious post-disembarkation inspection of the town was suddenly interrupted when someone bumped into Raine. She'd turned, and was about to ask if the half-elf was alright (and check herself, since she was in a hypervigilant state of mind right now), when Raine suddenly paled and moved...

Putting Rein between herself and the other woman. It was clearly a defensive action, and one she couldn't help but see as an unspoken request for her intercession against whatever threat the other posed.

She whirled on the other woman, reaching the all-to-obvious conclusion. Her eyes narrowed. "It was you."

For words of accusation, they were spoken unusually slowly, softly... even sadly, with a hoarse quality. As she'd once spoken...


quickdrawbkiddo October 31 2007, 03:51:29 UTC
Had the words been issued in any tone other than the one used, Beatrix would have ignored them and continued on. Except, these words reminded her of...

The Bride paused and half-turned to look back, seeing the other woman that had been with her victim the previous night the moment before they separated. This was the one she would have gone after for information had she chosen the path the one she had assaulted had chosen. Interestingly enough, these two women had enough similarities that they could have been related. Mostly it was the hair; silvered hair on someone that young was a genetic trait, though this taller woman's hair was much more silver than the other one's paler head of hair.

Her expression stayed calm, still not allowing recognition of the previous night to enter her eyes.

"Well, yes," the Bride replied. "I was the one that bumped into her when the kids ran out of the bus." She tilted her head slightly. "I did excuse myself. Is there something else I can help you with?"


per_ardua October 31 2007, 04:03:01 UTC
This might not be the best timing for a confrontation, but Raine's temper was starting to flare. "Don't pretend you don't remember. You all but attempted to kill me last night, unprovoked, and made sure I couldn't fight back."

She had no intention of starting a fight--if anything did happen, Reinforce would likely be able to overpower the woman, but she knew very well they were being watched. (And she wouldn't admit it, but she didn't want to miss the chance to look around a another place in this world.) However, that didn't lessen her anger.


1imited_edition November 1 2007, 03:21:20 UTC
Pretending at innocence. Reinforce was disgusted. Angry as she was, an apology, an admission from this woman that her actions had been misguided and promise that she wanted no harm to come to her fellow prisoners would be enough. But such an easy resolution now seemed far away.

"You will not repent, then." The same voice, mixed anger and sadness. "Don't think that because we are prisoners none of us care for the others. Those who violate our trust will be punished."


quickdrawbkiddo November 1 2007, 15:20:28 UTC
Beatrix stood there, relaxed, and simply raised an eyebrow at the woman she'd assaulted, all but ignoring Reinforce for now.

"Oh, that," she said, her voice the same level tone. "It was not specified what I'd done, so I chose the most recent encounter between us, which was accidental." The external emotions on her face evened out and she appeared very unsympathetic. "They key phrase you just spoke was all but attempted to kill. You are alive," and in much better condition than the Bride could have left her in, "and my intention was to never cross paths with you again."

"Seems the people here have other ideas."

Now she turned her attention fully to Reinforce. The woman had issued fighting words and the Bride wasn't about to ignore them for too long.

"Repent for what? Waking up last night in an unknown place without my daughter, having gone through hell to finally reclaim not more than an hour before someone kidnapped us, separating me from her again," the Bride responded, her voice dropping to the low deadly tone Raine would ( ... )


1imited_edition November 1 2007, 15:58:19 UTC
"That can be forgiven." Reinforce said after a pause, the words obviously an effort. The angry, defensive part of her that wanted nothing more than the vengeance the woman described rebelled against the words, especially the implicit comparison between the woman and her knights, themselves guilty of crimes in the name of a loved one, she drew on to steady herself... but she was better than that. She was Hayate's Blessed Wind... she had to at least make it clear they need not be enemies ( ... )


per_ardua November 2 2007, 03:00:34 UTC
Raine blinked a little at the "lover" comment, but just sighed. "Considering how easily she took me down, I don't think I want to know what would happen if I came across any monsters while I was alone," she admitted quietly, after the Bride had left. Not that Reinforce was going to let her find out regardless.

"So, was there anything in particular you wanted to see?" she finally asked. "I'm curious about the architecture and technology here, but that can be observed from nearly anywhere in town." She'd want to explore the whole area eventually, but they had hours, and she didn't want to make Reinforce change any plans she might have made.


thehellismycar November 2 2007, 03:24:00 UTC
[ from here ]

He'd screwed up. The mask had begun to splinter, and the weight of whatever crap was cloaked behind it seemed to leak into his features. Something in his pride remained present, though, strings of motivation lifting him to straightened stance. The man looked about at his surroundings, appearing to be in a slight daze as his bemused sights happened upon a familiar head of silky tresses nearby.

"Hey," he said in a tender voice, gently placing a hand on Rein's shoulder to alert her to his presence.


1imited_edition November 2 2007, 17:58:31 UTC
Unfortunately the hand registered more strongly than the voice, and in response to the unexpected touch Reinforce spun to glare murderously at him, her wrath for the Bride written clearly in her features.

The expression softened as soon as she recognized him, and she immediately regretted the reaction. She needed to make amends for the strife she'd caused between them, and showing him precisely the side of her he had been unwilling to accept was far from the best way to do that.

But she had to press forward. Getting defensive hadn't done anything for her last time. "Dean..." she greeted him, a bit guiltily, then frowned. "Are you alright?"

He didn't look like it.


per_ardua November 2 2007, 22:35:30 UTC
Well, it seemed Reinforce might have a distraction... Raine thought the name of the man she was talking to sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't be certain. (The concussion she was trying to avoid admitting to did make it a little hard to think. She suspected Kratos could guess the extent of her head injury, but she found it unlikely he'd say anything to Reinforce.)

This conversation didn't have much to do with her, so for the moment she turned to get a good look at the town. Honestly, by this point she was glad for the glasses--even things fifty feet away weren't blurred in the slightest. It was minor, but she liked being able to see a new place and see it clearly.

Of course, another reason she didn't bother with them back home was being perfectly happy to have a motivation to get closer... anyway, they'd probably do that soon enough.


thehellismycar November 3 2007, 02:36:27 UTC
Expression vacant, Dean didn't focus on the question right away, shifting sideways to take in the street. Least the air didn't carry that hideous stench anymore.

"Yeah, uh..." He turned to her, clearing his throat. "Rough night, that's all," he replied in the same gravelly voice, swaying on his feet a little. "Uh..." Lowering his arm, he finally returned his deadbeat gaze to her. "Wh- well, what about you?"


1imited_edition November 3 2007, 03:24:03 UTC
"I'm fine." That answer would probably never change. She could never admit to weakness. Too much depended on her.

Of course, that didn't make her any more accepting of his answer. "You look tired." To put it very mildly. She grabbed ahold of his arm and started dragging him towards one of the benches lining Magus Park. "Come and sit down."

Her voice, while concerned, let little room for argument.


per_ardua November 3 2007, 04:15:50 UTC
So she wasn't the only one Reinforce was so protective of... Raine half-smiled. She knew how the other woman felt, honestly. She was protective of Colette and Lloyd as well as Genis, and when any of them were hurt she got fierce. In her case, it was the mother in her; she didn't know what Reinforce's motivation was, but the few mentions she'd heard of Hayate made her think the girl was likely at least part of it.

"While we don't suffer as much as we technically should for lack of sleep, it's still good to rest while we can," she advised. Yes, he was obviously at least her age and probably older, but some people didn't know when to take a break.

Not to say that she didn't (frequently) push herself too hard... at least her injuries were fairly minor, and she wasn't half asleep on her feet.


thehellismycar November 3 2007, 06:27:41 UTC
Her touch was soothing in itself, and damn he wanted some one-on-one time with her. She was an enigma, something Dean refused to dismiss until he could decipher her origin. But today wasn't the day for that.

"Nah," he said hoarsely, lightly prying her fingers from his arm. He grimaced, staring into her face for a moment. "... I'll see you 'round." The hunter couldn't manage a weak smile, so he gave a nod instead. Shoes scuffing on the ground as he turned on his heel, he then retreated down Main Street.

[ moving here ]


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