Night 59: M61-M70 Hallway

Oct 24, 2011 14:57

A project of great importance. Well. That didn't sound good. Kirk tugged his Starfleet-issue boots on, hopping a little in place as he stood, and smiled to himself, irrationally pleased at how well they fit. It wasn't as if the military uniforms were all that bad either, pants creased and shirts smooth as if tailored to them in their sleep (and ( Read more... )

seishin, kirk, the doctor, zex, guy

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Comments 9

razing_phoenix October 24 2011, 23:55:35 UTC
Seeing Okita in the place where Guy was used to seeing him and talking to him with at least some level of normality had done a decent job of soothing Guy's nerves. He still hadn't been able to get much out of his roommate, though that seemed to be due to some level of memory loss. It was similar to his own situation, and yet the things he had forgotten about had been in his past, not in the immediate. As far as he knew, anyway ( ... )


M66 wantsyourzex October 30 2011, 11:13:41 UTC
This time, he woke to the sudden blaring of sirens ( ... )


Re: M66 wantsyourzex November 5 2011, 03:43:10 UTC
[to here]


From M68 timedork November 2 2011, 02:51:13 UTC
Sirens blaring overhead hadn't exactly been what the Doctor had in mind when it came to starting off the night with a bang. He'd been thinking much more figuratively.

The sheen covering the walls was interesting, though. New, and interesting, and the Doctor had used his screwdriver to analyse it for all of a few seconds before stopping-interference. Probably from the sirens.

But alarms or no, he needed to get a move on. He had gotten a last start last night, but tonight he was ready. He'd changed his clothes after dinner, giving a glance towards his sleeping roommate and wondering if he'd gotten in touch with his friend before going back to bed, and checked his pockets to make sure he had everything he might need. Everything seemed to be in place-including, finally, his specs ( ... )


deadlyjuliet November 2 2011, 09:27:51 UTC
It came in a rush. After the usual quiet dinner, the sudden alarm and the change that came over the Institute was...exhilarating to say the least. It came at him like a wall and sharp, delicious painful jab to the stomach. There was no real pain, but the pleasant buzz left in its wake wasn't all that unlike his dance with Sebastian oh so long ago in Whitechapel. Grell rose from his seat, seeing every surface awash in pink as if the glow were some vestige of a drunk interior decorator's worst nightmare, and he smiled.

As the alarm continued to blare on like some insidious drone, Grell Sutcliffe smiled; not because of the foreboding of it all, but because he realized he no longer had a heartbeat. A hand pressed to his chest confirmed it and the smile grew, cracked, became fanged and deadly. This wasn't like the night previous where he only had his speed back. This was... freedom. And what better way to celebrate than to pay those who owed him a debt a little...visitPulling his clothes from the closet, Grell left the borrowed ( ... )


contentincloset November 10 2011, 01:04:25 UTC
When the intercom blared and what he could only assume was magic filtered in and around everything present, Kurogane wanted nothing to do with it. This was stuff that General was causing, not the Head Doctor or Marc, and trying to figure out the meaning of it all wouldn't get him anywhere closer to finding the two.

He was out of the door quickly, if only to get out of his roommate's prying eyes, and once in the hallway he slipped on the ring and flung his hand at the wall, effectively smashing the stone.


contentincloset November 10 2011, 01:16:55 UTC
[gone here]


unpriest November 4 2011, 12:59:43 UTC
Seishin frowned at the intercom message; would there be another mission? , though this one appeared to warrant an announcement over the intercom as opposed to the earlier ones. He stood up at the sound of the door unlocking, a wave of dizziness momentarily overwhelming him. The lack of food was already taking its toll on his body, and he felt weak and drained. Though he picked the hatchet back up, he hesitated -- would it be wise to head out like this? In his wavering, he probably displayed the most self-preservation than he had ever done.

He nearly dropped the weapon at a sharp sound, vainly clamping his hands over his ears to shut it out. It was clearly an alarm, which was followed by a female automated voice. Code Red? What could this possibly mean? Nothing good for the institute, it appeared.

Curiosity got the better of the former priest. Despite the sense of foreboding, he headed for the door, carefully stepping in the hallway.

What was going on?


unpriest November 4 2011, 13:14:31 UTC
[To here]


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