Nightshift 24: M1-M10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 11:42

Recluse was glad that the Head Doctor didn't waste his time tonight. He held the pepper spray he had acquired last night in his left hand, sharpening steel in his right. He moved purposefully down the dark corridor, keeping silent ( Read more... )

ren, sakura, naruto, rock lee, lord recluse, goku, sora, roy, usagi, luffy, cliff, yazoo, relena, otacon, kadaj, haku, eddie brock, alec, hughes

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In search of Zabuza youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 16:47:11 UTC
Lee paused in the hallway, taking note of the people in the hallway, and other noises in the area. Bloody hell, he wished he had asked Naruto what Zabuza and Haku looked like. He had a vague idea, but here, appearances were altered to the whims of the Head Doctor ( ... )


tte_bayo June 2 2007, 18:18:25 UTC
[ From here ]

As soon as Naruto exited the room, he was surprised to look back and see that he came out of room M5. It took him a few seconds to remember that his room had been switched right before his injuries put him out of commission for those days. So he could be roomed with this Kadaj kid, apparently.

Shit, he thought, taking off on a somewhat unnecessary run considering how close he was to M2 after all, of course my bat is in someone else's room now.

"Shit!" Naruto cursed aloud when the realization hit him and then skidded to an unceremonious halt when he almost ran into somebody-- his face lit up with an excited smirk when he realized who it was.

"Hey!" He called to Lee and straightened properly. It looked like the other Konoha-nin had been in the middle of some stretching practices, he noted as he fumbled to turn on his flashlight. "You made it here quick. Looks like we're the first ones."


moon_brained June 2 2007, 19:08:06 UTC
"Naruto! Rock Lee!" Usagi called out happily as she ran to meet them. Her first, albeit short, journey was finally over. She wanted to catapult both of them with hugs, but her legs were still a little shaky.

"I'm so glad I found you guys..." Her success was raising her confidence a bit. Really! That wasn't hard at all!


youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 19:16:51 UTC
'These are the people I must protect,' thought Lee. Well, not all of them, of course, but two of them.

He gave both Usagi and Naruto his infamous sparkling grin. "It is good to see that both of you are well, and unharmed this cursed night. How many people are supposed to be at this meeting this evening, Naruto-kun?"

As he spoke, Lee continued his stretches, feeling more invigorated than before.


tte_bayo June 2 2007, 19:49:37 UTC
Naruto turned his head when Usagi showed up, happy to see that she had made it here all right. "Usagi-chan! You both look good. You didn't run into anything on the way here, right?"

"Besides us, Zabuza and Haku are supposed to show up, and also Sakura-chan and Iruka-sensei. I think that's it, but it's kind of a big group. Kind of risky."

He placed his arms behind his head casually, pondering strategy techniques that he had been taught over the years. "Think we should split off into team formations when they get here?"


moon_brained June 2 2007, 20:10:09 UTC
"I'm fine!" Usagi replied, feeling invigorated by their energy. "There weren't even that many people in the halls yet."

So there was supposed to be seven of them tonight. Usagi liked the idea of a big group, she was used to fighting as a team of at least six and sometimes ten! But that didn't seem to be the plan tonight.

"Why is a larger group risky?"


youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 21:09:06 UTC
"At times, Usagi-san, big groups can be good. There is more protection sometimes in larger groups. However, when stealth is necessary, bigger groups can slow down the team. It is also easier to spot a larger group, which makes it easier to separate a larger group. This can cause the breakdown of a team very quickly. At least, when the team cares for each other, then the capture of a teammate can be devastating. Tonight, we will need to move swiftly in order to infiltrate the File Rooms. Where Naruto and I are from, we form a three person group with a Master nin. Sakura-san, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-san were a group under the leadership of Kakashi-sensei, which will be reunited." With this last statement, he gave Naruto a look as if daring him to disagree ( ... )


tte_bayo June 3 2007, 02:43:21 UTC
Lee explained how ninja kept in mind speed and stealth when they formed teams and in his usual eloquent fashion, so that Naruto didn't find the need to add anything. His arms fell back down to his sides as he nodded along up until the former Team 7 was mentioned, at which point the blond glanced down, eyes flickering sadly for a moment ( ... )


moon_brained June 6 2007, 22:05:02 UTC
"I trust you!" Usagi replied. In her mind she hoped she wouldn't be completely useless to them without her crystal. That part of her feared that she would end up being a burden. If they found her crystal she would try no matter what to free them all from this place.

Usagi blinked at Naruto's statement about teammates. "That sounds harsh," she said. Even friends were prone to losing their way, and she couldn't find it in her heart to hate them for it. Of course saying that was always easier than practicing it when the situation arose...

"When do you think the others will show?" It felt like there was a lot to do and she was beginning to get anxious.


youthfulrocklee June 7 2007, 01:02:14 UTC
"It is a bit harsh, Usagi-san, but often the truth. To abandon teammates in the greatest time of need can cause great damage, and it takes a lot of time to heal the wounds that are caused by betrayal. Yet in time, trust can regrow, just like a flower that has lost its buds."

Lee hoped as well that soon the others would join them. Time was fleeing as they waited. Still, patience was important in such a delicate situation.

"They shall be here soon! I am certain of it!"


she_bloomed June 11 2007, 15:03:28 UTC
[[ from here. ]]

As if on cue, the faint shine of a flashlight appeared at the end of the hallway, followed by a relieved, albeit hushed, greeting.

"Naruto! Lee!" Sakura sighed, glad that they hadn't decided to leave her behind for the night. She and Relena had made good time, and it wasn't like Naruto would leave her behind. But where were Zabuza and Haku? And who was the other girl standing with them.

Green eyes narrowed as she recognized the girl from the cafeteria that Naruto had been chatting up so happily earlier in the day. Sakura could hardly help that she associated pretty, blond girls with rivalry, but she couldn't figure out exactly why she could feel her temper flaring already. It was Naruto, and yet ( ... )


queenpeacecraft June 11 2007, 15:34:02 UTC
Sakura walked up to a small group in the hall, and, surprisingly, Relena actually recognized one of them. She was glad that Usagi had found someone to stick with this night and only a bit relieved that she had another person that she recognized with them tonight.

She waited until the introductions were made before speaking up. "It's a pleasure to meet you two, and it's nice to see you again, Usagi," she said, though she didn't know why Sakura was snippy with the other blond girl. Usagi was just friendly with people and didn't seem to be the type to attack others without provocation.


tte_bayo June 11 2007, 15:47:06 UTC
Naruto was becoming increasingly eager for action. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and switched between placing his arms behind his head to letting them swing at his sides. It was hard to wait and do nothing, but he wasn't about to leave without them-- they weren't hurt, were they? In trouble ( ... )


moon_brained June 11 2007, 18:45:42 UTC
Usagi immediately recognized one of the two girls who approached the trio. "Relena!" she greeted her happily. "I'm glad you're with us!" Now the other girl...

"You must be Sakura..." Usagi stopped herself from adding 'Naruto's girlfriend'. So she was the center of the love triangle! Well, she's pretty enough, Usagi thought, but the pink hair reminded her of Chibiusa. In fact Sakura's demeanor reminded Usagi of Chibiusa when they first met. The once-over glance was not appreciated either. This girl was sizing her up like competition! The senshi would just have to prove her worth, super-powered or not.


youthfulrocklee June 12 2007, 00:59:19 UTC
Lee felt his heart clench as he watched the interaction between Sakura, Usagi and Naruto. So, Sakura did feel something more than friendship for Naruto after all. Perhaps it was no surprise, since he was her teammate, and Sasuke ( ... )


she_bloomed June 12 2007, 14:44:21 UTC
Sakura smiled triumphantly, glad to see that her comment about Gaara had had the expected effect on Naruto. Usagi, the new target blond girl in question, now had a name as well, and apparently she and Relena were acquainted. Well, that would at least make things easier, much as she loathed to admit it.

Sakura crossed her arms over her chest, switching off her flashlight now that they'd found the group and had more than enough light. Seeing that Zabuza and Haku were not yet present, nor was Iruka-sensei, she assumed she could get in a few, more choice barbs that would probably land Gaara in a world of hurt at some point.

Casualties of war.

However, as soon as Sakura opened her mouth to reply that, no, she hadn't seen Gaara but had wanted to thank him and tell him she was pressing the flower he'd given her in her journal, Rock Lee decided to pipe up about the trials of friendship and love of all things, making her promptly shut it as her eyes went wide, and a pink flush spread across her cheeks ( ... )


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