Nightshift 24: M1-M10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 11:42

Recluse was glad that the Head Doctor didn't waste his time tonight. He held the pepper spray he had acquired last night in his left hand, sharpening steel in his right. He moved purposefully down the dark corridor, keeping silent ( Read more... )

ren, sakura, naruto, rock lee, lord recluse, goku, sora, roy, usagi, luffy, cliff, yazoo, relena, otacon, kadaj, haku, eddie brock, alec, hughes

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Comments 77

In search of Zabuza youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 16:47:11 UTC
Lee paused in the hallway, taking note of the people in the hallway, and other noises in the area. Bloody hell, he wished he had asked Naruto what Zabuza and Haku looked like. He had a vague idea, but here, appearances were altered to the whims of the Head Doctor ( ... )


tte_bayo June 2 2007, 18:18:25 UTC
[ From here ]

As soon as Naruto exited the room, he was surprised to look back and see that he came out of room M5. It took him a few seconds to remember that his room had been switched right before his injuries put him out of commission for those days. So he could be roomed with this Kadaj kid, apparently.

Shit, he thought, taking off on a somewhat unnecessary run considering how close he was to M2 after all, of course my bat is in someone else's room now.

"Shit!" Naruto cursed aloud when the realization hit him and then skidded to an unceremonious halt when he almost ran into somebody-- his face lit up with an excited smirk when he realized who it was.

"Hey!" He called to Lee and straightened properly. It looked like the other Konoha-nin had been in the middle of some stretching practices, he noted as he fumbled to turn on his flashlight. "You made it here quick. Looks like we're the first ones."


moon_brained June 2 2007, 19:08:06 UTC
"Naruto! Rock Lee!" Usagi called out happily as she ran to meet them. Her first, albeit short, journey was finally over. She wanted to catapult both of them with hugs, but her legs were still a little shaky.

"I'm so glad I found you guys..." Her success was raising her confidence a bit. Really! That wasn't hard at all!


youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 19:16:51 UTC
'These are the people I must protect,' thought Lee. Well, not all of them, of course, but two of them.

He gave both Usagi and Naruto his infamous sparkling grin. "It is good to see that both of you are well, and unharmed this cursed night. How many people are supposed to be at this meeting this evening, Naruto-kun?"

As he spoke, Lee continued his stretches, feeling more invigorated than before.


felled_hero June 2 2007, 16:54:51 UTC
As soon as the doors unlocked, Maes Hughes gathered up his knives and stashed them about himself before heading out into the hallway. That was another thing he liked about his knives. He could be fully armed and no one was able to tell.

Tonight was going to be better than last night, he was determined. And maybe Roy hadn't started out yet...


muted_flame June 3 2007, 01:08:51 UTC
Strangely enough, Roy had been so busy with planning and organizing that he had almost forgotten about Hughes. While that might be seen as troubling to most, it was actually a good sign in the alchemist's opinion. It meant that he was finally getting used to having his friend around again - he didn't have to keep reminding himself that Hughes really was back. Things were becoming more normal...

And yet on the other hand, he did not want to get too accustomed to this place. He wasn't overly worried about that, however. The institute had a good habit of finding some new horror to remind him how badly they needed to get out.

Seeing that Otacon had his own plans, he bid a quick farewell to the man before exiting the room, equipped with his normal nightshift items and ready to get things done. He started down the hallway with intent, eager to get to M12, when he spotted his friend.

"Hughes," he commented, sounding surprised in spite of himself. He bowed his head slightly. "It's been a while."


felled_hero June 3 2007, 01:18:17 UTC
"Yeah, I know," Hughes said, when Roy approached him. "I was starting to wonder if you were trying to tell me something." He chuckled some and grinned, well aware that wasn't the case.

"Eh, it happens around here. What's on the board for tonight?"


muted_flame June 3 2007, 01:40:07 UTC
While Roy usually would have responded to Hughes' teasing with some dry comment, he was more focused on explaining what he had accomplished. He felt almost proud, as if he was in his element again. He was doing what he was meant for.

"I spoke with Renji and Hitsugaya at lunch. I believe Renji mentioned speaking to you, about organizing people again. They seem to know what they're doing, and I've started recruiting more people to the cause, including my roommate and his friend. I'm planning to go to M12 and make a weapon for a boy named Ashton. The support promised to me by Hitsugaya is supposed to meet me there, and then we're heading for the Entry Room."

He would succeed tonight. There was no room for failure. His tone, his posture, everything seemed to exude confidence, and it had been a long time since he had felt this certain.

But then his expression softened as he finally turned his gaze fully on Hughes, smiling slightly. "You are welcome to come, of course."


faithful_frost June 2 2007, 18:26:29 UTC
((From here.))

Haku moved quietly down this hallway as well, keeping watch for danger. He was close now and he'd made it without incedent too. He couldn't breathe easy just yet though.

Only a few more doors to go.

((((To here.))


(The comment has been removed)

barium_bullet June 4 2007, 03:52:25 UTC
[[From here.]]

Well, that had been easy.

Yazoo began making his way toward Kadaj’s room, glancing toward Sephiroth’s as he went to make sure they weren’t standing there waiting for him. When he didn’t see them there, he kept going and turned into the M1-M10 hallway, immediately spotting Kadaj.

With a small smirk, he walked up to his brother and asked in greeting, “Would you like some company?”


(The comment has been removed)

barium_bullet June 10 2007, 02:55:44 UTC
Yazoo laughed and crossed his arms loosely over his chest. “Oh, but I was so tempted to attack my nurse again, even thought it wasn’t very fun last time,” he said with a pout.

The pout turned into a small frown when Kadaj mentioned going to see Sephiroth, and he raised his shoulders in a half shrug. “We can’t keep him waiting. Well, we could if we had a death wish.” He smirked and turned then, raising his crossed arms and putting them behind his head as he led the way down the hall.

[[Off to here to bug the shit out of Sephiroth.]]


scintillatingly June 3 2007, 01:24:36 UTC
Sora couldn't help it. The only thing on his mind at the moment was Riku. Kairi hadn't gotten the chance to respond to him on the bulletin board, which meant that he still had a ton of questions running through his head.

Were there really two here? Riku and his replica? It was so strange - why did the two of them keep coming and then leaving again? Was there some reasoning behind it? Had he been here before, and just didn't remember? That was an unsettling thought, but no one had ever mentioned that to him, so ( ... )


scintillatingly June 3 2007, 01:28:15 UTC
[ To here. ]


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