Nightshift 24: M1-M10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 11:42

Recluse was glad that the Head Doctor didn't waste his time tonight. He held the pepper spray he had acquired last night in his left hand, sharpening steel in his right. He moved purposefully down the dark corridor, keeping silent ( Read more... )

ren, sakura, naruto, rock lee, lord recluse, goku, sora, roy, usagi, luffy, cliff, yazoo, relena, otacon, kadaj, haku, eddie brock, alec, hughes

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she_bloomed June 12 2007, 14:44:21 UTC
Sakura smiled triumphantly, glad to see that her comment about Gaara had had the expected effect on Naruto. Usagi, the new target blond girl in question, now had a name as well, and apparently she and Relena were acquainted. Well, that would at least make things easier, much as she loathed to admit it.

Sakura crossed her arms over her chest, switching off her flashlight now that they'd found the group and had more than enough light. Seeing that Zabuza and Haku were not yet present, nor was Iruka-sensei, she assumed she could get in a few, more choice barbs that would probably land Gaara in a world of hurt at some point.

Casualties of war.

However, as soon as Sakura opened her mouth to reply that, no, she hadn't seen Gaara but had wanted to thank him and tell him she was pressing the flower he'd given her in her journal, Rock Lee decided to pipe up about the trials of friendship and love of all things, making her promptly shut it as her eyes went wide, and a pink flush spread across her cheeks.

A pink flush of rage. Certainly not from actual embarrassment. Of course not!

"Honestly, Lee!" Sakura tried to snap, though it came out a forced. She even shifted her hands to rest indignantly on her hips. "As if enough people don't already think I'm his girlfriend now!" And the blush stained her cheeks an even deeper shade of crimson. Dammit! Sakura turned her head to the side, tilting it up and away from Naruto and the group.

"Just where the hell is that big oaf Zabuza, anyway?"


queenpeacecraft June 12 2007, 16:06:19 UTC
"I'm glad we could meet again." Smiling, Relena clasped her hands in front of her, looking very much a dignified young lady despite the loose grey clothing. Everyone seemed to have their own squabbles with each other, something that would have to be watched carefully so as to help diffuse any arguments.

Lee's greeting made her smile, feeling a bit of hope that at least one of them could focus on the objective...whatever it was. Maybe the two of them could team up to keep the peace - perhaps she could focus on Sakura and Usagi, and Lee could take care of Naruto and this Gaara they've talked about.

Also, his logic was very sound. "We should be working together, not fighting about who likes who." She probably wouldn't get on her roommate's good side with that remark, but Sakura's apparent jealousy of Usagi would only be distracting. Evidence of note, her snappish behavior after Lee's comments.


tte_bayo June 12 2007, 16:14:28 UTC
[OOC: I got all jumbled with posting order, sorry. ;o; My brain is not much more reliable than Narutard's.]

With Sakura-blinders properly in place, Naruto turned his head to watch her response carefully, to hear if she had met with Gaara at any point during the day or night.

Sasuke was one thing. Naruto respected and would encourage her love for their old teammate, and had long since outgrown any realistic notion that he might be able to hold the same place in her heart. It was different with Sasuke, for whatever reason, and he had always expected that fixing everything meant fixing Sakura and Sasuke. That was the way things were supposed to be.

When both Lee and Relena spoke, Naruto scratched the back of his head out of a small amount of embarrassment and forced himself to remember their mission. Right. Fuzzy Brows had a talent for this stuff, that was for sure.

"Yeah, we've got to keep focused!" He agreed with a renewed spark of determination and pounded a fist into his palm once. They had to show Usagi and Relena they were worth their weight in ninja. "As soon as the rest show up, we've got to get something done tonight."

But, Sakura was blushing so hard, it was even possible to tell in the dark. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, but...

A lightbulb clicked on. But it was so bizarre, he couldn't fully comprehend it at first. Naruto blinked at her three times, the dawning realization not fully jiving with his known version of the truth.

Somewhere among his sheer confusion, a bit of happiness burst in his heart. It spread strange warmth around and he felt a heat rise to his cheeks. So utterly flabbergasted (and surely in the wrong) by interpreting her behavior, he couldn't even gloat or make life harder for her at the moment. Naruto might have muttered her name once in a low voice, but ceased staring out of knowledge of how red in the face he must have been by now.

It had to be wrong.


moon_brained June 12 2007, 17:03:38 UTC
The girl carefully watched the interaction between the three ninjas. There was a lot of jealousy flying around the room, revealing what might be a hint of how they really felt about each other. Usagi crossed her arms and ignored the pale imitation of Chibiusa. And after she was all ready to help play matchmaker too... This wasn't the time to be acting immature but Usagi couldn't help herself, especially since the other girl started it.

She slipped herself next to Naruto and nodded furiously at everything he said. "You're so right Naruto-san!" she nearly shouted, even though the others had said the exact same thing as him. Usagi inched even closer to the ninja and smiled adoringly at him. With one swift motion she grabbed his hand. For a second her heart clenched as she noted the difference between the boy's and Mamoru's hands. He wouldn't approve of her teasing people like this, but it was for a good cause! They all needed a little push.

Usagi punched both of their hands into the air. "We're all going to make a great team!"


youthfulrocklee June 12 2007, 20:11:54 UTC
Lee carefully made sure that his face betrayed no emotion, other than the usually joy that he projected. Gaara liked Sakura, too? Who else was in the list anyway?

"Sakura-san, I never said that I thought you were Naruto-kun's girlfriend. I was always hoping for that position myself." He laughed. He had to laugh, for the good of the team. Oh, what would Tenten say if she were here? Probably smack him over the head and call him an idiot. He had the sneaking suspcion that she believed his infatuation with Sakura to be completely stupid. The old Neji would say it was fate, and the new Neji would probably simply keep to himself and think them all idiots. Lee was never certain what went through Neji's head, really.

"But even if we were not in this horrible place, is it not most important for friend's to be happy? After all, there is more to love than simply that of romance, but also the great power of the love for friends. No matter how many times I am rejected by others, as long as I have friends, then that will be sufficient." Yes, he would stop there. It was true that he could challenge Naruto or anyone else vying for Sakura, but now was not the time for that foolishness.

He moved away from the others, looking down the hall, and his cold, fighting mask in place. His eyes were sharper, noting movements and sounds.

"Perhaps it would be best to split up, some of us waiting for the others, while some moving ahead." Lee turned to face the others, but he did not remove his mask. "I am willing to move alone to scout the area ahead for enemies, and to take out those that I can. Even if I am captured, if I manage to take out a few, then that shall be less for all of you."

It was a foolish action, but if the others continued to bicker, then he did not want to be around to hear it anymore.


she_bloomed June 13 2007, 13:13:46 UTC
What Relena and everyone else were saying made a lot of sense, and, honestly, Sakura was a little ashamed of herself. She was acting just like Naruto had been about Gaara and previously Sasuke. Her green eyes softened, and she sighed. It was always so hard to admit that you'd been in the wrong. Shifting her gaze back towards Usagi, she was prepared to apologize or at least agree to work together-

-when the other girl grabbed Naruto's hand and pumped it into the air triumphantly, all the while gushing over him like some adoring fan.

A vein was probably bulging in the pink-haired girl's forehead now as all logic was lost and a hand shot out instinctively to grab Naruto's other hand and attempt to yank him over to her side. So she didn't have the benefit of Tsunade's signature jutsus here. The training she'd endured under her tutelage had been enough to greatly improve her physical strength regardless. Sakura didn't even stop to think about the repercussions of her actions on Naruto's ego. Nor how silly she was being.

Before she had time to be embarrassed, Lee spoke up again, his words ringing true as they ever did. Sakura's somewhat comically angry expression melted away into a concerned one. How easy it still was to get caught up in the motions of things, fall back into old habits, and unconciously probably cause others a lot of pain. Ashamed, she didn't even realize that she hadn't released Naruto's hand just yet.

"Lee..." Sakura's voice trailed off before she snapped out of it and offered her friend an apologetic smile. "We should really try to get something done tonight, but you shouldn't go off alone." Despite the fact that she'd done it time and again herself. To the rest of the group, grudgingly including Usagi, the kunoichi directed the same smile.

"I'm sorry, everybody. We should really be focused on getting something done, with or without Zabuza and Haku," she said, though the Demon of the Mist would certainly get a punch to the face if he gloated that they were all too scared to show up or something later. Or maybe she was just being exceptionally inclined to violence in her current state.

When her eyes fell on Naruto, Sakura felt them immediately drift to the hand she held, gently now, in her own. The flush returned immediately, and the girl released the hand like she'd been gripping a hot coal and just realized it. She looked away, bashfully casting her gaze at the floor.

"Ah- Sorry, Naruto," she stammered quietly.


queenpeacecraft June 13 2007, 18:57:03 UTC
Relena seriously thought that she was in the middle of a teenaged love drama that all the girls in her classes at St. Gabriel's loved to watch. Not that she had seen them herself, but she did hear all the gossip about who slept with who and who had been killed off last time. She could honestly say this was more confusing than trying to get a committee of the ESUN leaders to agree on energy policy, and that was saying something.

She was about to keep Sakura from doing something stupid to Usagi when Lee had spoken up. Maybe that was for the best, as she fairly sure if she wasn't strong enough to hold her roommate back from killing the first friendly face Relena had seen in this place.

Thankfully, Sakura was able to pull it together on her own and focus back on the night's plans. Whatever they were. "Who else are we expecting, and what will we be doing tonight?"


tte_bayo June 13 2007, 22:32:08 UTC
Now, he totally had not been expecting anything like that.

Naruto had no idea what to make of Usagi's sudden closeness in proximity. Some part of him still expected people to keep a wide berth between themselves and the nine-tails, having grown up that way. He gave her a bit of an unsure grin and leaned an inch to the side unconsciously. Girls, least of all ones as pretty as Usagi, didn't normally hover around him.

And girls definitely never made grabs for his hand. His eyes went very wide and confused when the other blond lifted their hands in the air and expressed her confidence in their team. Naruto, by now, had an sixth sense for Sakura's rage and felt death in the air as soon as it happened.

What happened next might as well have scrambled Naruto's brains even more than they already permanently were. Yanked away from Usagi, he skidded unsteadily on one foot and nearly knocked his head into Sakura's shoulder before he got his footing and stood straight. Sakura had grabbed him and pulled him away-- Sakura-- holding his hand--

For once in his life, he was at a complete loss for words. Coherent thought flew out of his mind as he eyed her hand enclosed around his, his face flushed red. Needless to say, with guys like Sasuke around, this had never happened to Naruto before in his entire life. And he had never expected Sakura to become so possessive over him.

"Sa-Sakura-chan," was all he managed in his shock. And weakly, for how loud his voice usually was. It was Lee who managed to bring him back around to the real world. Naruto lifted his gaze and watched him carefully, brows furrowing the moment he spoke of going on alone.

"No!" Finding strength for his voice, he protested much less gently than Sakura. "Nobody's going ahead alone. My first night here, I didn't even get to go very far, and--" well, he didn't want to think about what might have happened to Gaara if he hadn't insisted on accompanying him. "No way, I won't let anybody do it. And they'll be here, they will," Naruto assured, with no doubt that Zabuza would bring Haku - no doubts in his mind at all about that, Solitary Confinement or not.

Apparently also forgetting about his grip on Sakura's hand, which had tightened a bit since he started speaking. When she let go his attention was brought back to her. He shook his head at her small apology, somewhat dazedly. He wasn't any less baffled, and it showed clearly on his face. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears.

Later-- in private-- talk-- something. Mission now. Focus. Naruto strode ahead suddenly and stopped at Lee's side, features hardening as he became equally serious. He took up answering Relena's questions: "We've been waiting for two other ninja, but since they haven't shown up yet," he paused with a good-natured smirk directed at Lee, watching him from the corners of his eyes.

"Since we have such a big group, it's not such a bad idea to send a scouting team ahead while we wait. To take out potential obstacles and wait for the rest to catch up at the Files Room. What do you think, Lee? Two strong shinobi should be enough for this dump."


moon_brained June 13 2007, 23:14:46 UTC
Usagi let go immediately when she felt Naruto being pulled away. The strength of the girl ninja surprised her, she felt a little bad for Naruto for having such a rough love interest! And a jealous one too! But Usagi could sympathize, she was possessive when it came to her own boyfriend- although she would never admit to being worse than this girl. Usagi looked at Sakura thoughtfully. Maybe they had more in common than she thought.

As Lee spoke and reminded them of the danger at hand Usagi felt slightly embarrassed for her actions, but the momentary distraction had also been stopping her from turning into a ball of nerves. Landel's was still an unknown place to Usagi, and the stories she heard about night that were pushed away by the excitement of learning about these strange new people were creeping back to haunt her.

"Is that such a good idea?" she asked fearfully. What if something happened to the two boys while the rest were waiting, it wasn't like they had access to communicators or anything like that.


youthfulrocklee June 14 2007, 00:21:10 UTC
Lee smiled back at Naruto, but it was quickly wiped away when he turned to face the others. It was business now.
Yes, it was a dangerous move to make, he knew, moving ahead with a smaller party. Two shinobi against whatever this hell-filled place contained could be asking for trouble. On the other hand, it would be better to keep the group small to see what was going on ahead. It was quicker that way, and apparently would be less confusion without all the love...whatever the shape was meant to be at this moment.

"It is probably the best choice at this moment," said Lee softly. "I do not know fully well how you fight, Usagi-san, or you, Relena-san, but Sakura-san is a good fighter and leader. You three shall be strong together..."

He wanted to add, 'if two of you would stop fighting,' but decided against that.

"If we realize that we are outnumbered, it will be best to regroup..."

He took a breath and looked at everyone. With a momentary flash of emotion, he turned away and began to swiftly, but carefully movedown the hallway. Once more, he was running off into who knows where, yet for some reason, he was not afraid at all. Good bye, matter what occurs, I will always be your friend...

To Here


tte_bayo June 14 2007, 00:38:31 UTC
[ OOC: Jumping posting order in order to follow Lee ]

"Don't worry at all, Usagi-chan," Naruto chirped with total confidence and lifted his arms mechanically to tighten the back of his hitai-ate - ah, shit. No more hitai-ate. Instead, he plucked his flashlight from the waistband of his pants and checked on his fork, knife, and pens.

They seriously needed to find better weapons.

"If anyone, thing, gets in our way, we'll just kick its ass. And it'll be safer for you guys to travel that path after us. We'll meet you all at the Files Room, so let Zabuza and Haku know when they get here."

"Sakura-chan." He smiled at her, softly and genuinely for approximately three seconds before it turned into his usual, sloppy, big grin. "Take care of them! I trust you!"

With a quick wave to the group, he sprinted after Lee.

[ Tagging along over here ]


she_bloomed June 14 2007, 13:36:50 UTC
Of course the two boys would be first to jump on the idea of running off to scout around and potentially beat up monsters together. They didn't even wait to discuss who would be going or give her a say in the matter!

"Naruto! Lee!" she called after them, knowing all the while that it was futile to even try. It was just their nature, and she could only have faith that they had enough sense not to get themselves killed. She was always getting left behind... It had been two years, and nothing had changed. Sakura had half a mind to go charging after them, to show them just how much she'd changed. But she looked back to Usagi and Relena and knew that she couldn't abandon them. Even if they were capable fighters, and you could never judge a book by its cover, Zabuza and Haku would not recognize them and simply assume that she and Naruto had chosen to stand them up for the night. They were rogue ninjas back home, but here they were allies, capable ones at that.

"Boys!" she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to seem unconcerned and simply annoyed. "Always running off thinking they can take on the world without our help."


queenpeacecraft June 14 2007, 14:28:33 UTC
"It looks like you and I have that in common," Relena said, trying to keep it light and non-judgmental. The last thing Sakura needed was an ex-queen making her dejection and annoyance worse. "I know I can't fight, but it's still hard watching people you care about leave you behind while they go off into danger."

Saying those words brought back memories of the last battles in the Eve Wars - watching Heero and the other pilots leave her for battle, the fighting, the death...Heero nearly sacrificing himself for the good of everyone.... Her heart had dropped down into her stomach when that happened, a feeling she hoped she would never feel again.

Relena shook off those feelings and smiled for Sakura. "Anyway, they probably wanted you to stay here to meet the other people." That was the only thing that made sense, considering she and Usagi were new to this place. The pair of blonds would likely be ignored if they were the only ones here, if not outright mocked for just standing around out here.


damned_monsters June 14 2007, 18:00:56 UTC
Standing around was definitely a bad idea. The swarm of dragonflies flitted from the shadows of the ceiling. From far away they seemed harmless, but they were getting closer and they were purposefully heading towards the girls' faces and any exposed flesh. Fragile looking wings were betrayed by their grotesque bodies, and any illusion of harmlessness was destroyed by the sharp teeth bared and ready to bite.



moon_brained June 14 2007, 18:48:25 UTC
Usagi nodded in agreement with both of their statements. "They think they're protecting us but sometimes they just make it worse!" The three girls at least had that in common too. The pain she'd felt when she thought Mamoru wanted nothing to do with her was awful, and all because he didn't want to burden her with his curse.

A noise made Usagi turn her attention back down the hall. There had been people making sounds earlier, but this wasn't footsteps... it was buzzing. Something smacked into her face and scratched dangerously near her eye, giving her the impression of a large bug. Usagi was not a fond of bugs.

"EEWWW!!" the girl shrieked, violently swatting at her own face and jumping backwards.


she_bloomed June 14 2007, 19:08:42 UTC
"I know, I know... But you'd think they'd at least ask our opinion!" Sakura persisted, knowing full-well Relena was right but entirely unwilling to give Naruto or Lee the benefit of the doubt. It was irritating to always be left behind, but it seemed that her two companions completely understood her dilemma. She blinked twice, a bit surprised that their little misunderstanding seemed to be water under the bridge now, but didn't protest. She grinned at Usagi and Relena, finding it somewhat therapeutic to be in the company of girls who understood. "It's okay. Even if they won't admit it, they'd be lost without us."

It was then that Sakura heard the faint sound of buzzing as well and whirled around as soon as she noticed Usagi start to panic. Bugs. Dragonflies, to be precise, if they could even be called that anymore. Her eyes widened, and the kunoichi froze in place for a moment before the adrenaline kicked in and she sprung into action.

"Into one of the rooms! Hurry!" she barked to her companions, not following her own advice just yet as she readied herself to swat and strike as many of the fist-sized creatures as she could. Hopefully, Sakura could provide a decent distraction. She hadn't tested the limits of her disrupted chakra, but so long as she had some, she'd certainly be making use of a log trick right now.


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