Day 53: Intercom, Dawn

Nov 20, 2010 22:51

Although the day was sunny and warm, there seemed to be a strange tension within the walls of Landel's Institute. The nurses seemed a little more on-edge than usual, and they were already bustling to-and-fro in the hallways before the Head Doctor even made his announcement. It seemed that they'd all been roused early today by Nurse Lydia - but for ( Read more... )

chuck, sechs, aerith, intercom, peeta, sanosuke, watson, badd, claire stanfield, ruby, the master, soren, katniss, holmes

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Comments 37

M8 godsajoke November 21 2010, 16:31:07 UTC
It'd been a long time since Chuck had had a good dream. Years, in fact. He couldn't even remember the last time, and that was saying a lot, because in spite of the fact that he was pretty much a sugar-addicted alcoholic, Chuck had a pretty good memory. (So good that sometimes he wondered if little things like forgetting where he'd put his keys or what he'd had for breakfast that morning or what his last good dream was was all the fault of his current career as Chief Cameraman of The Sam and Dean Show. It had to take a toll, basically living out the lives of two other people. All that data had to go somewhere.) The thing was, most of his memory--and most of the memories he was making--had to do with the Winchesters and their increasingly grisly adventures. Every sleeping moment was another episode of The Apocalypse: As Hosted by the Winchester Boys! and almost every waking moment was spent frantically writing down every detail and word in the hopes that somewhere along the line, there might just be a clue that the Apocalypse wasn't ( ... )


m8 godsajoke November 21 2010, 16:33:00 UTC
Chuck moaned. (Partially in irritation, partially because, well.) He understood, vaguely, that it wasn't Becky's voice, but wasn't interested in leaving the dream to find out. Unfortunately, whoever's voice it was wasn't particularly happy with him at the moment. A firm hand landed upon his shoulder and shook him. "Mr. Riordan ( ... )


M8 godsajoke November 21 2010, 16:33:43 UTC
She was still there, in all of her mighty-busted Nurse Ratched glory. She was still there and reaching for him while making weird, not-at-all reassuring noises with her tongue, and Chuck had never thought he would think this about any woman, but. Her boobs were scaring him. "Now, now, Mr. Riordan! There's no need for all the theatrics! I know you're quite the imaginative type, but you're safe here and we're going to take real good care of you."

Her smiled widened.


That was never good.

Not good at all.Chuck swallowed. His hand reached up and started nervously scratching at the juncture between neck and shoulder. "Um... I think there's been some mistake. My name's not Riordan, okay, I have no idea what I'm doing here, and honestly?" He paused for a second, seeing her smile widen even further, and swallowed again. "This isn't funny. Can we just... skip to the end? I'll pay you whatever they did." If it wasn't a dream, it had to be a joke ( ... )


Re: M8 godsajoke November 22 2010, 01:30:46 UTC

M55 sixth_attack November 21 2010, 17:29:49 UTC
It first began as a horrible nightmare.

The only scattered moments Sechs could recall were blurred by fury and horror as a group of orderlies descended upon him once more in his room.

They were taking him in to be experimented on again.

The invasion of the institute staff sent Sechs into a blind rage. They were not taking him again! He would rather kill or be killed than to be bound to that horrible chair beneath that monstrosity of a doctor's tools again! He remembered sending a few of the burly men down, striking them in every vulnerable spot he could aim his fists and feet at, spilling blood from their mouths and noses. Yet his desperate fight arrived to the inevitable conclusion with the prick of a needle in his skin. Pinned down to his bed by numerous arms, Sechs felt his strength rapidly seep out of his muscles and his lucidity fade from his head ( ... )


Re: M55 sixth_attack November 21 2010, 17:30:41 UTC
...The dream was suddenly over; throwing Sechs back into a conscious state that left him dripping with cold sweat and smothered by blankets. Laid out on his back, Sechs' mind was as blank as the plain ceiling above him. Despite that, he felt pretty good inside, like waking up after a victorious fight and having even more fun battles to look forward to. He smiled to himself. He couldn't wait to get started! Yet there was also disappointment lingering deep inside his heart, even regret, but why did he feel that way ( ... )


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 23 2010, 03:38:33 UTC
She knew it was going to be a long day the moment she heard a patient was throwing a fit in M55. A quick glance at her charts told her that Mr. Sasaki had recently undergone some special treatments last night. It was not necessarily unusual for some patients to react so violently upon waking in the morning, though it was unfortunate when it happened. But the fact remained that Mr. Sasaki was not the first to behave this way, nor would he be the last.

Accompanied by two orderlies, she quickly made her way to the room, intent on solving this before he upset other patients in the hall. She didn't immediately open it, however, as she hoped to try to soothe him somewhat before unlocking the door.

"Mr. Sasaki, I assure you we are only here to help you," the nurse said, trying to speak loud enough to be heard over the man's racket, but not to the point where she was yelling. "I'm more than willing to listen to your concerns while we walk to the cafeteria together, but you've got to calm down first."



Re: M55 sixth_attack November 23 2010, 06:54:13 UTC
And in came the terribly concerned staff, this time not barging into the room as they did before. Instead, Landel's cronies were staying on the other side of the battered door while taking on the whole innocent "this is for your own good" role. The voice of the nurse trying to calm Sechs down, after all the horrific shit he had been put through the night before, only enraged him even more! This wasn't something to be simply brushed off! If the staff here truly didn't know what was going on here, then they made lobotomized Deckmen actually look smart! And that was quite the achievement in Sechs' book ( ... )


M37 frostingboy November 21 2010, 19:34:02 UTC
He'd been so tired. But he should have known better than to go to sleep ( ... )


F32 thatdemonbitch November 21 2010, 20:04:40 UTC
Nothing on any plane of existence, Hell included, would ever be quite as simultaneously boring and nerve-wracking as sitting useless in a bar because you'd gotten the shaft on hanging around just about the only person who'd give you the time of day. Sadly, in the past few weeks, Ruby had gotten used to it. Which was all kinds of humiliating, but, well. Sam would find his way back to her like he always did, it was just a matter of time. What she hadn't been expecting was for the demon she was grilling for info on the goings on downstairs to turn out to be stronger than she'd expected. Sure, she'd gotten news on the fact that all of Hell was on express orders to track down this Milton girl, but it also meant getting pinned to the wall by the super strength and knowing she wasn't gonna have her antichrist pal running in to blast the bastard off of her with more of that psychic mojo ( ... )


F32 thatdemonbitch November 21 2010, 20:05:35 UTC
"Well, with a warm welcome like this, you guys better have some goddamn french fries on the menu," she sneered. As if with the express purpose of answering her question, the intercom rattled to life, announcing that there were waffles waiting for them in the cafeteria -- which surprisingly sounded pretty good. When she stood to investigate further, the nurse tried to take her arm and guide her from the room, Ruby jerked it back. "You touch me again, and I'll rip your guts right outta that pretty little throat of yours, and wear them for garters when I walk my ass outta here." A look of surprise, then alarm washed over the nurse's face as she began to pull away and, for an instant, Ruby felt triumphant. Triumphant enough to add a snide, "that's what I thought." But the nurse wasn't pulling away to leave. Two larger male nurses entered the room and Ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes. Back-up ( ... )


F33 combustiongirl November 21 2010, 20:46:11 UTC
One small comfort to being in the arena--or in the Capitol, same thing at this point, really--was that, though Katniss slept fitfully and still had plenty of nightmares, they weren't the kind that woke her with her own screams clawing their way out of her throat. That didn't mean they were nice, though; far from it. But when she woke from a dream of Boggs disintegrating limb-by-limb into sticky black nothingness that creeped forward like jungle fog, all she felt was cold.

Instantly, everything felt wrong. When she'd fallen asleep, it had been on the hard concrete floor of an underground tunnel, with her squad all settled equally comfortably around her and the steady drip drip drip of water from an invisible leaky pipe in the background. But as she sat up, scratchy cotton sheets pooled in her lap and she could feel the supple hardness of a mattress pressing back against her hand. The room she was in was smallish, sparsely furnished, and it looked like the hospital back in District 13, only without the beeping equipment and morphling ( ... )


F33 combustiongirl November 21 2010, 20:46:40 UTC
"My name's not Ava," she said. "It's Katniss."

The nurse shook her head in an overdramatic display of sympathy. "No, dear. You're confused."

Mentally disoriented, Katniss thought. And definitely crazy. But I know my own name. She tried another tack. "Don't you realize who I am? I'm the Mockingjay."

The nurse made a hmmm sound in the back of her throat. "Yes, your file said you insisted on calling yourself that. Now come along, Ava dear, and let's get some breakfast in you, alright? You're far too thin."

A flare of anger pulsed through Katniss; she didn't insist on it: she hated it, she hadn't had a choice, and plenty of people had died because of her. She'd never really chosen to become the Mockingjay; it was just the only way she could fight, a means to survive. But Katniss became aware of something else, as well: she was hungry. Not just hungry, but starving. And if free food was being offered, there was no way she was going to pass it up. She'd think better on a full stomach ( ... )


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