Day 53: Intercom, Dawn

Nov 20, 2010 22:51

Although the day was sunny and warm, there seemed to be a strange tension within the walls of Landel's Institute. The nurses seemed a little more on-edge than usual, and they were already bustling to-and-fro in the hallways before the Head Doctor even made his announcement. It seemed that they'd all been roused early today by Nurse Lydia - but for ( Read more... )

chuck, sechs, aerith, intercom, peeta, sanosuke, watson, badd, claire stanfield, ruby, the master, soren, katniss, holmes

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Re: M55 sixth_attack November 23 2010, 06:54:13 UTC
And in came the terribly concerned staff, this time not barging into the room as they did before. Instead, Landel's cronies were staying on the other side of the battered door while taking on the whole innocent "this is for your own good" role. The voice of the nurse trying to calm Sechs down, after all the horrific shit he had been put through the night before, only enraged him even more! This wasn't something to be simply brushed off! If the staff here truly didn't know what was going on here, then they made lobotomized Deckmen actually look smart! And that was quite the achievement in Sechs' book!

"Yeah right!" Sechs spat back, giving the door another thunderous smash with his fist, "None of you EVER listen to me or anyone else here! You're just FULL OF IT!" Another loud pound rattled the door to its very hinges. "You're NOTHING but a bunch of LIARS AND DENIERS! THAT'S ALL! There's NO POINT in me talking to YOU!"

Leaning away from the door, Sechs stared it down with all the intentions of hatefully shooting daggers at the staff standing on the other side. What a bunch of cowards! Always talking down to him and then poking him with needles if he didn't comply! "I will NOT calm down!" he snarled as his breaths emerged as heavy wheezing through his gnashing teeth. He wanted Landel's blood on his hands, and he was ready to fight anyone who got in his way!

"And I'm NOT some lab rat or a mindless agent!" Sechs shouted again, his voice now cracking slightly under the strain. The scattered memories of the night before were swirling like a whirlpool inside his head; even though he couldn't remember exactly everything that happened, the panic over his brainwashed actions was rapidly seeping into his consciousness. A second later, he broke out into another furious roar, this time leaving a dent in the door from his fit of rage against it, "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I COULD'VE KILLED SOMEONE LAST NIGHT!"

Damnit! He was starting to feel dizzy, and his vision was deadlocked onto an unseen target behind the door, yet his body was in full berserk mode; he couldn't let the consequences of last night get to him now, he had to focus on revenge! The institute wasn't getting away with this! He wasn't anyone's little puppet, or a mindless obedient Replica for that matter!

"Now let me outta here so I can give the Head Doctor a piece of my mind!" he growled, reaching a hand out towards his closet, "If you stay out of my way and give me directions to his office, then I promise I won't hurt you! Much!"


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 23 2010, 09:18:16 UTC
The nurse held back a tired sigh when it became evident that Mr. Sasaki wasn't going to listen to reason. Of course, she supposed she could hardly blame him, considering the kind of illness he had. But she could already tell this was going to be one of those Wednesdays, which left her feeling a little bothered that more hadn't been done to prevent this kind of reaction from the patient in the first place.

After giving the two orderlies with her a small nod, she reached forward and unlocked the door. "We're coming in now, Mr. Sasaki," she spoke up as she slowly began pushing it open. "Do not be alarmed. We simply want to talk to you."


Re: M55 sixth_attack November 23 2010, 22:58:52 UTC
The click of the door unlocking snapped in Sechs' ears like a gunshot sounding off the start of a tournament match. A low growl passed his lips, and his body bent down into a defensive hunch. Any moment now and Sechs would find himself up against the nurse's little army of orderlies; most likely two or more thanks to the violent reputation he had made with the staff. But he didn't care, he was ready for them.

"Yeah right!" he snapped at the door, tossing his head to throw his wild hair away from his eyes, "More like you want to come in and SHOVE those damn needles in my ASS!"

Keeping his front facing the door, Sechs leaned to the side to throw open his closet. His hand grasped for his axe, but to his panic he didn't feel the weapon in its usual spot. Risking a second to glance away from the slowly opening door towards where his hand clenched the air, Sechs was aggravated to find that his axe had been propped up in the back corner on the other side of the closet, much too far for him to grab for before the staff came crashing in!

He didn't have time to fume over it though, as his yellow eyes darted back to find the open slit between the door and the wall growing rapidly with each passing second. Snarling, he slammed the closet shut and grabbed for his chair behind him. A good fighter always knew that anything could be used as a weapon!

"Come on in!" he barked, readying the chair in his grasp, "I'm ready for ya!" And as soon as the door was wide enough, the Replica made a vicious swing at the uniformed invaders, aiming the chair's legs at their heads.


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 24 2010, 00:36:11 UTC
She tried not to be so quick to use sedatives on patients. They wouldn't be able to learn how to function in society if they were constantly drugged, after all. She preferred to at least give them a choice of calming down or being faced with a needle. But in Mr. Sasaki's case, it was clear he was going to need some help with settling down if he kept up this behavior.

Thankfully, the orderlies with her were ready for the attack. One of them reached up to try to grab at the chair's legs while the other quickly moved around behind the patient to try to restrain him from behind. The nurse, meanwhile, stepped out of the way enough to make certain she wouldn't be a hindrance to the orderlies.

"Mr. Sasaki, please calm down," she urged instead.


Re: M55 sixth_attack November 24 2010, 04:35:01 UTC
The fight was on! Sechs' eyes widened with intense hunger for revenge at the two orderlies who greeted him at the door; but he knew this battle wasn't going to be easy, not when he had all his power and freedom taken away from him again. That fact alone only boosted his berserk state and he attacked with no hesitance.

The chair's legs were caught just in the nick of time, connecting with the orderly's hands with a sharp thwack! The next second came with the approach of the other orderly dashing in for an attack from behind. Snarling, Sechs shot his foot out in a blurring kick, aiming to knock the first orderly down as he attempted to wrench the chair out of his hands. Falling into a deeper state of enraged fervor, Sechs gave out a beastly roar at the staff, viciously tugging at the chair with the intention of regaining control and swinging it towards the second orderly behind him with added force to its velocity.

"NO! I'm not calming down until I'm FREE FROM THIS HELL HOLE!" he answered through clenching teeth.


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 24 2010, 06:36:57 UTC
The orderlies were trained for precisely this kind of work. Sasaki's violent reactions were challenging, but not impossible to deal with. As he struck at the first man, his grip on the chair only tightened even as he stumbled back, because he knew letting go would provide the patient a potentially dangerous weapon.

Meanwhile, the second orderly moved in closer from behind, reaching out to try to hold him back and in place. The nurse watched with an anxious frown, wishing they could do something to calm him down. But there was no soothing his irrational state of mind now that he was lashing out at the staff like this. Leading him into the cafeteria as he was now would pose a hazard to the other patients.

Pursing her lips, she began to prepare a syringe.


Re: M55 sixth_attack November 24 2010, 07:57:29 UTC
"ARGH!!" The Replica's anger rapidly boiled over as his plan to smash both the orderly's heads with the chair fell apart before him. His grip on the makeshift weapon was slipping, and he spotted the other orderly's arms reach out to wrap around his torso. "DAMN YOU!"

If only he had been able to grab his axe! And this body of his was just too weak! At least compared to the former one he was cruelly controlled in! The disappointing lack of power and ability in his organic body had only been intensified by the false freedom he experienced the night before. It was like being gifted for a day with a high-end vehicle, only to be dumped back into your old junky car the following day! It was a sick game that was beyond unfair!

He couldn't let his disadvantage win over him though! Not again! Cursing himself hoarse at the staff surrounding him, Sechs released the chair, but not without sending another kick aimed for the first orderly's gut.

Now was the second grunt's turn, whose arms had now clamped themselves around Sechs' torso. "NO! GET OFF ME!" Snarling like a trapped beast, Sechs struggled madly in the orderly's restraining hold. As he fought to free himself, the Replica's face was contorted with rage and even a hint of dread as he spotted the nurse preparing the syringe. Just the mere sight of that damned, pointy thing intensified his struggles into a frenzy until he managed to pull out his right arm from the orderly's clutches. Wasting no time, Sechs then twisted to the side against the thick arms that fought to subdue him and sent his fist flying towards the offending orderly's face.


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 24 2010, 22:18:41 UTC
The kick connected against the first orderly, and he staggered back with a tight grunt. Since he was well-trained for this kind of thing, though, it wasn't enough to seriously wind him for long. Instead, he quickly put the chair down a safe distance away from the patient and began to move toward him again to grab for his newly freed arm.

The second orderly, meanwhile, tightened his hold on Sasaki, sharply turning his face away from the flying fist in order to protect the more sensitive parts of his head.

Realizing that he was only going to get worse from here, the nurse didn't waste anymore time getting involved herself. Whipping out a cotton swab, she swiftly moved in and wiped the cool alcohol across his restrained arm and promptly inserted the needle there.


Re: M55 sixth_attack November 25 2010, 22:31:37 UTC
Sechs felt his fist hit his attacker's head -- but the strike missed the orderly's face, skimming past his jaw bone, only to leave little impact on the side of his skull. Immediately, the former android struck again, but another pair of hands grabbed his free arm, rendering him nearly powerless to fight back. Sechs' struggles didn't relent however, as he fired off desperate kicks at the orderly's legs in an effort to knock them away.

The nurse was making her approach, and Sechs felt the blood drain from his face as he realized he may have already lost the battle. He was losing control! Both against the staff and his own body's weaknesses! As soon as he felt the nurse apply the cold liquid on his arm, Sechs sensed the cruel presence of the drug in his back, cackling sadistically at him inside his consciousness. He was out of control and trapped inside his organic body, if not his very own mind! He had to get away! He had to get out of here! He had to--

The needle sunk in, and Sechs gave out a howl of rage. "NO! You can't keep doing this to me!" he cried, flinching from the sharp twinge of the syringe releasing its weakening poisons into his system. Sechs shot an expression of utmost loathing at the needle-wielding nurse. He couldn't stand being manipulated and drugged like this! He hated everything about the damn institute so much that he--

Slowly but surely, the sedation kicked in and Sechs' berserk energy gradually deflated. His ragged breaths calmed down into weary panting while his eyes began to lose focus. It was over...

"Poor little Replica..." came the soft hiss of the darkness in his head, "Just how many times do you have to be put into your place before you stop fighting against your fate?"

"NOO!!!" Just when the orderlies felt it was safe enough to slacken their hold on Sechs, the Replica suddenly pounced to life, tearing himself from the hands that restrained him and making a drunken stumble for the door.

Fighting against the chemicals invading his mind and muscles, Sechs willed himself past the door and out into the hallway. He had to reach the third floor and find that bastard Landel before the sedatives fully took over! He mustered all his willpower to move his legs, forcing himself down the hall in a desperate scramble as he felt his side scrape against the wall. His limbs were getting numb, his vision began to spin, and he felt just about ready to retch, but he had to keep going! He had to persevere! He drove himself further, pushing against the sedative's demands for him to surrender. The effort was so enormous that he must have reached Landel's office by now--!

Yet a dull pain felt throughout his front told Sechs that he had barely reached a dozen steps before his knees gave way beneath him, leaving him sprawled face-first on the floor and completely weakened for the staff to catch up with him.


Re: M55 damned_nurses November 30 2010, 13:57:01 UTC
The nurse would have to reprimand the orderlies for letting go of the him too soon. Yet she knew it was strange that he still put up a resistance, considering sedation was supposed to help calm upset patients. They quickly chased after him before he could get too far, and the nurse was relieved to find that he hadn't run into any of their other sensitive charges. The last thing they needed was for this kind of hysteria to spread among the others.

"There, there, Mr. Sasaki," she said as the orderlies helped him up. "Let's get you something warm to eat. Some quiet relaxation will do you good, I think." They would have to keep an extra eye on him throughout the rest of the day to make sure he didn't have another fit. Hopefully they could prevent him having another fit before it got so out of hand.

The orderlies made sure not to let go of him this time, and they calmly escorted him to the current shift.


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