Day 53: Intercom, Dawn

Nov 20, 2010 22:51

Although the day was sunny and warm, there seemed to be a strange tension within the walls of Landel's Institute. The nurses seemed a little more on-edge than usual, and they were already bustling to-and-fro in the hallways before the Head Doctor even made his announcement. It seemed that they'd all been roused early today by Nurse Lydia - but for ( Read more... )

chuck, sechs, aerith, intercom, peeta, sanosuke, watson, badd, claire stanfield, ruby, the master, soren, katniss, holmes

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F32 thatdemonbitch November 21 2010, 20:04:40 UTC
Nothing on any plane of existence, Hell included, would ever be quite as simultaneously boring and nerve-wracking as sitting useless in a bar because you'd gotten the shaft on hanging around just about the only person who'd give you the time of day. Sadly, in the past few weeks, Ruby had gotten used to it. Which was all kinds of humiliating, but, well. Sam would find his way back to her like he always did, it was just a matter of time. What she hadn't been expecting was for the demon she was grilling for info on the goings on downstairs to turn out to be stronger than she'd expected. Sure, she'd gotten news on the fact that all of Hell was on express orders to track down this Milton girl, but it also meant getting pinned to the wall by the super strength and knowing she wasn't gonna have her antichrist pal running in to blast the bastard off of her with more of that psychic mojo.


So, instead of counting on Sam to come pull her out of worst case scenario like she'd gotten so used to doing, she got to fight tooth and nail to try and get him off of her. In fact, she fought to the very last minute, but suddenly, everything went a dizzying black that started with a fuzziness at the edge of her vision and swam across it, sucking her down into what she could only assume to be unconsciousness. Weird, considering demons didn't really do the unconscious thing so well -- let alone often.

But as soon as it had happened, it was over, and Ruby didn't have much time to brood on it.

She heaved a gasp and sat up straight in what appeared to be a plain, metal hospital bed. Minus, y'know. The freaking hospital. Granted, Ruby had never been a fan of the establishments -- too clean, too sanitized, waaaaay too many people starin' at your guts -- but she woulda taken it over the shut door and the empty bed beside her. Talk about one ominous prison. She'd never been thrown in jail -- always smoked out before she could get that far -- but this was a pretty fitting image of what it looked like. Her breath slowed to a regular pace as she slowly took in her surroundings, then wormed her hands up over the body she was wearing. The hands looked familiar, and when she tugged some of her hair in front of her face and she recognized the brown curls, she knew it had to be that same dumb coma patient she'd hopped when she made it out of her punishment round with Lilith.

The most surprising part, though, was that there was a pressure -- a tightness in her core -- and the realization set in slowly and horrifically. It was the same awkward pressure demons felt in devil's traps that stopped them from smoking out, the same pressure she'd felt when it got too crowded in that hot blonde sorority chick when Lilith tried to crash the party. Something in this possession wasn't matching up right. It took one helluva demon to put a spell on one so bad she couldn't smoke out of her body, but judging by the crushing feeling weighing down on Ruby's soul, it was a pretty fucking safe bet that was exactly what was going on. Before she could better assess the situation to appreciate the gravity of how fucked she was and how fucking priceless that sadistic little smiley on her shirt was, there were nurses in the room calling her Kristen and telling her it was breakfast time.


F32 thatdemonbitch November 21 2010, 20:05:35 UTC
"Well, with a warm welcome like this, you guys better have some goddamn french fries on the menu," she sneered. As if with the express purpose of answering her question, the intercom rattled to life, announcing that there were waffles waiting for them in the cafeteria -- which surprisingly sounded pretty good. When she stood to investigate further, the nurse tried to take her arm and guide her from the room, Ruby jerked it back. "You touch me again, and I'll rip your guts right outta that pretty little throat of yours, and wear them for garters when I walk my ass outta here." A look of surprise, then alarm washed over the nurse's face as she began to pull away and, for an instant, Ruby felt triumphant. Triumphant enough to add a snide, "that's what I thought." But the nurse wasn't pulling away to leave. Two larger male nurses entered the room and Ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes. Back-up.

"You gotta be kidding me," she groaned. For now, it appeared they were just a threat -- a warning of what was going to happen if she didn't choose the willing route. Her arms crossed over her chest apprehensively and she flicked her gaze between them, hesitating for a long moment before her jaw set with annoyance. She wasn't gonna get any answers by getting detained and pumped full of drugs, and considering she'd just come back from getting her ass kicked, she wanted answers a whole lot more than she wanted to go around with these boys. So, rather than fighting, she decided to do things the easy way and just sneered. "You know what? On second thought, breakfast sounds great." Fan-freaking-tastic. This time, the nurse didn't touch her, and instead just dismissed the two orderlies who she'd brought in and held the door of the room open for Ruby so she could lead her down the hall. Walking slowly out of the room, she glanced back at it as soon as she was out in the hallway and took note of the number -- F32. Didn't tell her much more than the fact that they were separated by gender in this quaint little funhouse.


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