(no subject)

May 06, 2006 22:47

Ok, well I was just asked by 
razycrandomgirl why I think the Zoe/Jayne (or Zayne as I call it and I hope others do to) works so well. I feel that my answer to her was insufficent so here I am writing why I think they work.

Well, I've never been asked this question before. So it took some time for me to full articulate my thoughts.  And I figured that I should explain my thoughts on both Zoe and Jayne first.

So we'll start with Jayne.  Jayne Cobb, at first glance, seems like your typical gun hand.  He likes guns, money and women.  But he's so much more than that.  My first clue was in "Serenity" (the pilot).  Yes, he isn't the nicest person at the dinner table, teasing Kaylee the way he did.  But that's how Jayne shows his affection.  He's very protective of his family.  In this cap, you see that Jayne is waiting and watching to see if Kaylee is gonna be okay.

He isn't always thinking on money.  In "Jaynestown," he actually says to Mal, "I dunno. I mean, do you think we should be usin' my fame to hoodwink folks?"  He isn't one to trick or decieve innocent people, not when they can get hurt.  At least, that's what I think.

And then there is "Out of Gas."  This episode, in my opinion is the one that sparked my Zayne love.  First off, if Jayne was just about moeny, women and guns, he wouldn't have been so concerned when Zoe got hurt.  He's the first one at her side and he's very gentle when carrying her to the infirmary with Mal and Wash.  And then he stays while Simon is working on her.

He's just watching, standing out of the way, but very concerned.

He's looking migthy freaked out here, unable to really do anything but watch and wait, much like Inara in this scene.

In the movie, in my opinon, the reason he wants to turn River in is to protect the crew from the operative and her ablities.  When he finds out what she was dealing with, he knows they have to do the right thing, even if it is dangerous.

When they lost the Shepherd, Jayne lost the one person who always talked to him.  They used to work out together.  They spoke about religious matters, although sometimes Jayne was his usual crude self.  He's a good guy.

And now on to Zoe. She's a firecracker.  Always has been.  You see this in the falshbacks to the war, when she's shooting her gun, covering Mal.  When she's slitting that guy's throat in "The Message."

But it is already established that she has a caring side, a loving side, the side that Wash was privy to.

Her relationship with Jayne during the series is one of friendly banter.  She teases him, same as he teases her.  She knows his value to the family that is the crew of Serenity and she knows they wouldn't be the same without him.  Even if his sense of humor isn't the most civilized.

In the movie, Zoe seems to regard Jayne with a sense of honestly.  He wants her to be in the here and now when fighting the Reavers and she's being honest when she asks him if he thinks that any of them are going to make it out of there.

When they are trapped, neither of them are hiding their fear.  They both know that this is probably the end for them.

After the movie, Zoe is broken.  Jayne would be the one most likely to not pussy-foot around her.  True, he's hurting too.  Wash and Book were family to him too. He's the one most likely to bring Zoe out of the shell she would retreat into after losing Wash.

Zoe and Jayne are similar.  They are both warriors.  They are both very protective of their family.  They both have big hearts hidden behind stony exteriors.  Zoe and Jayne can help each other through the pain of the lose of their loved ones.  It's complex and a beautiful thing to explore.  I love working on showing Jayne's gentle side and how he helps her live again.  It's a wonderful thing.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I believe Zoe and Jayne work well together as a Post-BDM pairing. :D

The first two caps are from still-flying.net

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