(no subject)

Apr 28, 2006 02:35

Title: More
damn_hero_zoe with the help of
vigotmanpartsv, even though it was really for her.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 601
Pairing: Danny/Mel
Spoilers: Takes place during “Point of Origin”
Disclaimer: No, I don’t own them. Wish to God I did. Damn Fox… *grumble grumble* Feedback is crack, please feed the addiction.   Also, this is my first Inside drabble, so let me know how I did. :)

“Barbara Salt. Thank god this one is a bounced credit card. The bounced checks are so depressing.” Mel was unbuckling as Danny’s cell went off. She prepped to check in on the old lady while Danny spoke.

“Yeah… Yeah, thanks. I’ll review ‘em and call ya back.” He hung up and looked at his partner. “Carter emailed this morning’s crowd photos.” He put his phone back in his pocket and started to get ready.

“I got this one if you wanna go ahead.” She looked over at the apartment building as she checked her weapon in it’s hustler.

“Nah, I’ll check ‘em after.” He wasn’t willing to let her out of his sight. One of these days he was just gonna have to tell her how he felt.

“We’re not even through the first page, Danny. So while I admit that Barbara Salt, a seventy-two year old widow with a home-based sandwich delivery service and a pension for high-end electronics, sounds like a criminal mastermind, I think I can take her.” She gave him an amused look and got out of the car. He only smirked in response. That was his Mel. Gotta stop thinking of her like that.

He watched her walk across the street, fiery hair bouncing as she strode across the pavement. God, she looked good. He reluctantly went back to scanning the crowd photos. He wasn’t seeing anything and he was beginning to get frustrated. ‘Stop thinking about her, Danny, she’s fine. She can handle herself.’

His cell rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Yeah, this is Danny.”

“Danny, it’s Rebecca, I was just talking to Mel and…. Something happened.” The look on his face was one of ‘Oh, shit’ panic.

“I’m on it.” He snapped the phone closed and bolted toward the building. ‘Knew I shoulda gone with her.’ He bounded up the stairs. “Mel?”

She was clutching her head and crouching by the railing. His hands were gentle on her arms, supporting her. He didn’t chase after the suspect. He couldn’t leave Mel. He sat her down, leaning against the door to the apartment. She got hit in the back of the head pretty hard.

Mel was surprised at how gentle Danny’s fingers were when he looked at where she had gotten hurt. “You alright?” His eyes were concerned.

“Be okay.” Her face was scrunched up in pain. ‘God, that hurts.’

He looked at her face and called it in. The dispatch and Paul and Rebecca were on their way, hopefully with a search warrant. He hung up and looked back at Mel. She looked like crap.

“Thought you could handle it. What happened?” He was looking worried.

“Well, it wasn’t a seventy-two year old widow. It was her son with a bag full of tools and fire food.” She glared at him, still holding her head.

He rolled his eyes, grimacing at her hard glare. "Thought you could handle it?" he asked again through clenched teeth, regretting how harsh he sounded.

“Danny, I was on the phone with Rebecca. And I didn’t know he was her son.” She leaned back against the door.

He knew she was caught off-guard. He rubbed her arms gently. He just worried about her. Aww, hell, it was about time she knew she meant more to him than just a partner.

“Danny, I--” She looked back up at him, about to apologize for letting him get away when he cut her off by grabbing her face and kissing her. She was so surprised, she didn’t know what to do or say.

He pulled back as they heard the sirens in the distance. “Just glad you’re okay, Mel. Had me worried there.” Her mouth hung open as he looked down at Rebecca and Paul running towards them, giving her no time to process what had just happened.

danny/mel, fic, the inside

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