True, it's a club night , but
pat_man_ta wants us to THINK. How prepared are we, really? I know that some of you have bug out bags near your back door and others have fire routes mapped out of your houses. Some of you are skilled hunters and fishermen, while the rest of us have never shot a gun or used a bow and arrows. Remember last year when we didn't have water for three days? (Well, we were told not to drink the water, but we could shower and the toilets were still functioning, not exactly the same thing.)
I've often joked about how useless I am, but in my secret past life, I did attend quite a few weeks at Girl Scout camp and I grew up on lakefront property in Southern NH. If hard pressed, I can still bait a hook and catch fish and build a simple A-frame campfire. Maybe not the best skills for the zombie apocolyspe (or if radiation made fishing not a great option), but it's something. And if we were snowed in for a really long time, we tend to have enough food for three months in the apartment that doesn't require cooking. I joked with my roommates that if we had the snowpocolypse like that stupid Jake Gyllenhal movie, we could take all of our foutons to insullate our window and my entire wardrobe would keep us from freezing to death!
Friday night, the earthquakes in Japan were in the back of people's minds. From DepecheMike's Japanese flag pin, to Patrick's club decorations that detailed escape routes out of Boston, (and if we ever get a huge earthquake in Boston while I'm at work, the Back Bay was built on landfull and we're all dead meat) to the survival kits given to the creatively dressed; the emphasis was on getting out and staying alive.
Once again, we went to capacity. During guest DJ Zid's set, I wandered around and took photos of people's outfits. This time around, there was a lot less of the Resident Evil/Fallout/Bioshock look and a lot more Mad Max going on. Also, less zombies. The first Apocolypse in 2009 people interpreted the theme as the Zombie Apocolypse which I'm sure made
winters_chill happy that there were less zombies to deal with. More trendies wandered into T.T.'s which was a little weird, but they were only annoying when they were texting on stage. Many people got the Virginia Hey reference, but others were quoting Tina Turner lyrics at me. (Aunty Entity is Mad Max 3 not 2!) Two kids chatted me up, but one wasn't very serious and it was a case of his friends trying to harrass the freak. (Him: do you like my shirt? Me: yeah, it's cool. Him: Can I have your phone number? Me: NO! Which resorted to him scooting back to his friends who gave him a hard time.) The night ended way too soon and I had to wake up at 8:30 in the morning to work a midshift at Aldo.