A new year. Hopefully a better year.

Jan 05, 2021 21:25

So it's been a heck of a year. Covid crazyness shutting down my entire industry. Still unemployed, collecting unemployment. Taking care of elderly mom. Nobody in my family or close friends died from the covid, nor even hospitalized.
Summer of hate in the political election. Riots, corruption, many people taking violence into their own hands to strike out against the folks on the other side, and violence begets violence in return. I rather despise both of the main party candidates, and the huge number of red flags of corruption of the vote is very worrisome, and the refusal of the various states to even start investigations makes me think that there is real corruption behind the conspiracy theories of vote tampering in the half dozen states concerned.
I've basically stayed hunkered down at home. Becoming a couch potato to a great extent. My main concern is mom getting infected. She doesn't get the flu vaccine normally, and I'm worried about her getting infected. She is 89, so it wouldn't take much to carry her off. So staying home, shopping trips every couple days for essentials is pretty much it. Had a big chunk of tooth break off just before thanksgiving. Wasn't able to get to the dentist until a couple days ago to fix it. Very inconvenient.
We had a couple of one foot plus snowstorms already, and I'm now convinced the electric snowthrower I bought last year is inadequate for heavy snows. So I'm now shopping around for a new gas snowblower, one with enough horsepower to handle heavy wet snow, especially the berm the snowplow leaves across the end of the driveway. The eventual plan is to convert it to run on propane, because most of the hassles of snowblower operation are related to the gasoline fuel, it leaves a lot of gunk in the oil, and it goes stale sitting in the tank after only a couple weeks. Propane is way cleaner burning, and stores indefinitely in a tank.
Waiting for the economic stimulus to hit the bank account and then gonna order the snowblower.
Hopefully the vaccines for covid will make it to general public level soon, so we all can get it and end all the quarantine crap that has the entertainment industry nailed to the ground. And then, hopefully my job will call me back. *Crossing fingers* I hope everyone is doing if not well, not too badly. Best wishes for a new year.

covid, snowblower

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