Early On

Jun 18, 2011 10:58

Title : Early On
Author : dalehead
Pairing : Viggo/Orlando
Rating : R
Summary: Viggo and Orlando get together.
A/N: This is for the lovely Zee because she is a Viggorli girl

When Stuart Townsend left the movie suddenly and without warning, no one missed him more than Orlando. As one of the most inexperienced actors in the cast, he didn’t express his feelings to anyone of course. He was sure to smile and bounce and be as thoroughly extrovert as anyone could wish for.

Then Viggo Mortensen arrived.

Half the cast immediately fell in love with him. He was everything Stuart wasn’t. He gave the impression of one who had walked in the shadows of the day, one who was older than he first appeared and had far more experience than the rest of them put together.

Ian, of course, was immune to his charms. “He’s far too old for me, darling.” He made his own coterie chuckle with some of his more satirical asides; he made everyone laugh with his penchant for corpsing.

Peter had a quiet word with their wizard and Ian came out of it with an impish grin on his face. He claimed not to be able to sit down for the next two days. Peter ignored him and being thoroughly professional at heart, Ian let it drop.

“Mind if I sit down?” Viggo smiled and Orlando looked at him for a moment then shrugged.

“Course not.” He didn’t know why Viggo wanted to sit next to him, he looked a moment longer then turned his attention back to his pasta. Moments later Sean and Elijah turned up and engaged him in conversation. He noticed Viggo seemed to be listening though he didn’t join in.

“Weekend off soon.” Elijah grinned. “I’m going home, what about you?”

“Off to sort out the next bit of my divorce.” Sean grimaced.

“Sleeping.” Orlando sighed happily. “I am going to surf, swim, do anything I like and then I’m going to sleep late.”

“Sounds good.” Viggo finally spoke. There was a little smile dancing on his lips. “I’m going to walk some of this beautiful countryside, you could come with me if you like.”

“Um...” Orlando played for time. Why on earth would someone like Viggo want to spend time with someone like him? And besides. He still missed Stuart, though he knew it wasn’t Viggo’s fault that Stuart had been sacked. Or let go as the euphemism went.

“We could make camp; count the stars. I’ve never seen as many stars as there are here. A man could grow old and never tire of looking at them...” He spoke with quiet passion and something else that made Orlando’s stomach turn over. He seemed unable to speak, staring at Viggo, trying to fathom the expression in his eyes.

“No.” He spoke coolly, politely. “Thank you very much but I’ve got a new board and …” he trailed off. “No thank you...”

“Maybe another time,” and although he spoke easily, Orlando could have sworn he saw something, a flash of something new in Viggo’s expression. But then Lij begun to tell them something that happened earlier and again, the moment passed.


The first evening of his free weekend did not go as Orlando hoped. He got home to find there was no water. He tried every tap in the house and nothing. Nada. On a normal day, he’d have driven over to Dominic’s, taken a shower there. But Dominic was elsewhere as was everyone else.

“Bollocks.” He needed to pee, he needed a shower, he wanted to relax. “Bollocks.” In the kitchen, there was noticeboard with a whole range of emergency numbers. He called the first plumber he could find.

It turned out he was calling an electrician. He apologised profusely, it was late, the guy wasn’t pleased to be disturbed although he was slightly mollified when Orlando explained he was dyslexic. By the time the call was done, Orlando couldn’t face phoning anyone else. He was just contemplating peeing in the garden when there was a knock at the door.

“Hey...” It was Viggo.

“Um hi...”

“There’s no water right?” Viggo didn’t wait for a reply. “Some problem at the sewage works, do you want to come over to mine? Get showered...” he petered out.

“Um …” Orlando looked down for a moment. “Yes please.” There was no point being childish, he really needed to piss and he was tired. “That’d be great.”

“And I can’t persuade you to come camping with me?”

“Um …” Why did every sentence begin with um? “Yeah, I guess...” What the fuck? He couldn’t believe he’d just said yes. He hated camping. It was always cold, there was never anywhere to put anything, he hated it. Hideous. Vile.

“Really? Man, that’s great.” Orlando felt rewarded by the smile that quite transformed Viggo’s face. He looked younger, even more handsome.

Grabbing a few things, Orlando got gingerly into Viggo’s car. He didn’t chat much on the way over, he was too busy gnawing his thumb and wondering why he hadn’t refused this offer. When they pulled up, got out of the car, Orlando almost ran to the bathroom. As he washed his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror.

Don’t make an arse of yourself. He silently reminded himself. He still couldn’t quite work out why Viggo wanted him here in the first place but to each his own. He took a deep breath and headed out of the bathroom to where Viggo was packing.

“You need a towel?” Viggo stopped. “There’s one in the airing cupboard.”

“You know what an airing cu...” He broke off.

“I’ve spent a lot of time in Europe,” Viggo grinned and Orlando fled, blushing to the roots of his dark hair, what there was of it.

By the time he’d finished, he felt much better. He noticed a funny expression on Viggo’s face when he came back, in boxers and a tee shirt. “I need my clean jeans...” He caught Viggo’s eye.
“What? What did I say?”

“Orlando, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

“I am not beautiful, I’m too skinny, too clumsy and besides, girls are beautiful, guys are …”

“What? What are guys?”

“Why are you laughing at me? I know you are. I see you sometimes, listening or watching the rest of us and I can see you laughing.”

“I’m not laughing Orli … I’m Aragorn, I’m a ranger who...”

“Do you know what Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman? When they were filming Marathon Man?” Orlando asked dryly. “Why don’t you try acting dear boy...”

“Touche...” Viggo grinned. “But I am a fan of The Method; it works for me.”

Orlando shrugged. He didn’t want to argue; he hated arguing.

“Want something to eat?”

“M starving.” Orlando brightened up. “M a veggie, is that okay?”

“Go raid the fridge, I ate earlier and I’ve the packing to finish.”

“Cool...” Orlando took him at his word and when Viggo came back to the kitchen, he saw the boy tucking into the biggest sandwich he’d ever seen.

“What are you staring at? Have I got mustard on my nose? Thank God you have the proper stuff and not that American crap Lij puts on everything...” Then Orlando realised what he’d said and stopped, stuttered then blushed. Shit.

For a moment there was silence while Viggo appeared transfixed. Orlando wasn’t sure what to make of it. It the idea wasn’t preposterous he might have thought Viggo … well … fancied him.

“I prefer French,” the moment passed and Viggo returned to packing up, turning his back so Orlando couldn’t fathom what was going on.

By the time the sandwich was disposed of, the bags were packed and Orlando was beginning to calm down, find his feet. Viggo was planning to drive them to a beauty spot, park the car so they could walk to their camping place then return to the car the next day. What Orlando hadn’t understood was Viggo’s plan to walk through the night.

“Hang on, you mean walk in the dark?”

Viggo smiled. “Yes. The scents of the night, a starlit sky … I want to share it with you?”

“Why?” Orlando realised he’d said the word out loud. “Sorry … but Vig? We won’t be able to see. How will we see?”

“It’s a full moon tonight, Orli, we’ll be able to see just fine.”

“Oh...” Orlando realised Viggo was calling him ‘Orli’ and come to that, he’d just used Viggo’s short, something he’d only heard Sean call him. This trip, already weird, was getting weirder.
“Great...” He muttered.

Viggo smiled but said no more. The drive was again mostly silent but it wasn’t an awkward silence, both men were relaxed, Orlando gazing out of the window, watching the last of the light fading. The thought occurred to him that maybe … but surely not … He couldn’t? Could he? Could he really? Nope, that was just stupid. Why would he?

“Are you okay?” Viggo glanced at him. “You’re very quiet.”

“Um … Sure … Yeah...” Orlando reverted to monosyllabic grunts as the car came to a halt. He thought Viggo was going to say something else but he smiled, got out the car and begun to unpack the rucksacks. A moment later Orlando was there too. He took his bag and swung it onto his shoulders.

“Will the car be okay?” He watched Viggo locking up.

“Yeah, perfectly safe, we’re not in LA.”

“Nor Canterbury,” Orlando retorted.


Still grinning, Viggo led the way along a broad path that led to where they were headed. Orlando followed. They walked at a good pace, not too fast so as one couldn’t enjoy the almost ethereal light that bathed them as the moon rose, but enough to get the blood flowing and the heart beating.

“So what do you think?” Viggo asked, stopping to look back the way they’d come.

“S’good, it feels like Middle Earth doesn’t it? I like it.”

Viggo’s face lit up. “It is, you’re right …” His face faltered. “For a moment back there, I wasn’t sure you really wanted to be here. But it’s worth it, it really is.”

“Why did you ask me?” Orlando blurted it out, he was dying to know. “I mean, why not ask Beanie or Hugh, you’re always chatting to them.”

“I know, they’re my friends but I’m interested in you...”

“Me? What on earth are you... oh … I see … I mean … you mean you fancy me?” There. He’d actually got the words out and realised how bloody infantile he sounded. Fancy me?.

“You’re very young Orli, but yes, I do fancy you if that’s what you call it, I was going to ask you out for dinner but you’re always surrounded by hobbits and they told me you were Stuart Townsend’s boyfriend.”


“His lover?”

“Are you smoking crack? Me and Stu were, well we still are mates. We talked about football and stuff, I like him, but …” Then it dawned on Orlando. Actually he had fancied Stu something rotten but hadn’t had enough time to do anything about it. “We were gonna go out to the movies but he got the sack before we got around to it.”

“He wasn’t sacked.” Viggo corrected him gently. “He wasn’t right for the role.”

“Pity it took them so long to realise.” Orlando’s face closed up. “Shall we go on, I’m knackered.”

Viggo seemed to shrink from him, but maybe Orlando imagined it. He was relieved when they got going again. It was dark now but not as dark as he’d imagined it. Orlando was surprised at how much light there was at times, not just from the moon but from the stars too. He walked along, finding the silence he’d expected was not as bad as he’d imagined. There were noises. The sound of nature, the sound of nocturnal life waking up and beginning its day.

If Viggo was surprised at how well Orlando was taking to night walking, he didn’t show it.

“You want to stop for a breather?”

The words took Orlando by surprise.”What time is it?”

“It’s getting late, we’ve been walking for a while now...” Viggo consulted his map by the bright light of the moon. “In fact, we’re nearly at the spot I’d picked to camp.”

“Oh … well let’s keep going till we reach it. If I stop … well I’ll never get started again.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, back’s a bit sore but that’s nothing to do with the walking, more the last couple of days.”

“Oh … okay...” Viggo begun to walk again, Orlando just behind him, his shadow.

In fact it was further than Viggo had calculated so it was the early hours of the morning before he begun to pitch the tent. Orlando wasn’t much help; he was drooping with weariness.

“M fucking freezing...”

The tent was up, a small fire had been lit and they were drinking hot chocolate.

“Have you got plenty of warm clothes?”

“Probably not,” Orlando looked over at Viggo. The firelight lent an unearthly air to him and Orlando wondered if they were going to fuck tonight. “I imagine you’ll keep me warm though, won’t you?”

“Only if that’s what you want.”

Orlando put his cup down. “Okay well...” He moved moved closer. “If you want us to have sex then I’m not bottoming.” He hoped Viggo wasn’t a sloppy kisser, he hated feeling like he’d had a bath when he emerged from a kiss.

“Who said we were going to have sex?” Viggo sounded amused. “I brought you here to get to know you better, if I’d wanted to fuck...”

“Viggo, I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but if …” He broke off, shrugged. “Fine, that’s fine, we don’t have to have sex, I thought you wanted to but m not gonna force myself on you.”

There was a short pause then Viggo laughed. “I thought you were shy, a bit unsure of yourself...”

“Shy? Me? Are you off your chump? I am most certainly not shy, I just take a bit of getting to know.”

“Then I beg your pardon...” Still laughing, Viggo put his arm around Orlando, scooted closer than leaned in to kiss him.


Orlando realised that far from being a sloppy kisser, Viggo was the very best kisser ever. He sort of annihilated Orlando, turned him to putty until a spark deep inside him ignited and they turned a corner. It was Orlando who took the kiss over, his hands coming up to cup Viggo’s face, pushing the older, stronger man down.

When they broke for air there was another pause. Then both men were tearing their clothes off, despite the cold nip in the air.

It was Orlando who brought out lube and condoms, it was Orlando who rolled latex over his cock and it was Orlando who put Viggo on his hands and knees, kissing the length of his spine, up and down then up again. It was Orlando whose cock nudged Viggo’s hole, then slowly, gently breached the tight ring of muscle, pushed deeper until he was fully seated.

It was Viggo who groaned, letting himself be guided, letting Orlando set the pace, which was fast and furious, his hand wrapped around Viggo’s cock.

Of course it wasn’t perfect, first times seldom are but when Orlando carefully disposed of the spent condom, taking Viggo in his arms and holding him close, he decided it wasn’t half bad...



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