Better day! A short story accepted!

Jan 31, 2013 17:27

Well damn if trying to be a professional writer isn't one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. After two rejections from agents yesterday (yes, two, the second for the same reason as the first, "we like it but it's not for us"), today I was informed that a short story of mine has been accepted for a print anthology!

I've had one short story published online, but this will be my first appearance in a print anthology! (This doesn't include The Science of Deduction Sherlock fanfic anthology that came out last year, as I published that under my screen name and am keeping separate from my RL writing.)

It's a small press and there's no payment, but my name will be in print! I'm afraid to tell my RL friends in case the editor made a mistake and doesn't want to publish it after all, even though he did send the contract with my name on it. Now I need to write a short bio and find a decent photograph to send in. Decent photograph...oh dear...


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