One week...not panicking...

Feb 04, 2013 18:32

I leave the UK on Saturday afternoon. I spent most of today packing my things. (Earlier conversation with self...Let's get started, it's 10am!...I don't feel like I've done that much-holy crap! How the hell is it 3 o'clock?)

It feels like every time I have the packing under control, I find more stuff. What is this stuff? Where did it come from? How will I make it fit?? (I blame culf, who I believe is still in denial about me leaving...) My mom took back one suitcase full of my stuff, most of her own suitcase filled my stuff and her carry-ons mostly filled with my stuff. I have four suitcases, a carry-on and my laptop bag and I'm still trying to figure out how to fit it all in.

Emotionally, I'd say I'm doing okay. I had an awesome day with mountland yesterday which encouraged my belief that I will be back some day at some point in the not too distant future. I have my family and Harry to look forward to at home, and my NYC friends to catch up with. Job wise, I'm hoping I'll get enough tutoring work to cover my expenses while I write. Yeah, I'll be living with my parents but that's mostly to help take care of my dad and give my mom a break. In return, I won't have to pay rent or buy food. Still, it'll be nice when I have some consistent work.

Trying to keep moving forward with the writing. Today, I sent the novel to a UK sci-fi, fantasy, and horror imprint that has decided to open up for unsolicited submissions for the first time. Best thing is, I won't get a rejection email! They can't respond to unsuccessful queries, so if I don't hear from them in 12 weeks, I can just assume I've been rejected without having to hear them say it. Also, the publisher who's doing the anthology invited me to participate in a short story prompt-based shoot-out contest, so I'm going to do it. If anything, it will push me to do more short stories.

Needed to take a break on the draft of the new novel. I was writing so much that I wasn't giving my brain time enough to develop the story and was writing myself into corners all over the place. Have gone back to a horror short story I'm trying to edit into something publishable.

Alright, think I've taken a long enough packing enough. Time to delve back into the fray and figure out where to put the last of this stuff...

how's that novel coming?, london calling, writing

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