Ah, the sweet smell of rejection

Jan 30, 2013 14:52

So, got my official rejection email from the UK agent today. Disappointed though not really surprised. Who gets an agent on their first try? I'm sure someone has, but it's not the norm. The only reason she gave was basically that it wasn't her type but she said some positive things. It is commercial fiction, which is what she represents, but I'm thinking it dipped too much into horror for her. I replied and thanked her for reading it and that I appreciated she took the time to do so.

The full MS is being read by a few agents in the US right now, so I still have that to hope for. In the meantime just going to keep working on the new novel. Just broke 20,000 words on the first draft today, so about 75K to go before I'll have the complete draft. Wrote over 2k the last three days in a row. Amazing what you can accomplish when you don't have a job to go to!

how's that novel coming?

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