Mar 22, 2013 11:35
2 interviews, 2 rejections. This time I got to reference checks at least. I'm both sad and angry because what cost me this job was a slow reference. They wanted 2 employment references and my best one (the clinic where I worked for 10 years) never got the survey in. I was texting her frequently, to see if she got it, she said her e mail was down, but here it is 3-4 days later and she never did it. All my other references completed the survey pretty quickly. This manager told me a while ago that if I needed a reference to "holla". Well I holla'd, and she didn't come through.
I have another interview in a week and a bit for another ER job. Lesson learned, I will have the ARNP I worked for be my reference if I get that far this time. It's a group interview, and I'm competing with a large group of applicants, so I really don't know what my chances are for this one. I was so sure I could get this job... I knew that I nailed the interview, so waking up to a rejection e mail just really deflated me. The only reason I didn't ask the ARNP this time was because the last time I needed her, it was for this same company and she had all sorts of technical trouble getting her reference submitted, and it took forever and a ton of back and forth e mails, so I thought that having my manager do it would be faster and easier. HAHAHAHAHA! Lesson learned to my detriment. :(
I'm starting to worry now, as the months pass by and I'm still unemployed, especially now with a car payment and ALL of my loans will start accruing interest and coming due soon. I'm so tired of doing this dance. I'm so tired of the tired of essentially begging for a job. If I don't get this next job, I am back to having zero prospects and having to apply again, and time continues to tick by.